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Everything posted by JoKilaPT

  1. @Deu said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
  2. Why not all 3???
  3. If you have a good strategy you should have no problem. You can't go do a bank rob without good a plan, that might be the issue you're facing, we don't need more shit for the Police side to complain about.
  4. Sorted
  5. Hack CIA with HTML
  6. @Nishki said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company: @Tuga-Thugs For my TT is the best gang Like 1- TT 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7-AA-BB With all respect to AA nd BB that's just my opinion It should be: 1- AA 2- BB ... 20- TT cuz, you know... The alphabet.
  7. All done
  8. @RAMPAGE said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: (Deleted because of copyrights problem). -.- Aaaaand... re-uploaded to DailyMotion!: https://dai.ly/x7esg4c
  9. @Helena said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @JoKilaPT pff I wish
  10. @Helena said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Groove @Slaine @Rzz0 @Tritosh Welcome to CLO
  11. A camel that lives in Spain
  12. @Ramby said in Official Quote Wall: Couldn't let this nanoboobs comment go to waste. I always knew he had humor and wasn't completely dead inside. Bob got jokes like a 10 year old
  13. Worst lws ever, ex gang hopper and some needy s.o.b.
  14. Hitler would be ashamed of him
  15. @EloThAm said in LWS :: Forum: Name:O|EloThAm Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1119/elotham-s-lws-events/9 What do you need from us? I want from you guys to unlock my Topic Done, sorry for the delay
  16. ~[Starting Bid 1M]~(red)
  17. ~[Starting Bid: 500k]~(red)
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