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xJuDe's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Personal information Ingame name: xJuDe|TF Account name: JudeObiasca County of residence: Philippines Primary language: Tagalog Other languages that you can speak: Italian-English Age: 18 Ingame information How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: since 2015 but i stop playing then i came back just 1month ago , i created new account Have you ever been banned? If yes, then why?: Nope How much time you play per week?: Depends on a day , sometimes in 1dy i can play straight 10hours sometimes 9hours sometimes 12hours ..... so let's say 50hours Your English skills ?/10: 8/10 Your RP skills ?/10: 8/10 Are you part of any group? If yes, list those: The Forgotten , Cluckin' Bell , Age of Judgment , AutoLand , Kool time news G/S/C you are currently in: Nothing yet Why do you want to join PoS? (Give us few sentences please): Because i know i can help them to activities .. What is our role (in your own words): they are the priests that by day pretends to be the ordinary clerics but when no one sees are trying to find more spells and magical objects for more abilities but at nights we turn into the ghosts to feed on human fears as that gives us strength to live on. Have you had any experience of roleplay with us before?: Nope , but in Event yes Tell us about yourself please: Hi im Jude , i like to play computer game such as gta;sa , gtav , cs;go , gtaiv , and also Minecraft , i love my all families and ofcourse my classmates in school , my friends , my cousins ...... and we like to play baseball with my cousin and with our friends...
  2. Gangs - level 1-5 [AA] - Arms Assassins : [Best Genk ! AA :P] [B~B] - Black Bullets : [I like their activity in Night ofcourse i like their HQ and it's youtuber and it's name is @RAMPAGE !] [Z] - Organization Zero: [Not very bad] [UE] - Underground Empire : [Same as above] [CDC] - Comando Da Capital : [This is the good genk !] [O] - The Outfit: [Not too bad i like their activity in night too !] CripZ: [Not bad] [WA]- Wild Angel: [This is very good good good genk ! i like the role and BRs in night always 8/8 !] [THC] - The Company: [Well since i came back i like to be a ThC member but they say im multi-accounting but im not !] [OC] - Overdose Crime: [Not bad ] [TT] - Thuga Thugs: [Hmmmmm not bad too :p] [HRMC) - Hell Raisers MC: [HRMC is dead ! Almost All the members goes to Rebels MC !!!] [Rebel MC) - Rebel MC: [They spend my time ! so in ratings i would say it's 7/10] Squads - level 1-5 [FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation : [Not bad Squad Also there are some good players in it.] [SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics : [Awesome Squad] [SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police : [Well , I liked this is in ratings i would say 9.5/10 , also the new Leader is friendly :P] [FOX] - Fox Operation.X : [Well yesterday i just forgot to repair my car to hospital disc then i come out of my vehicle then respawned my Car then they start Shooting ! and when it's on fire they arrested me !] [NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau : [Good Squad also my friend and youtuber is here he's name is @NORI999 !] [TST] - The Strike Team: [Not bad just their activitys...] [ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement: [Oh man...] [STF] - Special Task Force: [Not bad ! and awesome squad too !] Companies - level 1-5 [RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas: [Keep up the good Songs!] [Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell: [oh man @Tapi pls accept me to group in forums ! xD] Favorite Gang : WA / O / B~B / ThC Favorite Squad : NNB / SAFP / FBI / SWAT
  3. Application Form Real Name: Jude Obiasca Campanera Nickname: JudeObiasca Age: 18 Gender: Male Location: Philippines , Cebu city Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs): Hello Im Jude i live in Philippines and i born in the Philippines , my mom is australian my dad is Pinoy , i can speak a little bit of Italian because my mom Teach me and i love my all Family and i like playing computer games such as , cs;go , minecraft , mta;sa , gtav , gtaiv , gtasa and more..... i like to Studying because when i grow up i like to be Scientist. How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? since 2015-2016 but i stop playing then i came back just like 1month ago and i created new account because i forgot my account since Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? Adminjailed - Deathmatching a car when i was new player Please list your current group memberships on the server: Age of Judgment , Cluckin' Bell , AutoLand , The forgotten , Kool Time News What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)? at my strengts im not saying im all good at it , Killing / Shooting / Driving / Teamworking / Roleplaying / Parachuting What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)? My weaknesses are Cracking safes from BR Do you have access to TS3 or Discord? Yes i do How many hours do you play on average daily? kinda 7-12hours How often do you visit the forums? Everyday and Everyminutes Roleplay (out of 10): 8/10 English (out of 10): 8/10 Driving (out of 10): 8/10 Answer the following questions Why do you want to join Lucksn Company? Because i like eating foods ! and also i like cooking , baking ! , actually im at group called " Cluckin' Bell " Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who? No one Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes i do In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is actinging like in Real life or experiencing like in real life , like in Movies it's RolePlay In your own words, define DM: DM is killing or attacking or damaging a player without a reasons In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is doing like delivering with you team . Help him in any situations..
  4. xJuDe

    Goodbye SAES

    well @Bone we live on same place
  5. goodluck
  6. xJuDe

    Goodbye SAES

    oh my cousin is quiting SAES !
  7. In-game name & Age : xJuDe|TF , 18 Account name : JudeObiasca Nationality & Timezone : Half Pinoy Hald Australian , GMT+8:00 Gender : Male Language skills? : Italian-English-Tagalog , Italian( 7/10 ) , English ( 8/10 ) , Tagalog ( 9/10 ) Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs : Hello Im Jude i live in Philippines and i born in the Philippines , my mom is australian my dad is Pinoy , i can speak a little bit of Italian because my mom Teach me and i love my all Family and i like playing computer games such as , cs;go , minecraft , mta;sa , gtav , gtaiv , gtasa and more..... i like to Studying because when i grow up i like to be Scientist. How long have you been playing on SAES? : since 2015 but i stop because i study more then i came back just like 1months ago or something , ( I created new account ) because i forgot my account since Are you part of any groups, if so which? : Yes , The Forgotten , Cluckin' Bell , Age of Judgment , AutoLand and Kool Time News Previous group(s) and leaving cause(s) : ICE - I didn't leave , I get kicked because James told me to delete the Report but i said I can't but he still kicked me , im just trying to be honest ( I was about to Leave But i talk with him ) Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) : Yes , i get adminjail because i deathmatch a Car when i was a new player Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) : N/A Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : Jude was leaving in Los Santos Groove Street .10 , he was very smart and kind one day he get tested for Scientist . then he was very hapy because he passed the tests , weeks later he get her Salary/Income , he gave it all to her Mother to help from House/Foods , he save his money to buy a new car . Some years Later he thnk that money was enough to buy new car called " Buggati Divo " , he goes to Buggati Company to buy a brand new car ! . Jude was very successful Man in Los Santos . Define Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club : Demon Disciples MC is a Motorcycle club Group . they doing roadtrips ....... Why should we invite you into Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? : I can help DDMC to their Activity and i can Help them what they want to. Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring within the club? : Yes , my Loyalty , Kind , Respect , Honest . And i can help them with Activity Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? : No Any additional information we may need to know? : Well , if you guys said that im Multi-Accounting i am not , if you asked BloodZ>Jxmes he is my cousin and HRMC|Shroud|M is Sister of my cousin! . Thanks
  8. House No.1 LS , With carspawn : $1.500.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/sEiAUgw , buyed by @Zach7
  9. Hello there , i am selling a business and houses in LV-SF-LV if you want to buy it comment down or PM me ingame HOUSES House No.1 LS , With carspawn : $1.500.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/sEiAUgw House No.2 LV , Without Carspawn ( With free Apartment Near to Disk ) : $400.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/xdj6bjX ( SOLD ) House No.3 LV , With Carspawn and Near to Disk : $550.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/VPFPVgj House No.4 SF , Without Carspawn But near SR and Disk : $650.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/XtmDx9I ================================================================================================================================================== BUSINESSES Business No.1 LV , Income.$3.200 Near To Disk : $1.000.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/tC5W63D Business No.2 SF , Income.$1.600 Can make this a base : $3.300.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/PmS68LQ Business No.3 SF , Income.$1.600 No carspawn but Near to Disk and SR : $1.000.000 ( Discounted ) https://imgur.com/a/67kpckw ( SOLD ) IF YOU WANT TO BUY JUST SAY THE BUSINESS NUMBER OR HOUSE NUMBER AND TAG ME SO I CAN SEE IT AND IF YOU SEE ME INGAME YOU CAN PM ME.
  10. Glad to see you back Varios Los Aztecas ! GoodLuck !
  11. Personal information Nickname: JudeObiasca Ingame Username: [WA-H]xJuDe|TF Age: 18 English proficiency: quite good if you mean in ratings i would rate , 8.5/10 Nationality: Half Pinoy / Half Australian Spoken Languages: Italian-English-Tagalog Roleplay skills: 8/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : ICE- Kicked for reporting a SAFP member and james said delte it but i say i can't and he don't believe me then he kicked me. e Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: WA Role is Hunting and killing suspicious enemies and targets to reach their goals and to make sure everything goes well for WA side , their secondary role too is , Ambush operations which means hunting or kidnapping an exact target to get a ransom or just trying to know some secrets and pieces of informations about his organizations or company , Robbing and stealing which means they had the ability to rob everything stores,banks anything can make anvantage to them. Arms and Drug dealing which means they had a great experience producing such stuff especially drugs they are specialists in trading weapons with good/awesome qualities and low prices , carjacking which means they are professional in stealing cars without leaving any evidence/hints , Hostage providing whiche means sometime hostages are requires for criminals to escape easily. wild angels kidnap peoples and sometimes use them as hostages t their criminal activities such as , Bank robberies , casino robberies , store robberies ........ actually sometimes wild angels sell hostages to other organization for their criminal activities for the decent amount of moneys.. Previous punishments/bans and reason: Adminjail : for deathmatching a car when i was a new player Why you want to join Wild Angels?: Because im being a good criminal and also i have a friend named "[WA]PewD" in the gang and i know i can help WA to activities , events. etc..... What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Because im active , loyal , honest , kind and repectful player and i can do what higher ranks beg to me and i know that im fit to the gang What does DeathMatch means: Killing/Attacking/Damaging a player without any reasons If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: take Screenshot(F12) and report him (/report) So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: i will just ignore him or i will not kill him What does avoid arrest means: Suiciding by killing yourself with a grenade , or jumping from high like roof of bank. State 3 turf rules: Don't spawn as Medic/Pizza boy to help your gangmates , Do not kill gang alliances/gangmates , Jumping from Unclimbable roofs is not allowed State 3 BR rules: There must be atleast 1 HQ to start a BR , Do not BR alone , Commiting suicide by jumping at roof of bank is not allowedor even F1 > Im stuck is not allowed. State 3 GR rules: Do not spawnkill , Grenade is not allowed , Do not start a GR alone Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : i know anyone it's PewD,Karim,Expert , but no one recommend me to apply What are your strengths: Shooting / Driving / Killing / Teamworking / Roleplaying / Parachuting / Jailbreaking / Respect Higher Member What are your weaknesses: Cracking Safes Something else to add?: In my strengths im not saying im good at all , also i want to share BRs , Hang , and Turf War with WA , https://imgur.com/a/16CTg3q , EDIT : This also :P https://imgur.com/a/xUByILh
  12. -Section 1- Username: JudeObiasca Real Name: Jude Obiasca In-game Nick : xJuDe|TF Nationality: Half Australian / Half Pinoy Country of residence: Philippines , Cebu city Age: 18 English proficiency: 9/10 Other Languages: Italian-Tagalog -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Because i already wanted to do JailBreaks and i want to help OB to their Activity Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: i can offer my skills to jailbreaking , loyalty , kind , respectfull member and honest How long you been playing in SAES?: since 5years but i stop then i came back just like 1month ago Current group membership(s): The Forgotten , Age of Judgement , Cluckin' Bell , Kool time News -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello im jude im always wanted to play games such as mta;sa , gta;sa , gta v , gta iv and play console games with my families . and also i really love to hang with my families and i love them all , and also we always wanted to play baseball with my cousin . we really really love our family , we are friendly , kind respectful member and i like to Jail break to saesrpg , and i like teamworks with my friends.
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