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Everything posted by PoLaT

  1. come on guys .. where is new bids ?
  2. lets where is new bidsss ???
  3. Was it nyxs propertie ?
  4. ~[.....PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION.. AFTER WRITE OFFER.... Hello Dear Saes Members.. I am puting new big base to auctions... This propertie can be used as a big base.. You can add everything in garden.. I put vehicles in garden and helicopters so you can imagine as base.. They are my disk cars.. It has not any civillian, criminal spawns .. So its free for base.. I have ss with helicopters .. and I have ss as empty base.. Its next to LV warehouse.. its next savedisk.. Guyyyyss most important : it has huge space.. its easy map. straight place.. has park place, walls, and big build.. if you want create a base ..u just need add (cars, helicopters, gate, stairway the roof ) you can imagine at my screenshots.. starting bid is 5 mil.. everything is ready for create gangbase.. photos :]~ another images >> https://imgur.com/a/o9SjyH2 i am waiting bids / / /
  5. woow this park !!! my offer is = 80 mil
  6. ~[Hello Dear Saes:Rpg Members... READ ALL INFORMATIONS Firstly, I am posting my nice donut shop here... Its not for sale normally.. and I dont need money, But i want to hear bids for it.. Maybe I sell when I get a good offer.. nice offer...]~(red,orange,yellow,red,blue,blue,blue,blue,blue,blue,lime) >> so please avoid giving small bids << Propertie Details: Its in Bayside / TR ... It has interior ... Its a donut shop so its special.. 0 meters to SR ... It has park place so you can add your donate cars in front of .. ~[most importantt : its next to SR]~(blue) ... Methink cops love it.. because i am cop. I am arresting minimum 10 crims when i spawn at this donut.. pictures =
  7. my offer is hotring racer 3 + v8 :D
  8. is it hashish and porn house in gta:Sa ?
  9. This kingring shop is for sale now.. Has interior. Has park place in front of.. next iac base... Starting price is 5 mil.. waiting your bids..
  10. address: Zip Construction Plot account name: throne last seen: 26 february 2019 screenshots:
  11. ~[Big Burger in SF near bank !!! It has biggest interior .. You can go to bank max 15 seconds.. 24 k daily income .. Huge build + there is stairs at behind..]~(red,lime,purple,blue) waiting your offer !!!
  12. My lighthouse is for sale now ! this is a special propertie on saes.. next sr.. bayside is special city.. i am waiting your offers ..
  13. Big business in LS .. It has 64 k income .. there is motorbikes in front for free using.. Everyone can use them.. near lspd.. next iac base.. i am waiting your offers..
  14. ~[Big business in lv, has interior, has big park place in front of and behind, has 8 k income Nice location, next lws base .. 7/24 market store !! from PoLaT.. if u have nice props for exchange pm me ingame ... i am waiting your bids !!]~(red,orange,lime) dream as a mini nice base !!! its an ideal place for new gangs .. starting price = 5 mil
  15. guys !! i am waiting other offers ! maybe exchanges too
  16. Name: PoLaT Username: 40salih Rank before kick/leave: Full cadet How long have you in sapa: Maybe 4 months Who kicked you: Anybody.. That was my decision Date of kick/leave: Last year Reason for kick/leave: a little disagreement What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I joined ICE-police.. Why do you want back in? : I want join again because i want be active again at sapa.. and doing activities.. What have you learned from this? : I learned doing a lot of more roleplays.. a lot of rules .. I gained experience. thanks to my old commanders.. Who do you want to apologize to? : I dont have any problem with anyone.. But i want apologize to Estinoge.. He said me '' Dont left us '' . I didn't listen to him. Why should we give you a second chance?: I am an active player. I will spend more time to SAPA..
  17. -20 k daily income + swimming pool + nice location + next to spray, gas station, atm, disk.. from ICE|PoLaT I am waiting your offers !!
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