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Everything posted by DJO

  1. American pie .__.
  2. @gxnzo12 Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime). Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ Welcome Aboard.
  3. Activity number: 4 Activity type: cycling 8TS Members DJO , Ghsot , FoxZilla Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/COs6YKq
  4. @Asuki Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime). Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ Welcome Aboard.
  5. @Asuki ~[PENDING]~(orange)
  6. @Satanas Our HQ team has made its decision and your apply is ~[Accepted]~(lime). Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ Welcome Aboard.
  7. @Spicey Thanks for choosing 8th-Street , Our HQ team Decided To give you ~[Accepted]~(lime). Join Our Disocrd : https://discord.gg/NPHawHJ Welcome Aboard.
  8. We can Do It Boys ^^
  9. Participants: N/A Shift period: 40min Number of vehicles putoff: 13 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/oSAPG9i
  10. Roleplay type: House on fire Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): so was relaxing at LV-X and we get a call from some body about a house who was had get a fire and we goin there to check wat is happening we see a house who was had get a fire we blocked all streets and we start droping water with the Firetrack after the fire we check wat is happening at the Roof so we put a stair and we goined up to check wat is happening after this we check the whole house if is clear we stayed 10-15 mins outside of the house to see if he will get fire again and he dint after that we get back the stuffs who was had block the streets and we called the police to come for close this case.! Location: north west LV Participants: DJO & @Spicey Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i6OD0Hx
  11. Type: Race. 1v1 Location: lvx Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/znxym9b
  12. Type: Race. Location: raceflag Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4KvHxI9
  13. Patrol # 794 Personal Patrol # 37 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30min ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/o2N6YLK
  14. Participants: N/A Shift period: 30min Number of vehicles putoff: 17 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/D4m8vKu
  15. Participants: N/A Shift period: 30min Number of vehicles putoff: 16 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/DrnjemX
  16. Patrol # 756 Personal Patrol # 36 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30min ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/XNBipSt
  17. Participants: N/A Shift period: 30min Number of vehicles putoff: 20 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/6WCs02Z
  18. Patrol # 742 Personal Patrol # 35 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1Hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/RtoRbig
  19. Type: Race. 1v1 Location: lv tour Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6lQw6Vo
  20. Type: Race. 1v1 Location: lv airport Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0Dui0me
  21. Patrol # 705 Personal Patrol # 34 Participants: unakadava Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 8 ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/JRqZFb0
  22. Roleplay type: Patrol #13 Description of roleplay: Date (DD/MM/YY): 26/06/2019 Location: LV - LS - RC Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oVfKrLI
  23. @Bones said in Fire Academy Application - Bones - 22/05/2019 [Under-review]: Roleplay Description of RP: Today, a dangerous fire occurred at a construction site. The upper floors of an unfinished building burned with a bright flame due to the large number of highly flammable building materials. The chief gave the task to immediately extinguish the flames around explosive barrels and equipment. Panic covered even the bravest fighters, because there were very few rescuers, and the fire hit the upper floors almost completely. But the experience of the chief allowed him to quickly and smoothly cope with the elements. The fire was extinguished, several firefighters suffered burns, civilians were not injured - the builders, fortunately, had a day off. Date (DD/MM/YY): 19/06/2019 Location: San Fierro, behind CC garage Participants: @Crash @DJO @JoseFrags Screenshots: click
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