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Everything posted by PulaR

  1. Event Number : 1149 Event Type : Island LMS Prize(s) : 2,000,000$ LWS Helper(s) : Curny Winners(s) : Frank6Tomas Screenshot(s) : [s=][/s] Activty : HR Date : 25/10/2022 Screenshot(s) : [s=][/s]
  2. #Event Number : 5 #Event Type : Parkour #Location: LV near old CLO base #Date: 25/10/2022 #LWS/G6 Helper: Curny #Prize(s):500,000$ (3 winners) #Winner(s): cat,Fad,Troones #Screens:**[s=][/s]
  3. Event Number : 1148 Event Type : Parkour Prize(s) : 500k 3 winners LWS Helper(s) : Curny Winners(s) : Troons,Cat,Fad Screenshot(s) : [s=][/s]
  4. Address:22 Redbridge road Account name:kartoucha09 Last seen: 26th August 2022 Screenshots:
  5. **#Event Number : 4 #Event Type : Destruction derby #Location: FC #Date: 24/10/2022 #LWS/G6 Helper: Judyes #Prize(s):1,500,000$ #Winner(s): -1 #Screens:**[s=][/s]
  6. Event Number : 1140 Event Type : Destruction derby Prize(s) : 1.500.000 LWS Helper(s) : Judyes Winners(s) : -1 Screenshot(s) : [s=][/s]
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 50 point When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Posted 22 Aug 2021, 02:45 Why do you need this change: My vehicles removed for inactivity. Links to your donation topics: it's confirmed here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10649/pular-requesting-donator-spawn Links to your previous donation changes requests https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24056/pular-s-reward-change?_=1629589264671 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal LV Airport with icon thats for now
  8. **#Event Number : 3 #Event Type : Running Marathon #Location:BC Airport #Date: 23/10/2022 #LWS/G6 Helper: @Legend #Prize(s):1,500,000$ #Winner(s): Cessar #Screens:** [s=] [/s]
  9. Event Number : 1138 Event Type : Running Marathon Prize(s) : 1.500.000 LWS Helper(s) : Legend Winner(s) : Cessar Screenshot : [s=] [/s]
  10. Store Robbery | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery | 19/10/2022 [s=][/s] House Robbery | 19/10/2022 [s=][/s] [s=Before+After]BeforeAfter[/s]
  11. Mall Robbery | 14/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery | 14/10/2022 [s=][/s]
  12. **#Event Number :2 #Event Type : Land on ring with Vortex from LS bank roof to LS beach! #Location:LS bank roof/LS beach #Date: 10/10/2022 #LWS/G6 Helper: @Youssef-1 #Prize(s):1,500,000$ #Winner(s):Cesar #Screens:** [s=][/s]
  13. Event Number :1127 Event Type Land on ring with Vortex from LS bank roof to LS beach! Prize(s): 1,500,000 LWS Helper(s):@Youssef-1 Winner(s): Screenshot(s):[s=][/s]
  14. Address: 5 rockshore view Account name: vigge0468 Last seen: 6th September 2020 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  15. Address: 3 River street Account name: Juanes12 Last seen: 8th September 2022 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  16. **#Event Number :1 #Event Type : Fallout #Location:G6 area #Date: 9/10/2022 #LWS/G6 Helper: @beauty #Prize(s):1,000,000$ #Winner(s):egoist #Screens:** [s=] [/s]
  17. **Hello, Everyone! Welcome to ~[PulaR's LWS Events]~(lime) topic. Here, I will post all of my events.** ~[Events i see My self doing if i get the LWS spawn:]~(lime) I see myself doing big events that others haven't seen before. I love racing, so I see myself building large racing events if i'm added in the futurearrow-10x10.png . I also enjoy participating in Destruction Derby events, so I'll also try and create arenas for DD. ~[what i understand by LWS motto, "Quality over Quantity":]~(lime) LWS doesn't want members who host 5 minute events; they don't care about the number of events you do, they care about the quality of them. Anyone can make a simple Chicken Shooter, but it takes skill to sit on the game, ponder, and then use your imagination to create something original. As an applicant for LWS, I would never pick quanity over quality, I want people to remember my events when they take place. ~[Why i want to join LWS:]~(lime) I have a strong passion for helping others, if I was ever considered into being invited into LWS. I would always be active, and i'm not occupied with any other jobs. The only struggle i've had with trying to become LWS is money, money isnt hard to come by, but it takes a while to earn. My goal as LWS is to help as many people as I can, so I can finally give a piece of me back to the community. I am going to be using the following format: **#Event Number : #Event Type : #Location: #Date: #LWS/G6 Helper: #Prize(s): #Winner(s): #Screens:** Total Events : #15 Money Spent: 23,000,000$ [s=] 1)Fallout 2)Land on ring with Vortex from LS bank roof to LS beach! 3)Running Marathon 4)Destruction derby 5)Parkour 6)Island LMS 7)Fish Nader 8)LMS 9)1 vs 1 car wresting 10)Male or Female 11)Tennis Nade 12)DD cross all vs all 13)Kamikaze my shamal 14)NRG-500 Parkour 15)Destruction Derby[/s] ~[LWS Members:]~(lime) [s=]1)Beauty 2)Youssef 3)Legend 4)Judyes 5)Curny 6)Aveyero 7)tamer 8)voli 9)Matizz[/s] You can check my old events on old forums... https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/90414-lws-staff-pulars-lws-events/ Logo Designed by @A7md !! [s=] [/s]
  18. Event Number :1126 Event Type Fallout Prize(s): 1,000,000 LWS Helper(s):@beauty Winner(s):egoist Screenshot(s): [s=] [/s]
  19. Store Robbery | 8/10/2022 [s=] [/s] Killing Jason & Zombies : [s=][/s]
  20. Screens : https://imgur.com/a/9JHGlIT
  21. Address: 2 ballsack Grove Account name: juby020 Last seen: 23rd July 2022 Screenshots:
  22. Address: 1 ballsack Grove Account name: juby020 Last seen: 23rd July 2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  23. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 50 point When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Posted 8 Jan 2021 Why do you need this change: My vehicles removed for inactivity. Links to your donation topics: it's confirmed here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10649/pular-requesting-donator-spawn Links to your previous donation changes requests https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24056/pular-s-reward-change?_=1629589264671 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 place : Fad's property (cannabis shop sf) Username: kmkm567 Thats for now
  24. Anybody wants go afk just leave game!! Easy
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