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Everything posted by Twenta

  1. Arms Assassins & Twenta present Fallout 2.5M Winner [GSF]Volibear ::: :::
  2. Store robberies 12-8-2021 ::: :::
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCmh5fvgqq4
  4. Couple of storerob's 10-8-2021 ::: :::
  5. ~[From now on we will answer the applications every Sunday, which means that everything will be answered once a week.]~(red)
  6. Its time again :) Dear @Niklaus, Thank you for being interested in our group. Our team had some days to vote and to give there opinion and voting about you, We are happy to tell you that you are ~[Accepted]~(green) Make sure u contact any HQ ingame or on discord to give your RooftopKorean name for our administration! Dear @Soza, Thank you for being interested in our group. Our team had some days to vote and to give there opinion and voting about you, The voting is not really stable about you that means you are ~[under review]~(orange). Give us some days to give you an answer. In the mean time you are always welcome at our activity's. Dear @WenDo, Thank you for being interested in our group. Our team had some days to vote and to give there opinion and voting about you, We are happy to tell you that you are ~[Accepted!]~(green) Make sure u contact any HQ ingame or on discord to give your RooftopKorean name for our administration! Dear @M9co1337, Thank you for being interested in our group. Our team had some days to vote and to give there opinion and voting about you, We are sorry to tell you that you are ~[denied]~(red) for now... Feel free to re-apply after 1 week. Show yourself ingame and try to turn the voting from negative to postive! RooftopKorean HQ.
  7. Update 8-10-2020 ~[Update's :]~(maroon,red) -Roster updated. -Events done : 2 -Activity's done : 5 -We're busy with our Backstory -We're busy with our Roleplay to explain to get a closer look.
  8. @Nishki said in Rooftop Koreans - Official Topic: denied @VeX Dont post here if u dont have permission. @VeX You are still on the voting table be patient.
  9. I just leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ORgujErWDE
  10. @MarksMan said in Share your old SAES screenshots: Main chat XD
  11. 24-9-2020 Arms Assassins activity. More : ::: https://imgur.com/a/ZPDC2IJ :::
  12. ~[From now on we use a new application format. everyone who's willing to join must fullfill this application!]~(red) Also i like to announce that we recruited 2 more members to the HQ team! so i like to announce you @rykila @Pennyy y as our new HQ! Application format : ::: Ingame name: Acount name: Nationality: Age: English Proficiency: How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: Other groups: Current organization: What does roleplaying mean: Why do you want to join us: What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: Who are Rooftop Korean: Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ( Idea's for your Korean name : Here ) ::: ~[Update's :]~(maroon,red) -Roster updated. -Banners added ( almost finished ) -New HQ's added. -Application format changed
  13. 20-9-2020 Storerobs More : ::: https://imgur.com/a/HRIvpki :::
  14. @rykila @Marso @Ram Thanks for your response! Welcome to the group, we do need some reinforcement! Dont forget to put your badge on! ~[Accepted]~(lime)! ::: ::: ~[Also a small topic update :)]~(red)
  15. Activity count: #2 Activity Type: Storerobs with the Korean boiis Date: 18/09/2020 Screenshots: More : ::: https://imgur.com/a/xgmnBzm :::
  16. @Matt0 said in Rooftop Koreans - Official Topic: Nickname : Lunas|>Matto[VL] Nationality : Tunisia Age : 17 Your Korean name : Kang Min What's your current organization : Los Lunas Since we changed our application format u have to change it :) Nickname: Nationality: Age: Your Korean name: What's your current organization: Current other groups: Who are we?: What do we do?: Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ( Idea's for your Korean name : Here )
  17. @fenter said in Rooftop Koreans - Official Topic: Nickname : NavyM>fenteR90^ Nationality : Iraq Age : 17 Your Korean name : Chan eun What's your current organization : Navy Malistrip Fenter welcome to our team! ~[From now on we use another application format.]~(red)
  18. @Skes said in Rooftop Koreans: Nickname : sKeS Nationality : Tunisian Age : 14 Your Korean name : jang hang What's your current organization : Clandestine_Mob Welcome to the club!
  19. @Gladius said in Rooftop Koreans: Nickname : Gladius Nationality : Algerian Age : 17 Yo Your Korean name : Jung Hee What's your current organization : Medellin Cartel Welcome!
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sepkOYBlX0&feature=emb_title Store Robbing : We defend our stores against the police, military and other special groups. Our defense takes place on the roof of our stores or in front of our stores. You can mainly recognize us by our Korean names and our Korean appearance. Protect our area: We as Korean-American have our own shopping street (location will be mentioned) located in Los Santos. The intention is to have regular battles between Groups, Squads and Gangs so that we can defend ourselves and our shopping street against them. You can see it as area protection ''We see your riot and raise you rooftop koreans'' "Everyone Looting until the roofs start talking Korean" RooftopKorean HQ: Rooftop Store: Discord: Click here Media archive: Here Event Count: 5 Activity Count: 8 Group Colour: #5a4a4a Group tags: Your own korean name. ( Name.rtk ) Group name: Rooftop koreans Motto: ''We see your riot and raise you rooftop koreans'' What we do: We defend our stores against the police. ( Storerobs ) Spawn: Los Santos>Criminal>Pirate>Skin2 ( But you can also use ur own spawn ) Current member count: 48 Members Leaders: @Twenta @AngrySandvich @Nishki @Bone HQ Team: @Skes @Alessio @Niklaus ::: Rooftop Koreans Est. 1992, the Rooftop Koreans made history as a hastily formed group of Korean-Americans who defended their businesses and livelihoods during the L.A. riots. Their numbers largely consisted of volunteers: mostly shop owners and whoever accepted the call to arms- friends, family, and community members alike. The LAPD had largely abandoned the Korean-American community in their greatest time of need (go ahead, look it up), leaving small business owners in Koreatown to essentially fend for themselves against opportunistic looters and thieves. Their spirit has left a profound mark on American small business owners to this day, representing a rallying cry of eternal vigilance against rabid mobs of looters and in more modern days, herds of alleged "anti-fascists" and "peaceful protestors". Some of the most memorable imagery and live footage of the '92 riots captures the moments when Korean-Americans armed themselves with whatever firearms they could get their hands on and provided overwatch from the rooftops of their privately owned shops and markets (hence the name Rooftop Koreans). It is worth noting every Korean male is required to provide 2 years of mandatory service in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces. Give a Korean immigrant a life in the United States, and he'll be the proudest American of them all. But should you choose to burn his home and torch his livelihood, you'll have to deal with the feared Rooftop Koreans: an unstoppable community and force of nature, hailing from the eagle-screeching patriotism of the founding fathers of the U.S. of-fucking-A and the South Korean mainland. ::: Total Member Count : 48 Members Rooftop Koreans : T'kmu-sangsa ( Major ) : :netherlands:Twenta ( Pyong-Ho ) Mellow (Sin Chang-won) :flag_sa:Nishki ( Ageo-Hirama ) Hasa ( Staff ) : :tunisia:sKeS ( Jang-Hang ) Alessio ( Takumi-Fujiwara ) :egypt:Omar ( Chao-Me ) Niklaus ( Jin Kazama ) jaehyang ( Veteran ) : Duivel90 ( Katagiri Katsumoto ) :algeria:Gladius (Jung-Hee ) Haas ( Fu-Yunghai ) Edgar ( Byung-Ho ) Spartan ( linyansu ) Lincoln () :it:Aramade ( Hatan ) Kaioshin (Kim-Yong ) Rykila ( Bean-Lee ) Sangsa ( Sergeant ) : Penny (Sino-Jin) Kikas ( Jeong-Hai ) Lightside ( Chung-ae ) pyngsa ( Soldier ) : Marso (Asuna () ) Markus ( Jung-Rhee ) Dioni (Ha-neul ) Pedro ( Liki-Yosae ) Kakarotto ( ) Aveyro^ ( Junk-Kook ) Amazing ( Kang-Dae ) Chnsa ( Recruit ) : Spark ( Abd_Salam ) Gyula (Jeimseu-Yeou ) Khalikulov ( Joo-Chan ) Fenter ( Chan-Eun ) Ram ( Min-Ji ) Stoner (Jun-Ho( ) BOB ( Lee-Sin ) Vex ( Eun ) Cold ( Cold ) Twister ( SEOK ) Carl ( Ye-Jun ) Curny ( Joohee Lee ) Scofield WenDo ( Sung-Jin ) Icecold ( Kun-vodkagod ) Baphomet ( Moon Jae-in ) Morde ( Dae-su Oh ) SoZa ( Jin sou ) Simson ( Ryang-Yung ) Honored in combat ( Retired ) : Bone ( Cho-Kuk) Alphadet ( Ling-zin ) Mystic ( Seong-Jin ) Recruitment status : ~[OPEN]~(lime) Ingame name: Acount name: Nationality: Age: English Proficiency: How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: Other groups: Current organization: What does roleplaying mean: Why do you want to join us: What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: Who are Rooftop Korean: Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : What will be your korean name?: ( Idea's for your Korean name : Here ) This Topic is still under construction!
  21. Heppie birdday @Jonas13362 ::: Pssst @PinkyyyTinkyyy :::
  22. 13-9-2020 Storerobs and driving around More : ::: https://imgur.com/a/Ngn5g1Z :::
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