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Posts posted by Laza

  1. Part I:
    How much have you donated for the server? 70.00 GBP

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 20th April, 2020.

    Why do you need this change? Because I want to move my vehicles at other property.

    Links to your donation topics:

    Links to your previous donation changes requests:


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: 1x Police Sultan & 1x Crown Victoria & 1x S.W.A.T. Tank & 2x Police Dodge & 1x Police Ranger & 1x Rancher

    Location: My property ex "Texas Rangers Base" in Bone Country

    Interior: n/a


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Burrito(SoA Wrap) and 1x new Glendale, 2x Freeway & 1x Wayfarer, 1x Picador

    Location: "Buckleberrie 1" in Red County and "Sons of Anarchy Base", I will tell the position in-game.


    Interior: The interrior were removed on my ex property aka Rangers Nest, therefore, I want to request another one, special interior #25 at "Buckleberrie 1" in Red County.

  2. @Bodo420 said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

    Some People Lost alot Laza , And this time it's not the same , They didn't warn us . It's not our fault this time .

    I had in my hands the event money which I was going to spend, and more cash, trust me what I'm telling you, there was a post from the server owner on #announcements. Stay tuned, let's hope all the people gets their cash back.

  3. @Bartman said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    @Laza said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    @Bartman said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    @Spartan said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    remove the gas station better

    ^^ this or make bigger fuel tanks : D
    i did even once a math & duo gta distances the chetas fuel is rip after ~28km, even on full speed u dont rip fuel from sport cars after 28km in rl

    At least to be 500 liters for Roadtrain, like is it in real life, for cars should be less, but it should be spent much slower than it is now, just what I think.

    aye or that, just need to get away from the "uuf i droove to lv & back to ls, fuel almost rip"
    its like an script made just to annoy drivers/racers, it dont even have real life aspect & helping econemy it doesent aswell

    they shall keep an eye on this though, would mean for lots of members.
    even tho as this guy said above, adding save disks at each gs is also smart.

  4. @Bartman said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    @Spartan said in adding ATM at each gas stations:

    remove the gas station better

    ^^ this or make bigger fuel tanks : D
    i did even once a math & duo gta distances the chetas fuel is rip after ~28km, even on full speed u dont rip fuel from sport cars after 28km in rl

    At least to be 500 liters for Roadtrain, like is it in real life, for cars should be less, but it should be spent much slower than it is now, just what I think.

  5. Yes and no. Actually players has decreased, most of them left just because of real life reasons because they doesn't have enough time for game or so. So far I think the only one thing which should be changed, that's cutting the time from 1 year to 6 months in order to get the squad/gang on the top. It takes lots of time, but nowadays, people loses interest and closes up their organisation faster. Don't take it offensive or such, that's just my personal opinion.

  6. Nickname: Laza
    Username: l4ki1
    Age: Twenty-one years old.
    Country: Serbia
    Languages spoken: Serbian, English.

    From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I'd like to rate myself, a very stable 7, as I still have some grammar mistakes on writing and speaking, since that aint my native language.
    How long have you been playing on SAES: I have started playing on this community since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012. Usually, never had any long break, there was only breaks with the reason.
    In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assasins is one of the oldest gangs on this community, as far as I see this gang their main goal is to get most experienced people inside their circle, that's the main reason why they are on the top. They are located in San Fierro, one of the largest cities around SA, and they own basically every ammu-nation shop, as their role is providing weapons to the citizens.
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Actually before I start writing my past organisations, I'd like to mention that during my whole career I focused on police side, this year I used to try criminal life where I had lots of fun, but the gang itself been abit inactive, which made me to lost interest. My first squad used to be back in 2012, which were SA Police Academy, used to be there till I received PC Diploma, afterwards I moved to old generation of FBI, which were led by old members, used to stay in there for a half of year, been the tester, but way back then, SWAT used to be most attractive squad back then, and it was completely hard to enter that, like as it is now, therefor I left it in order to apply for that squad. Used to be back then in SWAT for a long period, couldn't remember well how long it was, but I used to left for the reason as I got bored, it was the time when SWAT got demoted to level 4. After that, there was new squad which were opened by Sam# and Bunny, FOX Operations X. I have received the call from them, and I've applied immediately. I used to be there for more than two years, left as HQ, as I had some misunderstanding with the leader, however I received the call tomorrow day to come back, but I refused as I didn't wanted to make the problems, therefor I went in SWAT again, that was my second time. After a good months has passed as I actually been Captain in SWAT, I came on decision with Dufabo to try opening new generation of squad which were called Special Task Force. We came on decision and we did it. We have made the squad together up to level 4, almost we were on the top, but the squad has lost activity for the whole month, many members lost the interest, and we didn't wanted to proceed, so we made up the decision and we closed that. After closing that, some of the members stick with me, most of them joined up FBI, we got some good positions in as we used to be elders, but actually I was honestly bored in, FBI used to be also inactive, we tried helping out but, I didn't enjoyed, to be honest. After that, I joined up Five-0 in order to help Terry, actually I got in argument with Rasta, some things I couldn't accept and it didn't worked. Actually he kicked me out. After a couple of time, I could say we're in a good friendship now, I guess. So as the time was going on, I honestly were confused what I would do, therefor I applied for The Outfit. Used to be there for around two months, couldn't say exactly time as I don't remember tbh, left it just because I didn't enjoyed inside the gang, let's say there wasn't enough members online with who I could enjoy. However, that was really interesting thing as I tried criminal life for a pretty long time, and I must admit, it was cool. However, after that, I brought back on SAES some of my old STF members in order to try new and fresh squad on the server, which were called Texas Rangers, unfortunately some of the members lost the interest on playing, some of the members didn't had enough time, and actually I am having like some important things in real life where I should focus like from now on, therefor we decided to end the squad, just because the time is needed to get it on the top, and we couldn't succeed to fill out the requirements, therefor I'd like to let people enjoy somewhere else, while I would like to stick to some old organisations where I could find my own peace and remain there.
    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I used to be banned twice, once for multi-accounting back then in 2012, while everything were sorted back then without any doubts. Second time, I received the punishment about some bug in jail which were back then, couldn't remember the year. Actually the bug somehow happend, no clue how, but it was either sorted out back then, as it wasn't actually my fault.

    Name 3 Bankrob rules: There are a couple of rules, but I'd like to mention those basic ones, we are not allowed to kill ourselfes in order to escape the bank-robbery, we are not allowed to get assistance from a medic or a pizza boi and we are not allowed to do a solo bank-robbery.
    Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: As far I know the rules, we are allowed to help the other gang, but we shouldn't try to destroy other gang's bank-robbery, or DM other members without a proper reason in there.
    Name 3 Turf rules: We are not allowed to kill someone from unclimbable roofs & buildings, we aint allowed to use a personal property in case to get there faster, and as third one, we are not allowed to spawn as special groups for example in order to help our gang.
    What is Roleplay?: In my personal opinion, roleplay means when someone plays his own roles, actually acting like we would in real life. I would like to mention one example, like when a criminal is driving a car, and there is a speedtrap, there could be an interceptor who would chase and try to pull-over, we as criminal should try to pull-over our car and obey the police orders, giving him our ID & Driving licence and such. Afterwards, we just could pay some taxes or even we could pass with just a verbal warning.
    What is Deathmatching?: In my personal opinion deathmatching means when someone comes to myself and kills me without any reason, that's actually against server rules, and it's strictly forbidden.
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I would like to warn him on first wave, if he continues, I will take the screenshot by clicking on F12, reporting him immediately on /report section, calling admin to get it sorted as soon as possible, otherwise he would make a mess around. (if he's a part of any single organisation, I would contact his headquarter+ to punish him.) On another hand, If I decide to shoot him back, that would be a revenge.
    You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I wouldn't make any doubt reaction, as they would catch me up, I'd just pass around and continue what I was previously doing.

    Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: During the last time,
    I used to meet with a couple of members, didn't hanged with lots of them, but we used to chill around SA, so yeah, I'd like to name them, Dexter, Illu, Pinky, and there's like more of them, so will keep it up short.
    Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Howdy. I'm known as Laza for a pretty long period. Most of the elders(old members who still playing) knows me. I'm twenty-one years old, born at 19th October, 1998. Actually, this might be surprising for some people, but I have made up the decision wisely, without any doubts, that I might guarantee. The thing which brought me to apply especially for this gang, there are couple of reasons, but I'd like to mention just main ones, that's just something what I mentioned above, AA is one of the oldest gangs who are having high reputation on the server though, by the way they actually has only experienced members inside which interests lots of people who want to become apart. I actually have nothing to lose, I must say I have applied for AA, already 2 times before, like a long ago, I like the way how they act around the game, that's just some specialness, which is quite rare nowadays. Honestly having a big wish to find my place inside as it would be something where I wish to remain and find my own peace, during my whole career. Recently I'll be having some important things on which I could focus,at least whenever I could be able to play, that would be together with the members, as I see myself as an team-mate. Even tho last time I have been rejected, that was completely understandable decision, as most of my career time, I used to spent it as a cop, so there was no doubts while answering. So far I have been trying to meet with lots of people, and I might say that they're all friendly.

    However, I would like to apology for some grammar mistakes and such. After all, thanks for yours time reading my application.

  7. Nickname: Laza
    Username: l4ki1
    Age: Twenty-one years old.
    Country: Serbia
    Languages spoken: Serbian, English.

    From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I'd like to rate myself, a very stable 7, as I still have some grammar mistakes on writing and speaking, since that aint my native language.
    How long have you been playing on SAES: I have started playing on this community since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012. Usually, never had any long break, there was only breaks with the reason.
    In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assasins is one of the oldest gangs on this community, as far as I see this gang their main goal is to get most experienced people inside their circle, that's the main reason why they are on the top. They are located in San Fierro, one of the largest cities around SA, and they own basically every ammu-nation shop, as their role is providing weapons to the citizens.
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Actually before I start writing my past organisations, I'd like to mention that during my whole career I focused on police side, this year I used to try criminal life where I had lots of fun, but the gang itself been abit inactive, which made me to lost interest. My first squad used to be back in 2012, which were SA Police Academy, used to be there till I received PC Diploma, afterwards I moved to old generation of FBI, which were led by old members, used to stay in there for a half of year, been the tester, but way back then, SWAT used to be most attractive squad back then, and it was completely hard to enter that, like as it is now, therefor I left it in order to apply for that squad. Used to be back then in SWAT for a long period, couldn't remember well how long it was, but I used to left for the reason as I got bored, it was the time when SWAT got demoted to level 4. After that, there was new squad which were opened by Sam# and Bunny, FOX Operations X. I have received the call from them, and I've applied immediately. I used to be there for more than two years, left as HQ, as I had some misunderstanding with the leader, however I received the call tomorrow day to come back, but I refused as I didn't wanted to make the problems, therefor I went in SWAT again, that was my second time. After a good months has passed as I actually been Captain in SWAT, I came on decision with Dufabo to try opening new generation of squad which were called Special Task Force. We came on decision and we did it. We have made the squad together up to level 4, almost we were on the top, but the squad has lost activity for the whole month, many members lost the interest, and we didn't wanted to proceed, so we made up the decision and we closed that. After closing that, some of the members stick with me, most of them joined up FBI, we got some good positions in as we used to be elders, but actually I was honestly bored in, FBI used to be also inactive, we tried helping out but, I didn't enjoyed, to be honest. After that, I joined up Five-0 in order to help Terry, actually I got in argument with Rasta, some things I couldn't accept and it didn't worked. Actually he kicked me out. After a couple of time, I could say we're in a good friendship now, I guess. So as the time was going on, I honestly were confused what I would do, therefor I applied for The Outfit. Used to be there for around two months, couldn't say exactly time as I don't remember tbh, left it just because I didn't enjoyed inside the gang, let's say there wasn't enough members online with who I could enjoy. However, that was really interesting thing as I tried criminal life for a pretty long time, and I must admit, it was cool. However, after that, I brought back on SAES some of my old STF members in order to try new and fresh squad on the server, which were called Texas Rangers, unfortunately some of the members lost the interest on playing, some of the members didn't had enough time, and actually I am having like some important things in real life where I should focus like from now on, therefor we decided to end the squad, just because the time is needed to get it on the top, and we couldn't succeed to fill out the requirements, therefor I'd like to let people enjoy somewhere else, while I would like to stick to some old organisations where I could find my own peace and remain there.
    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I used to be banned twice, once for multi-accounting back then in 2012, while everything were sorted back then without any doubts. Second time, I received the punishment about some bug in jail which were back then, couldn't remember the year. Actually the bug somehow happend, no clue how, but it was either sorted out back then, as it wasn't actually my fault.

    Name 3 Bankrob rules: There are a couple of rules, but I'd like to mention those basic ones, we are not allowed to kill ourselfes in order to escape the bank-robbery, we are not allowed to get assistance from a medic or a pizza boi and we are not allowed to do a solo bank-robbery.
    Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: As far I know the rules, we are allowed to help the other gang, but we shouldn't try to destroy other gang's bank-robbery, or DM other members without a proper reason in there.
    Name 3 Turf rules: We are not allowed to kill someone from unclimbable roofs & buildings, we aint allowed to use a personal property in case to get there faster, and as third one, we are not allowed to spawn as special groups for example in order to help our gang.
    What is Roleplay?: In my personal opinion, roleplay means when someone plays his own roles, actually acting like we would in real life. I would like to mention one example, like when a criminal is driving a car, and there is a speedtrap, there could be an interceptor who would chase and try to pull-over, we as criminal should try to pull-over our car and obey the police orders, giving him our ID & Driving licence and such. Afterwards, we just could pay some taxes or even we could pass with just a verbal warning.
    What is Deathmatching?: In my personal opinion deathmatching means when someone comes to myself and kills me without any reason, that's actually against server rules, and it's strictly forbidden.
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I would like to warn him on first wave, if he continues, I will take the screenshot by clicking on F12, reporting him immediately on /report section, calling admin to get it sorted as soon as possible, otherwise he would make a mess around. (if he's a part of any single organisation, I would contact his headquarter+ to punish him.) On another hand, If I decide to shoot him back, that would be a revenge.
    You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I wouldn't make any doubt reaction, as they would catch me up, I'd just pass around and continue what I was previously doing.

    Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I know couple of members pretty good, but I didn't made with anyone connections, this was just my decision.
    Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Howdy. I'm known as Laza for a pretty long period. Most of the elders(old members who still playing) knows me. I'm twenty-one years old, born at 19th October, 1998. Actually, this might be surprising for some people, but I have made up the decision wisely, without any doubts, that I might guarantee. The thing which brought me to apply especially for this gang, there are couple of reasons, but I'd like to mention just main ones, that's just something what I mentioned above, AA is one of the oldest gangs who are having high reputation on the server though, by the way they actually has only experienced members inside which interests lots of people who want to become apart. I actually have nothing to lose, I must say I have applied for AA, already 2 times before, like a long ago, I like the way how they act around the game, that's just some specialness, which is quite rare nowadays. Honestly having a big wish to find my place inside as it would be something where I wish to remain and find my own peace, during my whole career. Recently I'll be having some important things on which I could focus,at least whenever I could be able to play, that would be together with the members, as I see myself as an team-mate. However, I would like to apology for some grammar mistakes and such.

    Thanks for reading my application.

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