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Everything posted by Fesko

  1. Display Name: Fesko Username:6770656 Link to ALL Donation Topics: 1. 2. Total number of Donation Points: 30
  2. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: nothing Location: Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet Location: https://imgur.com/a/YHL30JB Vehicle 2: Cargobob Location: https://imgur.com/a/kqaMNIr Vehicle 3: Glandale Shit (pantiac) Location: https://imgur.com/a/XNAbzHN Username: 6770656 Interior: -
  3. No i dont need
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3XP27170J2574372S Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Sandking Vehicle Colour: #005550 Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, Nitro x10. Usernames to lock: 6770656 Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0C6235242W189912F Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: #005550 Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, Nitro x10 Usernames to lock: 6770656 Where you want it placed: ::: ::: Vehicle Type: Glendale Shit ( Modded Pantiac) Vehicle Colour: #36195c Specify any upgrades:V8, AWD, Nitro x10 Usernames to lock: 6770656 Where you want it placed: ::: ::: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  6. https://imgur.com/sCWPLfc
  7. Address: Pine Drive Apartment #9 Account name: kammykadze Last seen: 13th April 2020 Screenshots:
  8. Bump
  9. Close to AA base and SR Starting Price: $3.000.000 Minimum Bid Increase: $500.000 Screens: GUI ; Property ; Location ;
  10. Daily income: $800 Starting Price: $2.500.000 Minimum Bid Increase: $500.000 Screens: GUI ; Property ; Location
  11. @Filex come on man finish that you started.
  12. Address: 8 Portland Road Account name: XxNetroxX Last seen: 3rd April 2020 Screenshots: GUI & Last seen : https://imgur.com/90DCKuR Location : https://imgur.com/cNjSjXk Prop : https://imgur.com/d31IwJg
  13. Address: Frosts Kebab Shop Account name: Radi09 Last seen: 3rd April 2020 Screenshots: GUI & Lastseen : https://imgur.com/UIiX4vf Location : https://imgur.com/hhYTG15 Prop : https://imgur.com/xF208f8
  14. Hbd dumbass
  15. Username: drunkensailor last seen: 6th seprember 2018 ss https://imgur.com/a/WuU6iJ9
  16. Username: colqmanzz last seen: 19th april 2018 ss https://imgur.com/a/vzy9aEi
  17. Why u guys search hd mods? They bring many lags in game
  18. The first guy who entered turf zone can spray 3 times, thats all , others spray wont effect on progress
  19. @flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.: @fesko said in An idea for the Police Team.: @flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.: I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this. huh? Police officers able to kill any dangerous criminal to save citizen, by dangerous i mean well armed players. Plus in USA as i know If any tard kills Police Officer/Agent/Trainee all units heading to his location just to kill that guy, not to arrest. So your worlds " in real life Police are not doing this. " is making no sentence! I still agree my idea, IRL police officers able to kill dangerous/armed criminals but IRL wardens doesn't kill prison breakers if they didn't get out from the prison. They're using tasers for protect the area inside. In real live prisoners dont have weapons on them when they getting outta their cells!
  20. @flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.: I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this. huh? Police officers able to kill any dangerous criminal to save citizen, by dangerous i mean well armed players. Plus in USA as i know If any tard kills Police Officer/Agent/Trainee all units heading to his location just to kill that guy, not to arrest. So your worlds " in real life Police are not doing this. " is making no sentence!
  21. SECTION 1 Name: Eldar In-game name: Fesko Age:17 Sex:Male English proficiency: 4-5 Native language: Lakkumaz Other language(s): Russian Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?:I started to play in MTA in 2012 and joined SAES at 2014. Total gameplay (hours): 2200h Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): If im not busy with something in real life it is 4-5 hours. Average FPS: 40-50 Average ping:100-120 Previous organizations: NwA, MMC, RDMC, CripZ. Are you active user of Discord?:Yes SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) FOX stay on guard of San Andreas, and saving citizen's from crime activities. B. Define marker arrest: Arresting a suspect in marker, when he is frozen by system and cant move. Not allowed. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1)Avoid Arrest- Killing yourself by jumping from high place or nading yourself to avoid getting arrested. 2)DM- KIlling or Damaging someone without reason. 3)Do not trash talk in mainchat. 4)Dont scam players. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: That server is semi RP, so we have to play RP at least some time, plus it is funny sometimes. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I live in Dagestan, it is in Russian, im a sportive guy and always up to learn some new methods of fight from each fighting style. Studying in school. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: Im playing on server for a long time and can say that i'm experience enough and have good knowledge of this server, but problem is that i dont have normal cable internet and have to use mobile one and because of that i can get some lags for 10-30 sec. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I have got some friends in it, and it is always funny to stay in gang/squad with your friends. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I'm a team work player and always up to help someone with their trouble. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Nope. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X https://imgur.com/a/ObmPZvo
  22. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Fesko Real Name: Eldar Account name: 6770656 Nationality: Lakets Rate your English Skills (0/10): 3 Current Organization: CripZ Current Group List: Black Eagle Security, General Mills. Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10):8 Talk about your RP experience: Learn to play RP i started in saes but after a while i moved to SA:MP and impoved my skills of RP there.Now i can say that my RP skill a bit higher then medium lvl of RP. Write a short RP story related to rebels: Magomed Amirov was born in Caucase, the Dagestan republic, at 1986. At there he joined in terrorism group that was named as "The Muslim Brothers". On them a lot of terroristic attack on territory of the Russian Federation. In 10th July 2018 the leader moved a small group of terrorist with Magomed Amirov in USA to San Andreas state to help another terrorism group that recruit new soldier. (rp story of my person) Add a photo of a rebel please: https://icdn.lenta.ru/images/0000/0002/000000025592/pic_1358263027.jpg
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