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About bigmike

  • Birthday November 22

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  1. How about adding a "storage tank" for the water, say 200 gallons. Have it run out after so many seconds of use so you will be forced to stop and refill at a fire hydrant or a water station.
  2. Surplus sale on all in stock units! All vehicle's currently have a $1m discount. Please pm to place your order
  3. Your ingame username: bigmikespiff Your ingame alias: BigMike Your real name: Mike Your DOB: 22/11/94 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: United States Language skills: No coding skills English Proficiency: 10/10, but its American English How long you have been playing: December of 2010 Your strengths: Community ties, honesty, communication skills Your weaknesses: DM, everyone loves a bit of DM but sometimes I get carried away with it. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: Trying to come back and help the community again. As you are aware, I was SAES>BigMike but never had a chance to fight dismissal from the clan. Unique qualities you can offer: Active late hour(early for you Uk/Eu players). Still tend to help players when needed Server Memberships: CLO, Cuban Cars, Cunning stunts, ALT, and Outbreak. ( might be missing one or two) Additional information: Very active on the server just at a later hour in the day as I work 12-14 hours 6 days a week, so sometimes I don't play for a day at most. Just wanted to try and come back to the staff side as I never had a chance to dispute my kick from the clan some years ago. I maintain my innocence and framing of DDOSing the SAES server and players. I do have a theory on how I was framed but as mentioned before, I never got a chance to present that theory. I would like to come back to the clan, but recruitment for that is not open. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Admin jailed a few times for deathmatch but we all know how things get twisted in this server with people deathmatching or instigating (its been quite a while since that) Previous (legitimate) bans: Insulting an admin for muting me. Me and JohnnyEnglish never got a long to begin with but have not had issues with any other admin or staff member since.
  4. Address: 2 ls marina Account name: danyatgk Last seen: January 23rd 2023 Screenshots: Possibly a Ukraine/Turkey resident but no way to find out until you guys look it up.
  5. If only bringing GIMP back was an option, those were the good days.
  6. New, lower prices now available! I removed unnecessary objects to reduce cost and stability issues.
  7. BigMike's Truck parts and custom vehicles now has a Monster with over 120 wheels for optimal carnage! Send your friends 1000's of feet in the air! We can also custom make what ever you want (to a degree).All vehicles are built on Monster platform(except version 3 which is built on a Patriot platform)Don't delay, order today! Pm here or discord , using the format below to place your order. NEW LOWER PRICES, SAME GREAT LOOKS! (removed unnecessary objects to reduce cost) Ingame name: Username: Version: (DISCLAIMER: DO NOT ram random people as this may be considered DM(doing so can result in discipline ) V1-3.5m : V2-7m: V3-6m:
  8. Big boi has some balls
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