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Everything posted by eL_Sebo

  1. Application Format: Personal information Nickname: Sebastiano Ingame Username: eL_Sebo Age: 19 English proficiency: I understand the most things sometimes some phrases can be a little bit wrong but its not that bad. I would rate my english on like 8/10 Nationality: German, Italian Spoken Languages: German Italian English Roleplay skills: I played like 3-4 years on reallife servers and 2 years on this server very long time ago I was in AA so ill rate my RP Skills on 9/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : I was in AA like 4 years ago than i stopped with MTA and played SAMP. Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Well, WA is a gang that has many Roles. The main roles are hunting and killing suspicious enemies and targets to reach their goals. Also, they do roles sush as: ambush operations, robbing and stealing, arms and drug dealing, carjacking and hostage providing. WA is also based on killing, that means if someone gives them money to kill someone they will do that. Previous punishments/bans and reason: N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?: I'd like to be part of Wild Angels in-order to help you raise the gang's level and reputation and help with activities such as roleplays and events. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I think it is my long experience with MTA SAMP and GTA by its self I know the server, I have very good aiming Skills, I can drive very good and Im often active. does DeathMatch means: Deathmatch is killing someone without reason If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: I would like PN him and ask him why he does that if that wouldnt work i would probably talk to his Leader if he is in a Gang and if this doenst work as well then I would talk to an Admin. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: i'll leave him What does avoid arrest means: Avoid Arrest is means when cop is running behind you and you disconnect while you are in the pursuit or for example he is running behind you and you jump off a cliff and die just so he cant get you. State 3 turf rules: Fight only in the specified zones. Dont help your gang as a cop or a medic. You should not spawn in your home after they killed you. You should spawn in a Hospital. State 3 BR rules: A gang is allowed to do 2 Bankrobs a day. Gang can not start Bankrob with 1 member in game. Assisting your own gang as a Pizza/medic is not allowed. State 3 GR rules: Do not throw granades on players or on cars with players in it. Dont use unallowed commands to hide from someone. Dont use your hose to show up at a store robbery. Only spawn in the base of the gang or in hospital. 3-Additional Informations Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes I know Karim, Karim told me to apply. What are your strengths: I can tell that I have good shooting and driving skills. Also I have a very good map knowledge and Im always respectful. What are your weaknesses: Sometimes it can happen that I have connection problems. Something als to add? I hope you like my apply and hope i could convince you.
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