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Everything posted by Marko.

  1. Denied, Re-apply when I retire which is never maybe when I die.
  2. We have a full topic saying how to apply and what to use with examples and I even made it a "Copy - Paste" with codes and shit .... STILL, PEOPLE CAN'T PASTE IT? God, please have some mercy on my poor ass ^[24 hours to fix the topic with the format in THAT LINK or application will be rejected.]
  3. That's not fckin GTA:SA, that's GTA V: SA edition Beautiful !
  4. Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities
  5. Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities
  6. Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities
  7. Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities
  8. @Asgal said in Fire Academy Application - Asgal - 22/05/2019: @Asgal said in Fire Academy Application - Asgal - 22/05/2019: Nickname: Takma adm Asgal I'm confused that I've been talking to someone else when I made the application. "My nickname Asgal" correcting. You know there is an edit button, right? ::: :::
  9. Wrong format and missing date in topic subject Re-read that TOPIC again please and fix it as soon as possible plus, Join our Discord Server to be updated with everything and be tagged for activities
  10. How the fck none said anything about his Facebook name "Sergio Side" with "Sergio Ramos" as a profile pic !!!
  11. Would be so great ye especially for cough @S-W-A-T cough
  12. Someone call TEC gl tho
  13. if it comes true, please add 2 boats per each squad would be nice
  14. Under-review, keep up the hard work
  15. Under-review, keep up the hard work
  16. ^[https://discord.gg/NvEYAmZ]
  17. Lack of activity, didn't fix his topic, and copying others application as if we are retards Denied, re-apply in 3 weeks with your own application.
  18. Under-review, keep up the hard work
  19. Use spoilers / or paste the imgur album link Don't post screenshots like that, it's cancer for the forums
  20. Name: Marko Username: blackflage Rank before kick/leave: tbh I don't really remember, it was a long time ago but it was above Private as I completed my trainings, achieved HD, DD and became PC then stayed for a while before leaving to MI6. How long have you been in sapa: 3 or 4 months Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: somewhere in 2014 Reason for kick/leave: First I had the idea of staying in SAPA and achieving high ranks but I wanted to take my PC somewhere else so I decided to join MI6 and help it as it was in risk of being demoted from level 5 to level 4 What happened from your side/why did you leave?: as i said, SAPA was a squad that time, and it was kinda annoying as i wanted to join another squad to help it and at the same time, I didn't want to leave sapa. Why do you want back in? : SAPA is now a group, kinda sad but it's great that I don't have to leave my squad anymore to join it. Gained a huge amount of experience in leadership and instructing people and that's the main reason I am applying right now which is becoming an instructor and help in graduating cadets better and better with the current instructor team. What have you learned from this?: - Who do you want to apologize to?: Wes actually, wanna see him back. Why should we give you a second chance?: I guess I can be a good addition to the group, DE, SWAT, and SAI taught me a lot which made me achieve high ranks in them so I will be glad to share it with cadets to make them more and more better.
  21. @FireFox said in FireFox's Application: the other was in 2017 for streaming lesbian sensual nude yoga in SAES cinema. a7a ?
  22. Do not edit your post to blankness or you will be denied in future Congratulations
  23. That's not the right application format posted here, Re-edit it to be exactly like the sample with bold and stuff. It's a copy paste!
  24. Under-review, Keep working
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