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Everything posted by fxymz

  1. Adress: The Cigar Warehouse Account name: medtheman Last seen: 18th December 2019 Screenshots:
  2. fxymz

    not exist more

    not exist morenot exist morenot exist morenot exist morenot exist morenot exist more
  3. ..
  4. HBD sem nome :sunglasses:
  5. Type: Custom NRG Participants: @GranD Screenshots:
  6. Event Type: DD LWS: @KARIM Winner(s): @Disaster Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  7. it sure needs to be removed
  8. :) :) keep it active
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyd5N4y0kF8&t=8s
  10. Address: Bone County Rented Storage Account name: zekeriya132 Last seen: 7th October 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Address: Grove Strip Club Account name: reeth34 Last seen: 6th October 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. fxymz


  13. @Zox NO NATION coming soon zox wait
  14. @Silence0 i did it :) thanks my bro @zKill98 creativity <3 thanks you too
  15. @Dodoo :P
  16. @Markus ty man
  17. fxymz


  18. ..
  19. Address: 6 S&m Road Account name: ZipWyatt Last seen: 30th July 2019 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/F5QpGLz.png
  20. Address: Idlewood Business Account name: bytheocean122 Last seen: 2nd september 2019 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/eT1YV1g.png
  21. RolePlay #6 Story: Fox and Kotaka going to los santos for spend money on drinks and women after a gain from the last mission, receive a call from Polenta our leader speaking who received unknown call, of an alleged criminal organization was arrested in los santos leaving the crowded place full of drugs. Participants: HHMC|Kotaka|RC HHMC|Fox|VP Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cnpkuGg
  22. @Picanto - your apply format is incorrect , fix it using this one : Nickname: Username: Age: Nationality: Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?: How long have you played on SAES so far: Name your previous G/S/C: Reasons why you left/kicked: Tell something about yourself:
  23. Address: Ancient Painthings Store Account name: iani582094 Last seen: 5 September 2019 Screenshots:
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