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Everything posted by DJO

  1. Patrol #397 Personal Patrol #15 Participants: anarshy Patrol duration: 1hour Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nBHF8fX
  2. Type: Race. Participants: DJO , hoodie Location: lvx Winner & Prize: hoodie Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gFtis8X
  3. Name: DJO Username: jaas3r Rank before kick/leave: full cadet with DD How long have you in sapa: 2-3 months i can't remember Who kicked you: None. Date of kick/leave: i can't remember the date Reason for kick/leave: I left to join safp What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I wanted to try the job with safp. Why do you want back in? : i want to back to get my pc diploma. What have you learned from this? : i've learned a lot from sapa , it mad me a real cop Who do you want to apologize to? : i never been warned for something or rulebreak and i dont have any problem with sapa members so no one. Why should we give you a second chance?: i wanna back to continue what i wanted when i joined it.
  4. Happy birthday
  5. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , snyperlife Location: race flag Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/V1XsStG
  6. Type: Race. Participants: DJO , xpooks , issou ,sanya Location: race flag Winner & Prize: issou Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XV13zmM
  7. Patrol #384 Personal Patrol #14 Participants: [SAM]DJO Patrol duration: 30min ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/S8EtRHg
  8. @Reggi H.B.D
  9. Patrol #376 Personal Patrol #13 Participants: [SAM]DJO Patrol duration: 30min ScreenShots : https://ibb.co/cxHpNnb , https://ibb.co/L0gWJHb
  10. Patrol #374 Personal Patrol #12 Participants: josefrags Patrol duration: 1 hour Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/G3YApWv
  11. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , melou Location: B~B base to SF Bank Winner & Prize: melou (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Q1tgXIE
  12. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , melou Location: sf airport Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mgBQI2u
  13. Type: 1v1 Race. (bikes) Participants: DJO , amara Location: lv airport Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R4DyY8L
  14. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , amara Location: lv airport Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MFN73wz
  15. -Name and Account Name: DJO (jaas3r) -Age: 19 -Where are you from?: Tunisia -Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: 2 yars ago -What are your biggest strength/weaknesses: Strength : driving , flying ; Weaknesses : i'm bad at driving boats. -Why do you want to join us: i see many friends here makes me interested to join and have fun with them. -What is your RP name?: N/A
  16. Happy Birthday SAES
  17. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , asaf Location: lv Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v2VQsHC
  18. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , asaf Location: racer spawn Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4h7R5qE
  19. Patrol #217 Personal Patrol #11 Participants: [SAM]DJO Patrol duration: 45min ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/RdrvnN9
  20. Roleplay #27 Personal Roleplay #1 Participants: @Toolbox Description: While I was busy recording patient files on the computer, I received a call I answered him and the speaker spoke weakly and asked me to save him I understood that the person was suffering from pain and i took the ambulance and i went to the place required When I arrived, I found him next to a taxi , he had been injured. I helped him to get into the ambulance and was taken to the clinic. I checked the man and did not suffer fractures, he was injured I cleaned the wounds and put bandages on them He recommended that he stay in hospital under medical supervision.. A week later, his condition improved and he was able to leave. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fC8d1iY
  21. Patrol #162 Personal Patrol #10 Participants: filex Patrol duration: 30min ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/WOqljbc
  22. Patrol #160 Personal Patrol #9 Participants: [SAM]DJO Patrol duration: 1hour ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/dOHPxQf
  23. Patrol #158 Personal Patrol #8 @elegant said in Elegant's SAM Application: SAM PATROL #3 SAM Member: @DJO Participants: @MarkuS Duration of patrol: 45 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rzeJpnQ
  24. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , Kayle Location: lvx Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4MwCFij
  25. Type: 1v1 Race. Participants: DJO , Kayle Location: racer spawn Winner & Prize: DJO (no prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/upip6p6
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