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Everything posted by PoLaT

  1. Date of Event : 24 aug 2021 Event Type : runners vs drivers LWS/G6 : garcia Prize : 1.200.000 Winner : knele's team Screenshots :
  2. Your ingame username: 40salih Your ingame alias: PoLaT Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: for 10 years Qualities you can offer: I can promise you many things, everyone can promise everything, but the most important thing is to act on the field and do what you promised. There is no need to denigrate anyone but as everywhere, do all elected people do what they promise ? I would like to explain and details what I will do and If I don't do what I promise, I'm willing to be humiliated and dismissed. 3 real acts is better than 50 false. Everyone should explain and declare what they can really do, not more. Too much would be flattery. I'm an experienced player from the very beginning, I know people's needs. If I get positively through this recruitment, as I explained in all of my previous applications, I will complete all the tasks given to me by the superiors in a timely and complete manner. I will serve my family, SAES family, with 100% obedience and 100% working performance without any discrimination. There is one more thing that is even more important than hardwork, it's also devotion. A loyal staff member will serve you forever. How do you know if a person is loyal in our community ? Has he changed many teams in the past ? Did he betray ? What kind of services did he provide to his team and his family ? Did he give up and shut his team down ? Questions like these will answer whether the applicant is loyal or not. In short, as my experiences in our community, I guarantee to be a loyal and hardworking staff. I see SAES as my family for more than 10 years, I didn't even leave the team I built myself, I didn't leave anyone alone. The thing I hate the most is letting people down and breaking things. I will do my best for the growth of this family but you already know my devotion and my motivations but I wanted to write you again. Your weaknesses: I don't think it's a weakness, but everyone sees it as a weakness. They see me as a very prescriptive and strict person. most of the members of the team that I led really felt like they were in military school. but they were wrong. everything has a time. sometimes you are friendly. Sometimes you are harsh. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: As I have said in the past years, a person should do a job because he really loves it. It should not be seen as a tool. like a ladder. I do not want to demonstrate, not to discriminate, not to easily achieve other goals, but to truly serve people. sometimes you choose person x, when you do, why do you regret that you didn't choose it before. And I don't want my family to suffer any more. When you win me, you will gain a mature teammate. Our job here is to do what our commanders say. however, if our commanders ask us to produce new ideas, I will undoubtedly produce the best ideas. You want to select candidates who are the most expert in their field. however, this way of choosing may not be correct. The student who gets 95 points on the exam may disappoint you. He can betray you. He may not work the way you want. however, the student who gets 80 points may be more productive for you. Let me give an example. When our close, family, or loved ones make mistakes, we inflict greater punishments on them. let's be fair. Let it be understood that we do not favor people. No one is privileged with us. mistake is a mistake. Server Memberships: MIT ( squad ) Additional information: Sometimes I'm tough, sometimes I'm funny. My communication with people is very good. I will declare war on anyone who cheats. but my primary goal will be to eliminate cheating. and to steer people away from cheating. I will help everyone. but newbies to the game need more help. There is a famous saying in Turkey. "Don't give people fish, teach them how to catch fish" I will give players what they need. If you need information, I'll let you know. If he needs fish, I will give him fish. If they need to learn, I will teach them how to catch fish. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have no punishment. Previous (legitimate) bans: I've only been banned once. The reason is because we had a fight with a player.
  3. You can't sell with interior
  4. ~[SELLING BIG BASES FOR NEW SQUADS / GANGS]~(magenta) ~[GOOD LUCK ;)]~(blue)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zzghO0OW2k
  6. Date of Activity : 7 july 2021 Activity : patrolling Involved Members : @MIT-Military-Intelligence-Team Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Date of Activity : 6 july 2021 Activity : patrolling Involved Members : @MIT-Military-Intelligence-Team Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcyYYItg0zM
  9. Date of Event : 11 june 2021 Event Type : rhino shooter LWS/G6 : @Judyes Prize : 1m Winner : grievinglark Screenshots : ::: :::
  10. Date of Event : 11 june 2021 Event Type : lucky nade LWS/G6 : @Judyes Prize : 1m Winner : @Proton Screenshots : ::: :::
  11. Date of Event : 11 june 2021 Event Type : face to face lms LWS/G6 : @Judyes Prize : 1m Winner : @BurakO Screenshots : ::: :::
  12. Date of Event : 11 june 2021 Event Type : chicken shooter LWS/G6 : @Judyes Prize : 1m Winner : @anas Screenshots : ::: :::
  13. Date of Event : 11 june 2021 Event Type : airbox all vs all LWS/G6 : @Judyes Prize : 1m Winner : suciguapo Screenshots : ::: :::
  14. ~[Eid Mubarek--Assalamu alaykum all muslims]~(blue)
  15. ~[Eid Mubarek--Assalamu alaykum all muslims]~(blue)
  16. ~[Eid Mubarek--Assalamu alaykum all muslims]~(blue)
  17. Happy Birthday MIT <3 ~[7 may 2020]~(blue) > ~[7 may 2021]~(magenta) yiki dodun Milli stihbarat Tekilat !!! ~[Hello everyone !!! We are one of the 10 official squads on SAES History ...! MIT has been created 1 year ago. We are very happy to be with you..]~(red) ~['' Trkn adn heryere yazdk.. Bayraklarmz heryerde dalgalandrdk.. Bu gurur ve sevin bizlere yeter.. cCc PoLaT cCc '']~(maroon) ~[Happy Birthday MIT]~(lime)
  18. I am waiting your bids.. Screens: ::: :::
  19. selling big bases for squads .. pm me
  20. selling big bases for squads..
  21. selling big bases for squads.. pm me
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