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Everything posted by Laza

  1. SAFD Activities should be posted under this topic. Using the following format while posting roleplays and other activities is a must. Roleplay type: Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Location: Participants: Screenshots: SAFD NORMAL SHIFTS Participants: District: Shift period: Number of vehicles: Screenshots: SAFD EMT SHIFTS: Participants: District: Shift period: Number of victims saved/healed: Screenshots: Screenshots: You may find all three banners, here: https://imgur.com/a/8WzN3jf Written by, SAFD HQ.
  2. @vinnie oh true, didnt paid attention on ur post..
  3. -=(black,#2C415A)Date of creation:=- 6th May, 2018. -=(black,#2C415A)Top Brass:=- Laza & Dufabo -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Name:=- Special Task Force -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Motto:=- "Whilst there is life, there is fight." -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Level:=- 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Tag:=- [STF]Name|Rank or [STF*]Name -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Color:=- #2C415A -=(black,#2C415A)Squad Balance:=- $100,000,000 -=(black,#2C415A)Discord server:=- https://discord.gg/5cZ2Knu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CqY19RA7Vc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wtj9JwDgzE&t=8s -=(black,#2C415A)Role specialisation:=- Territorial Support Group (TSG) - why? Simple, we consider ourselves to be a specialist unit, rather than an ordinary everyday policing unit. Our primary focus is attending situations which are considered highly dangerous and more complex, such as terrorist activities, hostage situations, bank robs and bomb threats. Whilst our secondary focus involves assisting the RPG squads in combating regular crimes and arresting wanted criminals (considered ordinary everyday police work if you like). -=(black,#2C415A)What makes your squad unique?=- As stated above, we focus on the more complex and dangerous situations, such as terrorism, hostage situations, bank robs and bomb threats. In an RP sense, we are the only squad that specifically specializes in dealing with hostage situations and bomb threats, as well as fighting terrorism. The intelligence services are responsible for gathering intelligence, whereas we consider ourselves responsible for acting upon that intelligence, and dealing with any threat to national security. All in all, we see ourselves as an elite fighting force, trained and ready to deal with any situation that could possibly arise in SA. -=(black,#2C415A)The Special Task Force (STF)=- is an elite special forces unit under the Territorial Support Group (TSG) within the San Andreas Police Department (SAPD), specialising in counter terrorist and counter insurgency operations. It was formed on the 2nd April 2013 by Mr Perry, not as a military force but rather as a highly specialised police unit. It has since been commanded by Wolven and Mark, and after some period, Shaun has taken leadership of squad and now is under the leadership Commander Laza. The STF heads counter terrorist missions and - as the most highly trained police organisation in San Andreas - it would be the lead unit whenever law enforcement forces are required to engage a threat. -=(black,#2C415A)The Special Task Force (STF)=- is the special operations element of the San Andreas Police Department and is considered to be among the best of such units in the world. We have a formidable reputation in counter terrorism, counter insurgency and hostage rescue. With the emergence of terrorist activity in San Andreas, the police, in the course of their duties, have faced armed attacks carried out by the terrorists. These terrorist attacks have resulted in the deaths of police personnel, attacks on police stations throughout SA and the assassinations of high profile figures, hence the necessity arose for the formation of a special military arm within the police service to counter terrorist activities. The main role of the -=(black,#2C415A)Special Task Force (more commonly known as STF)=- is to deal with the most dangerous situations, such as bank robs, bomb threats, terrorism and hostage situations. Any situation in which the regular police forces are not trained to deal with will usually require our presence. Although we are trained to deal with every and any situation that could arise, we are still a fighting force on the ground and regularly assist the SAPD in combating regular crimes and arresting wanted criminals. We are constantly working alongside the intelligence services and other specialist teams in order to keep on top of any threat to national security, ensuring that we are ready to respond to any imminent threat within SA. The Special Task Force is also trained to conduct military special operations and has done so on many occasions, operating with our military counterparts (namely Desert Eagles and MCC). In response to the recent flooding and the predicted weather to come, STF has been drafted in alongside other squads to help prepare and assist any necessary evacuation. The new government has created a coalition between agencies, squads and the military in order to improve tactical response and teamwork between them. Always follow the server rules and laws listed in F1. Dont arrest players under 10 stars, the exceptions for this rule obviously include JB, SR, BR or if youre under attack. You will be removed from the squad if you receive 3 warnings levels, however, members who receive a warning level whilst on probation risk being immediately removed, depending on the severity of the rule break. Members must be active within the game and on the forums (you risk being removed from the squad if you fail to inform us of any planned period of inactivity). Work as a team and respect each other, flaming wont be tolerated (as a side note, always try to partner up whenever possible, work together!) Try to refrain from speaking any language other than English, this rules applies to all channels, whether that be main chat, local chat or squad chat. Event arresting is strictly forbidden. As a general rule of thumb, avoid arresting in areas where there is a large gathering of people. Always use and apply common sense (arguably the most important rule). Members are required to wear STF tags at all times. -=(black,#2C415A)Our squad base is located near LV Airport (next to taxi base):=- ::: https://imgur.com/a/2Vv8IlK ::: -=(black,#2C415A)SQUAD PROPETIES=- ::: https://imgur.com/a/eOZGWba ::: Level 5 -=(black,#2C415A)Commander [L]=- The commander of the squad is seen as the head of the squad and is responsible for overseeing the squad as a whole, as well as leading the HQ team. Most final decisions will be made by the commander. Also responsible for managing the forum(s). ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Vice Commander [VL]=- Same role as the commander in many respects. Will take the lead whenever the commander isnt available. Seen as the right hand man by the commander and is expected to support both the commander and the HQ team in their roles. ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Chief of Staff [CoS]=- The role of the CoS is a vital one for any squad. These members are trusted, loyal and well respected within the squad. Their role involves scouting for new members, testing them, keeping order within the squad and relaying information back to the leaders. ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Headquarter [HQ]=- This is also one of the highest rank in squad. These members, are quite experienced, trusted and loyal within the squad. Their role also involves scouting for new members, testing them, and so on, and relaying information back to the leaders. ============================================== Level 3 -=(black,#2C415A)Colonel (honorary)=- A rank given to trusted, loyal and retired members of the squad. These members are veterans within the squad and have played a part in getting STF to where it is today. They have the ability to warn members (although they should consult with HQ beforehand). Similar to honorary rank except for the fact that these players remain on our roster. ============================================== Level 3 -=(black,#2C415A)Captain (Respected Rank) [CPT]=- This is a difficult rank to obtain and is given to those who are trusted, loyal and well respected within the squad. Players who hold this rank have most likely been in the squad for well over several months. They have the ability to warn members (although they should consult with HQ beforehand) and test them (with HQ permission). ============================================== Level 2 -=(black,#2C415A)Lieutenant [LT]=- This is difficult rank to obtain and is given to those who are trusted and loyal members within the squad. You need to show really effort in order to get this position. Players who hold this rank, are the ones who actually works alot within squad, that alot means, making squad active by hosting events, doing roleplays and so on. ============================================== Level 2 -=(black,#2C415A)Sergeant [SGT]=- The sergeant rank is for members who really shows interest towards this squad, and actually people who hold this rank, are people who was pretty active while being Private, and been showing effort within squad. ============================================== Level 1 -=(black,#2C415A)Private [PVT]=- Promoted after passing probationary period within the squad, usually after 1 week of service. (For now that time is used) ============================================== Level 0 -=(black,#2C415A)Recruit - They wear star.=- New blood within the squad, needs to prove themselves in order to be promoted and continue a career with us. ============================================== Honoured Members -=(black,#2C415A)The ones who are always welcome to our squad.=- ============================================== This is official roster of Special Task Force, it is getting updated once the changes are done within squad. -=(black,#2C415A)Members count:=- 32. -=(black,#2C415A)ProCop Members:=- 18. ============================================== Level 5 -=(black,#2C415A)Commander [L]=- Laza (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Vice Commander [VL]=- Dufabo (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Chief of Staff [CoS]=- Ramos (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 4 -=(black,#2C415A)Headquarter [HQ]=- SAES>ZeKinG (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) Riley (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 3 -=(black,#2C415A)Colonel (honorary)=- SAES>Ronseal (PC) - ~[Semi-Active]~(orange) Bones (PC) - ~[Semi-Active]~(orange) Victor - ~[Active]~(lime) Larsone - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 3 -=(black,#2C415A)Captain (Respected Rank) [CPT]=- Duracell (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) Ntruder - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 2 -=(black,#2C415A)Lieutenant [LT]=- Swid! - ~[Active]~(lime) ============================================== Level 2 -=(black,#2C415A)Sergeant [SGT]=- Jasper - ~[Active]~(lime) dushen417 (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) ItsMe (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) Tilin (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) SAES>NanoBob (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) SAES>Martijn (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) Lil_Borivoje - ~[Active]~(lime) Ordi - ~[Inactive]~(red) Pan - ~[Inactive]~(red) ============================================== Level 1 -=(black,#2C415A)Private [PVT]=- Bazuka - ~[Active]~(lime) Bozi (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) TheStyle - ~[Active]~(lime) ViewPerZ - ~[Active]~(lime) MarkoRS - ~[Active]~(lime) Eddie (PC) - ~[Semi-active]~(orange) Dova (PC) - ~[Semi-active]~(orange) Elias (PC) - ~[Semi-active]~(orange) Oscar (PC) - ~[Semi-active]~(orange) ============================================== Level 0 -=(black,#2C415A)Recruit - They wear star.=- MrTheBank (PC) - ~[Active]~(lime) Exam - ~[Inactive]~(red) ============================================== Honoured Members -=(black,#2C415A)The ones who are always welcome to our squad.=- Shaun (PC) Bunny (PC) Darius (PC) ============================================== -=(#ff0000)NOTE=- - Loyalty and honesty is more important to us than anything else. Provide us with the facts and the truth. Were not interested in fiction. We dont care whether youre 13 years old or 18 years old, we dont discriminate. The same applies to strengths and weaknesses, be truthful. If you have a weakness, make a note of it on your application. Acknowledge it and use it to improve yourself. If you are found to be lying (we do check) or your application shows a lack of any effort, you will be denied without consideration. -=(black,#2C415A)Personal Information=- - Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Nationality: Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: Please list your current group memberships on the server: What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Do you have discord & TS3? Whats your average ping? Do you have access to the PC spawns? How many hours do you have in-game? How often do you visit the forums? -=(black,#2C415A)Rate your skills below=- - RP (out of 10): Arresting (out of 10): English (out of 10): Driving (out of 10): Combat (out of 10): -=(black,#2C415A)Answer the following questions=- - Why do you want to join STF? Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? In your own words, define roleplay: In your own words, define DM: In your own words, define teamwork: -=(black,#2C415A)You can find here our squad media archive:=- http://saesrpg.uk/topic/196/special-task-force-media-archive ============================================== -=(black,#2C415A)RECRUITMENT STATUS:=- ~[OPEN]~(lime)
  4. @brophy said in New forum discussion: Go on your profile > settings and scroll to the notification section and select whatever you want to be notified by Where I should request subforum for SAFD?
  5. @brophy said in New forum discussion: The person setting up the forum should be able to do this at the same time for you. We cannot automate this unless we enable people to create their own groups again, but as last week proved, people cant be trusted to do it. If you enable people to create their own groups, it should be as well limited, not to make just random groups which doesn't even exists on the server.
  6. I'm having issues while changing images on my profile, when I set up new one, it is placing my old one I put the first time. I'm not sure if this is right place to ask, btw it should be fixed if that's a bug.
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