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Posts posted by Bartman

  1. @Ban said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection:

    Reporting after getting jailed doesn't really solve anything, you just get the same punishment as the guy who arrested you. Except for the red text passing by in the chat. Are you gonna say that it will ashame him ? i don't think anyone really cares about it.

    ^^ this + it solves nothing when you alrdy arrested at hospital, reporting is just a time waste, there will always come new traine camping hospital & sometimes mad squad members camp too tbh..

  2. -vip with timer (real dm fests with alot fun)
    -bringbackHR (simply better than sr, more dm fest & fun instead afk sr)

    i have zero clue about coding/scripting, if adding an extra timer for vip or bringing back hr circles instead sr is difficult/time consuming like adding new countrybanks.
    its just this 2 "little" suggestions can do alot difference with not soooo much work like adding de/clo turfwars or casino robs etc...

    @Cappo this was discussed somewhere once, sadly it wouldnt work that ez, its like ~60+/1h & payed scripters needs learn the alrdy used codes or recoding whoole server with theyr way (something like this) also rip

  3. @zKill98 said in Add an ''Call an Impounder'' command:

    @Zei u didn t got my message, an random player can move my parked car with his body, by calling the impounders this will be an bad joke to do, If i park my car in right place and some troll guy move it, the call to the impounders will add more cases like trolling others players by moving the cars

    dont worry mens, even without this call script i did once pinked either howlzes or issue car & parked infront some impounder, eitherway u can get trolled : D

  4. -9999999 i need my chetah anytime ready outside bank (saved me alot times in different situations), specially when doing pbr & you need outside an vehicle to drive moneybag to warehouse, otherwise have fun running to next savedisc whilest pigs spawns directly infront bank? deffinitly a no
    & we have an impounder spawn for a reason, dont turk theyr jobs!

  5. @Daryl said in Nametags lowering FPS:

    The new nametags are just better looking, imagine trying to find a FOX with the old name tags? Black name up against a black wall, good luck. At least now you can see their names.

    Your theory that your FPS reduction is due to the name tags is probably not even true, there's nothing to show this other than you removing your entire HUD.

    Look at your old screenshot with less people and the old name tags. Your FPS is 39 whilst in the interior. The new screenshot your FPS is 33 whilst outdoors on a custom piece of mapping with more people and vehicles.

    It's unlikely that your FPS issues are attributed correctly to the name tags, and honestly I think you're wrong when you say they look better.

    Your example is also bad, your complaint is that Ardrons name is blocked by Ape's, that isn't because of the name tag.

    I could make an equally bad argument with the below;

    alt text

    FiNd NoVa!??

    Old name tags bad, new name tags good. They also likely make little difference with FPS in identical environments.

    point is that "find nova" is still easyer cuz its colouer over colouer.
    whilest new nametags = white name + colouered class = colouered class over white name = you cant see the name, but you can see the class wich is less important.
    name is more important than class, if u want i have complete collection from saes 2009 till now, & "find waldo" is alot easyer with old nametags

    but to make all happy is very easy, just put option in m pannel to choose new or old nametags = all 100% happy

  6. also just to show difference why old nametags better (besides fps lags):
    new nametags: "find waldo find ardron"
    alt text

    alt text

    old nametags: find HS sweman:
    alt text
    or find nathan : D
    alt text

    as can see, with new nametags finding someone in crowd is hard, even harder when people mooving, older nametags easyer & if someone dont know that blue = swat/purple = AA, who thefuck cares?

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