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Everything posted by James

  1. Username: elufner Last seen: 30th August 2018
  2. Donator: James Transaction ID: 5036-8201-3844-1447 Donation: GBP 30.00 Requested rewards: 1 Dodo in ICE BASE 2 police bikes at ice base and please delete the blue transporter and add instead a police bike as well. And a medium interior on hold. can you please add me in saes donatore group i joined already but somebody must accept me.
  3. mr @Hectorr How to post ban appeal https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1341/how-to-post-ban-appeal
  4. James


    Take care of you and your daughter.
  5. @RAMOS I think you are foolish goofy i know mate about this link forum https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum But you don't see properly that this topic is about [Auction is a destruction] . so this i'm trying to say that this auction must change and have rule and be serious.
  6. what is this 14 days AUCTION ???? the situation deteriorates https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2649/big-san-fierro-hotel-close-to-bank/13
  7. what is this 13 days AUCTION ???? the situation deteriorates
  8. Follow my video it will help you to bypass the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8iLdmP6J0k&feature=youtu.be
  9. HELP IF the login panel don't pop up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8iLdmP6J0k&feature=youtu.be
  10. @nyx_ said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: so if you want to change something in the server, yes if it was possible to help CEO so LWS don't have monopoly only in events ..
  11. @nyx_ said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: most of the members LWS are in criminal gangs or police Official Squads and unfortunately the crate events to help only their team. they're answered we don't have time. @NYX_ said > Now you are trashtalking about LWS. Your members are arresting participants in events. Your members are insulting LWS members for 500k whenever they lose the event. Go and think about your squad for a while. MR NYX_ if some of my members are arresting the LAW can report him and he can kick him out from the event. or report to ice HQ . we never had complaints about some arresting in events.LAW is to create event to everyone that ask. LAW is not one admin mate to judge...
  12. IF the login panel don't pop up.. just go and quick connect and restart SAES and the login panel will show up. it happen to me 3 time.
  13. I agree with @LINCOLN - CEO help the community, more than LWS to find once LWS to make one event is considered impossible. most of the members LWS are in criminal gangs or police Official Squads and unfortunately the crate events to help only their team. they're answered we don't have time.
  14. Rest in Peace faker, everyone will miss you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vThCVCSps9c
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