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  1. @Crash asslick is not good @barras offerd more than him thats unfair
  2. Bye

    Goodbye SAES

    @Lancee what radrick buddy don't mention ma name
  3. i know faker he was a GOOD guy bro but thats life bro and also ivee seen you with faker ingame both of you were kind and respectfull enjoy your life bro
  4. @FastYounq Good luck and nice to see this gang again but i think u made wrong or? Level 4 / Respected (The people who have done so much for the organization inside, those people are getting an huge attention in the gang.) Mohamed [RECRUITMENT TEAM] tamsou7 is hq wow
  5. @Nav why yall talking only about me fuck off u and mta
  6. Take Care bro see you soon
  7. gl for level 2 and i think Topic <Members list should be updated
  8. @Sam same James and look in ur answers 1months 1weeks @Spicey dont speak or let me show what thing said
  9. nice English skills 1weeks @Sam
  10. @Bartman Bruder mach einfach Resultion zu 800x300x36 oder so oder du muss neue GPU kaufen oder Arbeitsspeicher
  11. @Bartman Vielleicht sollten Sie mta deinstallieren oder Ihre Auflsung in mta ndern clicken sie ESC in deine Tastatur und dann Resultion ndern zu 1024-800-36 oder 800x600x36 und dann du hast besser fps
  12. I think this copied from old sarg or?
  13. @r1vaal it's mansion im sure 10000% his health Is 90000 plus all saes with mingun better snip him
  14. wow @Tut-Greco Saes devloper nice bru next level HQ I dont agree with this because all other servers using this mod
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