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Everything posted by Gladius

  1. This House Is Very Good Prop It Is Near Warehouse in Lv Starting Bid: 2M
  2. Happy Birth Day Sam :joy:
  3. Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Verdinho. Account name: MiMo223. Age: 16 . Primary Language: Arabic. Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: 334 Hours "In 3 Mothns--New Account" I Had Other Old Acc But I Lost It. Current S/G/C and rank: ICE ----Rank: PVT. Other RP groups you're in: I Got Accepted In Centrino"I Will Join It". Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): I Was In Certal De Cinaloa Cuz I hate Playing As Crim. Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: N/A. ^[] Section B: General Questionnaire: Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) SAM Is Groupe It Job Is Helping Players By Healing Or Reviving Them. It Have Good Members From Leader To Beginner. What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most. Who founded SAM? Joe Valachi , Dr.Valachi . Who is the current leader? Marko . For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: Sometimes I Play As Paramidic But Idk How Much. Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Mustn't Help Crims Or Cops Inside SR And It Must Take Ambulance and Just Park It Away Of SR. Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: Do not ram people and/or vehicles with Ambulance Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yea Of Course I Will Ensure You . ^[] Section C : Aptitudes: 1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I Will show Him My Best Skills And Work . 2. Why exactly are you applying today? I Want To be member Of SAM , I Want To Try This Job As Officiel Member To Give Good Reputation. 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strenghts : Driving . Weaknesses : Low Fps. 4. Why should we accept you to our team? I'm Active And Loyal Player , I Like PLaying Rp With Friends , I Can Be Good Members In Sam And Give nice Reputation.
  4. HBD Tutty Frutty :)
  5. STAGE I: In-game nickname: Verdinho . In-game username: MiMo223 . Age: 16 . Languages spoken: Arabic , French And English . Gender: Male Rate your english skills (1-10): 9 . STAGE II: Tell us about yourself: My Real Name Is Mohamed I Live In Algeria,I'm 16 Yo,Ilike PLaying Video Games "Pro Gamer", I Love Playing Mta In Saes Rpg Server Wich There Are Many Good Players, Ilove Patrol With Friends And To Be Realistic "RPG". Why should we accept you?: I'm Loyal And Active Player , I Like Giving People Food "Roleplay" , I Can Help This Groupe To Raise And I'll Be More Realistic, I Know All Rules Of Server And Knowledge. Previous punishment(s): N/A . Reason(s): N/A . Rate your driving skills (1-10): 7.5 .
  6. Removed
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