Name: Marko Username: blackflage Rank before kick/leave: tbh I don't really remember, it was a long time ago but it was above Private as I completed my trainings, achieved HD, DD and became PC then stayed for a while before leaving to MI6. How long have you been in sapa: 3 or 4 months Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: somewhere in 2014 Reason for kick/leave: First I had the idea of staying in SAPA and achieving high ranks but I wanted to take my PC somewhere else so I decided to join MI6 and help it as it was in risk of being demoted from level 5 to level 4 What happened from your side/why did you leave?: as i said, SAPA was a squad that time, and it was kinda annoying as i wanted to join another squad to help it and at the same time, I didn't want to leave sapa. Why do you want back in? : SAPA is now a group, kinda sad but it's great that I don't have to leave my squad anymore to join it. Gained a huge amount of experience in leadership and instructing people and that's the main reason I am applying right now which is becoming an instructor and help in graduating cadets better and better with the current instructor team. What have you learned from this?: - Who do you want to apologize to?: Wes actually, wanna see him back. Why should we give you a second chance?: I guess I can be a good addition to the group, DE, SWAT, and SAI taught me a lot which made me achieve high ranks in them so I will be glad to share it with cadets to make them more and more better.