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Posts posted by Garcia1999

  1. @MrDeathBoy

    @Rzz0 said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    Surrender is a broken mechanic, you need to stand still for 3 seconds otherwise it doesnt work.
    You need to stop running, then wait 3 seconds, then type /sur, and before you even manage to do that the cop had reached you and you're arrested, unless the cop is 100 metres away and you have enough time to surrender or if he gives the bind which rarely happens.
    And where's the fun in surrendering anyways? Might aswell not do any crime activities if you're gonna surrender the moment you see a cop.

  2. @Dice We really appreciate your suggestions and your opinion in bunny's suggestion, but now you are just making shit between cops and criminal as i smelled before

    @Garcia1999 said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    i smell shit gonna happen between cops and criminals, please just use your mind and its for both sides. i'll say it again :

    so please, your opinion has been noted above and some of cops do agrees with this suggestion so refrain from spamming and thanks.

  3. @Dice said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    if everyone would just bail out?

    we are talking about reducing the time 15% when you pay that doesn't mean you will just bail out, its just instead of waiting 6min you will wait like 4.4min

    @Dice said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    the server is populated by old players, meaning they have great amount of wealth accumulated.

    exactly, if you are old player means that you are busy one with activities also means that you have a gang or teammates to take care of around, if you are new just wait like we are waiting now as i said above it doesnt really effect on gameplay at all.

    @Dice said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    The result of this implementation will be that crims spend money to get out, cops earn more money as a result of there being more crims, but what breaks is the balance of the game. SR, BR will be AGAIN tipped in favor of crims. And JB will be a broken mechanic.

    I may agree with you in some point, but you get it wrong, we didnt said 50k for each 15% like you can spam 50k to get out, no its just 1 press (paid only one time) also waiting 6min or 4.4min or 5min is really the same shit.

    @Dice said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

    This would be in favor for older players and against newer ones

    as bunny said down here, you are completely wrong, old players used to wait that time, but new players pissed off from that either old ones i think

  4. @Bunny said in Less jail time for inactive players:

    Make this a cash drain.
    Make crims be able to pay some cash to have jail time lowered (50k = 30-50% jail time?) ((** WE CAN TALK ABOUT THE MONEY** )) . AFK gameplay isn't that fun, and 6 minutes is a lo g time to wait in a room

    Idea is so fucking simple and perfect and make sense. cops will vote NO just bcuz they are cops but holdon and use your mind, more free criminals = more arrest/activities/money also how about giving the money that criminal pay to reduce the time to the cop ._.

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