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Everything posted by Vennelle

  1. Happy birthday dawg
  2. Dipsomania
  3. Sold to @SideSwipe Than you, @Crash You may lock this now. Thanks!
  4. Sold to @Zei Thanks! @Crash This topic may be locked now thanks!
  5. Ow, forgot to add: There is also a disc close by and a ATM. sorry for making this treath a mess... :(
  6. @polatt Already got that car, prefer cash anyway. Thanks for your offer.
  7. Exterior: Location: I dont know what happend but the screenshots were no good.
  8. ~[The house isnt big or fancy at all its all about the location! It is located at the top of Bone County. There is no starting bid, bid to value.]~(red,navy) ~[GUI:]~(red,navy) ::: ::: ~[Exterior:]~(red,navy) ::: ::: ~[Location:]~(red,navy) ::: :::
  9. https://saesrpg.uk/category/193/housing-auctions Post it here man, this is the official housing auction page (:
  10. When i even just click on ''settings'' my audio is gone. So fucking annoying!
  11. 10M Buyout price! First one to bid or messages me with a 10M offer wins it automaticly!!
  12. Selling a nice big business at a nice location in LS right in front of the beach! There is no starting bid, bid to value. Screenshots: Exterior: ::: ::: GUI: ::: :::
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