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  1. Sana 7elwa ya ugly
  2. Granted, but you get the physical version and your pc has no cd alot. I want to lose my virginity
  3. happy birthday faggoty
  4. proxy


    Sup lidl
  5. Perhaps keep the timing concept but give players the option to disable weather effects, believe it or not some players still have 10 year old systems and theyre not willing to upgrade.
  6. Yeah the old time concept is way more realistic.. also if we can stop it from raining constantly please.
  7. @Phoenix said in SAES:RPG v1.5 Patch Notes: forth u suck at counting
  8. @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao Luck Nah Im a natural at this Share a real test nub xD Uhm uh, my mom is calling brb
  9. @Filex said in Share your iq: @proxy said in Share your iq: I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao Luck Nah Im a natural at this
  10. I answered randomly and I got a 100 lmao
  11. Good luck boiz!
  12. Sounds like fun!
  13. Happy birthday hashishaa
  14. @Ramby said in Weapons warehouse improvements: Just don't respawn. For example get in your car and drive towards the bankrobbery. Some crackers are fast as hell.. +1
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