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Everything posted by proxy

  1. Sana 7elwa ya ugly
  2. Granted, but you get the physical version and your pc has no cd alot. I want to lose my virginity
  3. happy birthday faggoty
  4. proxy


    Sup lidl
  5. Perhaps keep the timing concept but give players the option to disable weather effects, believe it or not some players still have 10 year old systems and theyre not willing to upgrade.
  6. Yeah the old time concept is way more realistic.. also if we can stop it from raining constantly please.
  7. @Phoenix said in SAES:RPG v1.5 Patch Notes: forth u suck at counting
  8. @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao Luck Nah Im a natural at this Share a real test nub xD Uhm uh, my mom is calling brb
  9. @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao Luck Nah Im a natural at this
  10. I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao
  11. Good luck boiz!
  12. Sounds like fun!
  13. Happy birthday hashishaa
  14. @Ramby said in Weapons warehouse improvements: Just don't respawn. For example get in your car and drive towards the bankrobbery. Some crackers are fast as hell.. +1
  15. @Kalashrie said in Selling a house with a car spawn in RC: 2.5m Meet me in-game please.
  16. @proxy said in Selling a house with a car spawn in RC: Starting Bid - 2m failed adding a picture so here's a link https://imgur.com/plkIYBq
  17. rip, good luck in the future guys ;(
  18. Grenades in-game have limitations, first a 10 second cool down and theyre also prohibited in certain areas. I dont think removing them would have such a dramatic effect on the gameplay, and theyve been around for a while so most players know how and when to use them properly.
  19. Good luck!
  20. @DROT said in Randomize Store robbery: @Thing said in Randomize Store robbery: As if it is that hard for you guys. Did you keep your eyes closed while reading through my comment and only opened them once reaching that sentence? I said that it might be reasonable solution IN CASE that the previous part of my comment proves to be correct, aka criminals attending the robbery and police getting notified 3 minutes after the robbery had already started and there are criminals boosting the percentage bar, which would indeed be hard for us guys since finding out about robbery which is already at 50% is not really handy. @proxy said in Randomize Store robbery: No it means that criminals get an alert first, a store rob has started and they have 3 minutes to arrive, if no criminals attend and the 3 minutes are over, cops receive an alert. I think. What if criminals do attend? Does the police get notification that there are criminals in the store, or does the police get notified 3 minutes later regardless of whether criminals entered the store during those 3 minutes or not? If it is the 2nd scenario, with enough criminals arriving at the SR fast enough, SR could be finished in 3min without cops ever getting a notification. Hence why cops should be notified once the criminals arrive at the store and/or claim the randomized SR. Once criminals attend a store rob, authorities receive an immediate alert.
  21. @DROT said in Randomize Store robbery: I don't get the 3minute thing. Does that mean crims could get the SR to let's say 50% bar, before cops ever finding out about the robbery? If that's the case, I'd vote no. Perhaps if police gets notified as soon as a criminal enters the store. Randomizing SRs sounds like a good idea though. No it means that criminals get an alert first, a store rob has started and they have 3 minutes to arrive, if no criminals attend and the 3 minutes are over, cops receive an alert. I think.
  22. I voted yes even though I enjoy shooting hipster CJ the cashier
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