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Everything posted by Marko.

  1. ^[] Date: 12/07/2022 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: Marko Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): Jad3oun Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  2. They simply gonna say no to any possible new suggestion that might ruin their BR/JB strategy, right now they divide each other if not the whole gang staying outside to snipe the vending area while the crackers inside are being defended by other gangs.. or in JBs, 20% fighting each other inside the jail and 80% are just camping outside right in front of the vending machine either on the ground or on building right in front of it just to have advantage on cops. The top priority for them: don't let cops get speed and rush inside. Other cringe dudes at TR BRs be blocking roads with 20 roadtrains for the same sole reason. And I really don't understand how you actually think coffee from the vending machines is the same as speed from drug dealers, IT'S SO DAMN LOW compared to it, and idc about the actual percentage difference between 1.25 and 1.5.. it just feels so damn different. The turf part mubeen talking about still doesn't make sense as well, you already have a vending machine in base, you literally can do /sell whenever u want and as far as I know, you can sell weapons and drugs right? = you can /sell and have speed or you can use the vending machine if the suggestion is implemented.. both are already giving no one in gangs a higher peak than others.. and if ur gang can't sell I am pretty damn sure there is a drug dealer always present in turfs helping the gang No Dinaz, we don't have the same advantage you have and never will. Squads always been barking about the drug advantage and if you scroll in the last 2 forums you will come up with 20 topics suggesting changes about it that's why vending became a thing. When the server is 20% cops vs 80% crims and about 6 crims are with 1.5 speed defending the 1-speed cops trying to reach for 1.25 speed and still can't make it while there is a BR going on that ends in less than 3mins. Then it's not fair or close to fair.
  3. You mean like that one in M - Contacts - Send money?
  4. ^[] Date: 13/06/2022 Event Type: AirBox LWS Host: Marko Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Rondaw Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  5. ^[] Date: 13/06/2022 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: Marko Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): nCov Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  6. @General said in Police Team Balance Changes!: @Kain What about PC members getting stars? can we make them not get stars while spawned as a non-PC cop? Or should Sheriff be kept for PC, deputy sheriff for public spawn, and sergeant for SAPD? I think it's a simpler, and good idea if we, PC members don't get stars in these spawns. Your suggestion is implying ranks that can make PC sound like a squad or similar to SAI. What would be better is a feature like you saying for PC not getting wanted even when spawned as Marine or any public / non-PC spawn In other words, you get wanted as Police Marine if you are not PC but if you are PC and spawned as Police Marine then you don't get wanted on killing by mistake or sth.
  7. [s=]@nulgath said in Police Team Balance Changes!: :crank:[/s] Was about to suggest it, radio must be locked to PC/Squads only or it's gonna be a mess. Weapons aswell can be stored in disks so it might be abused. And setting speedtraps, barriers and stingers should be either locked to specific spawn or just PC .. prefer if just PC imo. and ye PC can get wanted if spawned as non-PC spawn. Thank you.
  8. Your ingame username: blackflage Your ingame alias: Marko Your year of birth: September 4, 1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Egyptian Country of residence: Egypt How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing SAES since January 2014, couple of inactive periods in-between, but I always end up logging in again. Qualities you can offer: Nothing out of the ordinary, but for sure I am always willing to learn and experience new fields, and for that reason I can call myself a quick learner. Being a quick learner made me gain that weird habit of always trying to prove myself within a group of people, and that if I received a specific task, not just try to do it as clean and fast as possible but I try to put effort into making it slightly better, and when I feel lost, I don't hesitate in asking for directions. Beside that, I can offer activity ingame, on forums and on discord since my job right now is freelancing, receiving and sending mails and supervising office work from home that makes me on PC most of the time, which means mta/discord are always on. Your weaknesses: I laugh during funerals, well.. Not literally, what I mean is taking life easy can be counted as a weakness, even if it's a game. I just enjoy my time and search for anything to stop me from overthinking or to help me in killing free time. I might overdo it, and that can trigger people that are strict with rules and traditions, but honesty to be said; I don't follow some rules, but I know when to place a limit. And my English can be cringe sometimes, but understandable, I hope. Do you have Discord installed: Yes. you can find me 24/7 online Abdrabbo#6192. Reason for application: The main reason, if not the only one is to have more privilege in providing help, easability in showing directions, guiding new people and enforcing the rules all the time that I can cover per day and especially at nights where a few staff/admins can be found. I've been playing for quite a decent amount of time to finally feel ready to apply for such a position. Doesn't really matter if I get accepted or not, will always try to help anyway, and anyhow I can since I honestly just enjoy the community and SAES idea in general, met some people that I am sure if not for SAES, I would have never met and for that I am thankful. So if being a Staff member or SAHA is going to help if at least a 1%, count me in. Server Memberships: FBI Special Agent DE Army Special Forces - Lt LWS Trusted member ZIP Worker PC Former HQ/L of SAM/SAFD/ALT/SAI Additional information: I experienced being an admin on a different server years ago, was way more different than SAES but still managed to learn a thing or two on how it goes. Experienced how to lead people either on SAES or irl through different categories, so it can come in handy. For now, I am learning the basics of Lua and have been asking JohnnyEnglish for some tips from time to time, maybe sometime soon I can start helping and being more useful since it's not that different from other coding languages I've been working with. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have a hell of a long list of punishments and 85% of them are admin trolls. AJs and mutes for sure, either for DMing or being stupid in the chat, speaking arabic or saying something about Russia while Durby is online, can't really remember the reasons. but I am sure I deserved them. Previous (legitimate) bans: I believe the only legitimate ban was once around 2014 when I just started, got banned for scamming by Teddy & Royal. Had my appeal accepted and been covering my tracks ever since. (Jk, I am a good boy)
  9. If this actually became a thing, then please don't get offended from what DE or CLO gonna be doing to any random flying hydra around... We usually just fly hydras around to stunt and waste time, so ye i like the suggestion.. give us sth to shoot while flying around.
  10. @M7mDGr7 said in Allow the purchase of speed / coffee under their own influence.: @Marko thing is if someone is jailed by the nightstick having a drug while a jb is happening, so he goes to jailbreak but he can't buy drugs again because of the time and he will surely take more than this (35 secs) to reach the entrance of the jail ps: I'm not sure if it's 3 mins or less Then the suggestion should be: removal of any drug effect once jailed "placed in cell", So he can re-buy from any drug dealer near red gate. And in that case I would be voting a huge No. Kill arrest in JB = a loop of resetting drugs = infinite buying speed = unstoppable. Meanwhile we poor ass cops on the other side fighting just to reach the vending machine being camped by 69 crim around it. If the suggestion is about a cmd to show a list of current drugs with time remaining then yes, resetting timer means total fuck up.
  11. @M7mDGr7 said in Allow the purchase of speed / coffee under their own influence.: @Marko it can also be that you can buy once again (f.e) if the 75% time of the drug u had is gone Not sure about that but i believe each drug lasts for 3mins, 75% of 3mins means after 2.25mins..Those 0.75 remaining is the issue? If it lasts for 5mins, then ye buying at 75% would make sense but it's not that long to enable purchasing in such short period (hope the maths is right, can't count for shit apparently)
  12. No to the buying more than once since it means infinite speed. Yes/Maybe to a cmd that shows u a list of the remaining time for the current drug(s) purchased.. sth like /togglepager for EMT
  13. What fair point, please don't be talking about nights if you don't see what your gang do at night.. Saying 8 FBIs neutralizing a turf? UE be roof camping and afk in turfs at night with 2 or 3.. Now you come and say cops will be doing the same at night? ye ok so what.. not to speak about Latinos after midnight turfing and doing BRs.. Point is pretty damn simple and imo it will increase not just our activity within cop side but your activity aswell of more turfing and more zones from time to time.. f.e: a toggle cmd for /warfare or /war be added to cops. Maybe for start we be neutralizing LV or SF not the whole map.. we test it out for both sides and see how it goes.. The squad neutralizing won't be actually having the turf for itself it will be neutralizing aka any squad will be there same as VIP. Once the zone is neutralized, cops get a money reward and that's all.. For arresting, I believe to be fair once /war is toggled on arresting is toggled off. means it will be a normal turf no arresting..
  14. Welcome aboard lads
  15. ^[] Event: Air box LWS: @Marko Reward: 1.000.000 Winner: @Curny Screenshots: [s=] )[/s]
  16. ^[] Event: LMS LWS: @Marko Reward: 1.000.000 Winner: @Petrow Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  17. ^[] Event: LMS LWS: @Marko Reward: 1.000.000 Winner: @Petrow Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  18. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Marko @Hex @Narcilius @blx Date: 17.4.2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  19. account name: blackflage Icon name: Burrito Hotel Room A20
  20. ^[] Activity Type: Patrol // VIP // SR FBI Members Involved: @Marko @Narcilius @Squi @Troones Date: March 31, 2022 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  21. ^[] Activity Type: Patrol & SRs FBI Members Involved: @Marko @Kruger @Weppo @nulgath @Silent @Narcilius @Samuel3021 @Squi @fandi @Troones @Yandri Date: March 31, 2022 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  22. #9th Project: New LVx - TRx Location: TR Date: March 29, 2022 Code: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tMQXJOk
  23. #8th Project: Air Restaurant Location: TR Date: March 22, 2022 Code: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0QZS3me
  24. #7th Project: Shipwreck Secret Stash Location: N/A Date: March 22, 2022 Code: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GEfpNtq
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