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Everything posted by xJuDe

  1. #(rp number)15 Event Participants : @kAsTyA , @xJuDe , @NathanYT RolePlay Name: Delivering Guns Story & ScreenShots: I was delivering the guns to Kastya and i don't know that there's no police loking for me , till i noticed that he is chasing me , then i fast my speed as i can . when i reach the Creek Warehouse i taught the police don't know where am i till Kastya noticed that there is a police wathcing us . police comes slowly to me and i surrendered , till kastya helps me and we start shooting him ::: :::
  2. #(activity number) : 25 Type : JailBreaking ScreenShots:
  4. this is a really good idead so +1 from me
  5. sorry guys hehe this is just my new SUggestion check link her e : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6037/no-cop-s-allowed-at-turfing-zone-cops-can-t-arrest-crims-while-turfing
  6. DELETED , Check : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6037/no-cop-s-allowed-at-turfing-zone-cops-can-t-arrest-crims-while-turfing
  7. we don't want to get arrested while turfing so +1
  8. Best of luck :D GL brotha
  9. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : my Ingame name is xJuDe , my account name is JudeObiasca and my age is 18 my weakness are None and my strenghts are Shooting / killing / driving / teamworking /roleplaying and JailBreaking . I Born on the Philippines and my Mom is from Australia and my Father is from Philippines im half australian and half pinoy . i can talk Italian , English , Tagalog . and im apart of group called : Cluckin' Bells What is our role : The Forgotten is making ilegal and legal stuff and they just want to get their goal in future Why shall we accept you: Because im active and kind loyal and respectful guy in saes and im not breaking the server rules and all rules Reasons to apply: Im always want to join Unique and good Group What agency you would like to join if you get in: i like to join The Believer (TB)
  10. -Section 1- Username: JudeObiasca Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera In-game Nick : [Cluck*]xJuDe or OB.xJuDe.Helper , sometimes Nationality: half Pinoy half Australian Country of residence: Pilippines ,Cebu city Age: 18 English proficiency: 9/10 Other Languages: Italian , Tagalog -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Because i like JailBreaking and i like to help OB to their activities Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: i can offer my loyalty my kindness and my respect and ofcourse my skills How long you been playing in SAES?: since 3weeks Current group membership(s): Cluckin' Bell -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello , i am Jude i love to play Baseball with my cousin and friend's and ofcourse computer games such as , MTA , CSGO , Minecraft etc.... i born since August 19 , 2000 , my father is Filipino and my Mother is Austalian and they all love me and im studying hard so i can make Job when i grow up a lil bit . My Favorite server in MTA is SAES:RPG because all people are kind and they all helped me since i played , they told me to read rules , etc.. then some week later i know all rule's but i forget sometime , and i love to jailbreak my friend's so i joined OB Regards , xJuDe
  11. @Bozi said in San Andreas Taxi Services| Official Topic | RECRUITMENT OPEN: Well, there is already a group about taxis services called TEC.Good luck anyway ty
  13. goodluck man
  14. +1 here
  15. Address: 17 Wankers Lane Account name: haveer890 Last seen: December 23 , 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7eoER4I
  16. Distinctive questions Ingame name : 203|xJuDe Username : JudeObiasca Country of Residence : Philippines , Cebu City Spoken Languages : Italian . English , Tagalog Date of birth : August 19 , 2000 Date of the beginning of your SAES career : i started playing 1 and a half week but i know all the rule's Previous organisations : I dont join any Organisation yet Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence : this is a criminal organization which main goals are to gain money fast, assasinate imoportant people, make deals with other gangs which all lead to a rise of prestige in San Andreas. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? : Just say sorry and tell the Admin that it's just a n accident and you didnt notice that it's high or you have low health You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? :I would try to discuss the whole situation with them and make a fair deal so as to be let go. If nevertheless they capture me I would wit for help from our gang members. There is a guy where you had several disputes with causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? : i will try to change her mind and to be friend of mine and forget the hate against him and i will respect my gang
  17. -Section 1- Username: JudeObiasca Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera In-game Nick : OC-H|>xJuDe or sometime OB.xJuDe.Helper Nationality: Pinoy / Australian Country of residence: Philippines , cebu city Age: 18 English proficiency: 9/10 Other Languages: Tagalog , Italian , English -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Because i wanna JailBreak always Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: ican offer my loyalty my respect and my skills . and also im everyday active How long you been playing in SAES?: almost 1 week Current group membership(s): none yet -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: hello im jude i born in the philippine's but my mom is from australia and my dad is from philippines , when i was a kid i like to play BaseBall and all GTA Games till i found MTASA and play it , i found SAESRPG and play it . it's like 2015 but i've been inactive for like 3year's because i have some school and some activities to do in my school , then i came back like 1week's and i see that there was too many gang official and more player's than since and so many kind player's , my cousin name is Martin Jxmes Solis A.K.A BloodZ*>Jxmes . and im always active from now on because i love SAES RPG !
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