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Everything posted by Laza

  1. Event type: Fallout Location: G6 Area Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): [B~B]RAMPAGE Helper(s): @Arma Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6RwfbNj
  2. Event #5 Type of event: Fallout Location: G6 Area Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): [B~B]RAMPAGE Helper(s): Arma Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6RwfbNj
  3. Event type: Boxing Event Location: SF Bridge Prize: 1Milion Winner(s): Urban Helper(s): Arma Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hwtbeGa
  4. Activity type: Patroling Story: Classic patroling around whole San Andreas, we were mostly in Las Venturas and San Fierro, as there was bank robberies and store robberies. Also what else to say, STF ftw. Location: LV-SF mostly, we visited also every city in SA. People who attended: Gyteusz & @alex0107 & @Scorpyo & @Squad3 and myself Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/s4CUyxg
  5. @squad3 said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Jan Nickname: Squad3 Age: 21 Gender: Male Nationality: Slovenian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): I'm a chill guy, love IT stuff, preferably server administration and penetration testing. I always like to play with others and am a great team leader. I am also a Volunteer Firefighter / Paramedic in real life. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: About two years now, give or take. Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: SAPA, SAFD Please list your current group memberships on the server: SAFD What are your strengths? Team Leadership, Calm under pressure, flying. What are your weaknesses? Most likely driving. Do you have discord & TS3? Yes, I do Whats your average ping? ~70 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No How many hours do you have in-game? 42 How often do you visit the forums? Frequently. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 10 Arresting (out of 10): 7 English (out of 10): 9 Driving (out of 10): 5 Combat (out of 10): 7 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? Because I think the group has a lot of potential, and I always enjoy playing with professional police officers that know how to handle situations. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Yes, Sidd. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes. In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is immersing yourself into a role (For example, roleplaying that you are cutting open a car as a firefighter). In your own words, define DM: Deathmatching is killing someone without a valid reason, and is prohibited. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is key to everything. A group of people that work together and share a common goal. Your application has been accepted. Please meet or @Dufabo me in-game for a little interview. Kind regards, STF HQ Team
  6. Event #4 Type of event: Tennis Nade Location: Las Venturas Prize: $3,000,000 Winner(s): K2hrym Helper(s): Arma Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0AxcK5n
  7. Seems like this is posted randomly. Should be locked instead of spamming it.
  8. Yeah, supporting the idea. The civilian side is not that much active as before, there should be at least some changes within that. Quite interesting though. +1
  9. huhu, fake news :confused:
  10. Event #3 Type of event: Spraycan tournament Location: Old RDMC base (Next to LV stadium) Prize: $1,500,000 Winner(s): Maestro Helper(s): Darius Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/C3bj91U.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/UpKHXae.jpg
  11. Event #2 Type of event: Marathon Location: Abandoned Airport (BC) Prize: $2,000,000 Winner(s): chikoUU Helper(s): Dufabo Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/VIvsMbA.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/1DtYFWy.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/6iJjnoA.jpg
  12. Special Task Force Roleplay Roleplay type: Transporting money from Las Venturas bank to San Fierro bank Mission done: Successful Participants: @Mickey & @BonIIs & @Turbo & @Nemesis & @alex0107 & @Mixpeko & Mystic Description of roleplay: In the late hours, special task force received a call from President of San Andreas that there is big amount of money which were placed in boxes and arrived @ Las Venturas Bank. It needed to be transported to the San Fierro bank, as there are main people who will spread it to every bank, we just needed to do that job. Of course, we have accepted their job. Commander of Special Task Force, just brought people at their base and explained them what we got to do, so the roleplay was successful. All other can be seen below on screenshots of roleplay. Special thanks for those non-members who helped out. Images: https://imgur.com/a/eJi4TbY
  13. @alex0107 said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Alexander Nickname: Alex|PC* Age: I am ten years old Gender: Male Nationality: Bulgarian. Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): I am Alexander. I am from Bulgaria. After 4 days I will be on 11 years old. I have a brother who is playing in this server. His name is Absent. I live in Bourgas (That's one city in Bulgaria). How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I have been playing on SAES:RPG 1 year ago. Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? I got adminjail, because of deathmatching when I joined the server. I got ban,because I got scamm and the staff / admin didn't say anything and banned both of us. Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: VLA - Joined it to help them, but they kicked my friends. C - I joined it, because I was new in this server and it was 0 lvl gang. It died. UE - I joined it, because UE have skilled members. TC - I joined it, because Mrwan wanted my help. WA- I joined it , because they were new and need more RP,Activity,Events. UE - I joined it again, because Vladimir and ClaR told me to come back. SAPA - I joined it to get my PC diploma. Please list your current group memberships on the server: I am part of SAM,HHMC,BA and IAC. What are your strengths? I am good at shooting,driving,flying,teamwork,activity,rping,arresting. What are your weaknesses? I don't see any weaknesses Do you have discord & TS3? I have only Discord. Whats your average ping? 40-60 Do you have access to the PC spawns? Yes, I have access. How many hours do you have in-game? I have 1190 hours ingame. How often do you visit the forums? I visit the forums everyday. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8/10 Arresting (out of 10): 9/10 English (out of 10): 8 /10 Driving (out of 10): 8/10 Combat (out of 10): 9/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I want to join STF to help you with activity,events, level. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Yes, The guy who recommended me to applied for STF was Laza. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes, I have. In your own words, define roleplay: RolePlay is role in real life, but it's in game and you must act like it. In your own words, define DM: Deathmatching is killing a person without reason. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is people than 1 who working together. Application accepted. Please meet me in-game for interview. Kind regards STF Commander
  14. hbd aa man
  15. It is fixed. Once you change profile picture or cover photo, save it, and just hold CTRL + F5, so it will refresh completely everything. Should work for everyone. Requesting topic to be locked.
  16. My old topic infos: Number of events done: #41 Money used: $60,850,000 Will start posting here from the beginning, new events. Event #1 Type of event: Boxing 1vs1 - All vs all after we got first winners Location: Somewhere in BC Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): 203|TheDark Helper(s): Zombie Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/AZ1cXrt.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/2BYziz9.jpg
  17. Having same problem though, already suggested to fix it. I think personally they are working on it.
  18. @bone said in Fix forums (Change profile picture): i knew you were yellow! and i knew you're white
  19. As the title says, I do have personally bug while changing photo, guess maybe someone else have it too. If it's possible to be fixed, would be awesome.
  20. Hey there! Welcome to my events topic. I will be updating this as often as I can with more and more events! I will be using the following format when posting each event: ~[[LWS STAFF]]~(#7bff00,red) - #Event number Type of event: Location: Prize: Winner(s): Hosted by: Screenshots: My old topic with LWS events I have done: http://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/57204-lazas-lws-events/
  21. Laza

    Last Letter!

  22. Our old media archive (past forum): https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/101132-stf-media-archive/ This is official media archive of Special Task Force. Here you may find all our activities. Roleplays done: 54 Events done: 174 Trainings done: 7 Activities: 86 OPERATIONS DONE: 1 Below can be found format & banner for event and roleplays we host, we will make sure everything will be posted detailed and clearly to this media archive. ================================================================ Event type: Location: Prize: Winner(s): Helper(s): Screenshots: ================================================================ Roleplay type: Description of roleplay: Location: Participant(s): Screenshots: ================================================================ Activity type: Story: Location: People who attended: Screenshots: ================================================================ Training type: Story: Location: People who attended: Screenshots: ================================================================ There are different format for every activity we're going to do. Special Task Force ~ Whilst there is life, there is fight. ~ Our Forums: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/168/stf-special-task-force
  23. ^[] SAFD Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/WQABPSk About San Andreas Fire Department: The San Andreas Fire Department is an emergency organisation existing of 3 county districts in Los Santos, Las Venturas and San Fierro. We also have one more station in other town which is Bone County, everything has started at Bone County station. We're assigned by the San Andreas Government to take care of the civilian's safety and well being in terms of non-living treats. Long story short, we fight what you fear! Do you have any questions about SAFD? SA Fire Department :: Information Support [FAQ] (CLICK) Where can I apply for SAFD? SAFD Application Section (CLICK) Where is SAFD Media Archive located? SA Fire Department :: Media Archive (CLICK) SAFD HQ TEAM: Fire Commissioner - Ferthis Deputy Fire Commissioner - Afufu Supervisor - Buddler & Shadro Written by, SAFD HQ.
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