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Everything posted by James

  1. Happy birthday
  2. this SUGGESTION only supports criminal side
  3. i recommend tampa because it's a drift Vehicle
  4. Congratulations @SAFP-Stone @MrGamer @Versace @TripleX @MrSolrac
  5. Happy birthday
  6. happy birthday,
  7. James enjoyments, play SAES:RPG, Remixing and re-editing music
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Happy birthday
  10. Date: 11.01.2021 Property Name: Immigration And Custom Enforcement Base Your Username: james69 Rentee Username: howlze Duration: N/A Fee: $0.00 Screenshot: Under the following conditions: The property shall be returned if either: a) FOX closes their organization b) FOX decides to move to a new location
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Activity Type: Stopping SR FBI Members Involved: @James @KiroSa Date: 10/1/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Happy Birthday,
  14. Happy Birthday
  15. Your ingame username: James69 Your ingame alias: James Your year of birth: 1993 Your gender: Male Nationality: Greek & Australian Country of residence: Greece How long you have been playing SAES: 4 Years Qualities you can offer: I'm able to offer my great English Skills, Loyalty and effort towards the community. I also do have 2 different language skills (German and Greek) that can help to communicate better with players, with the same language skills. Many players know me as a very active Player in the Community the same as in Discord and Forums. I'm always with the newest news up to date and looking carefully around the community what is happening. Managing is one of my first skill, becoming a CS i will manage the Players in the Community to help them not to rule break and Solving problems and reports. Your weaknesses: The only weakness i have is Being honest. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes i do Reason for application: The reason is that since I'm Loyal and mature and have knowledge and know how the server works, i should apply. I can be helpful being a part of the CS to help the players and the newbies. Every player should be treated equally, If i become a CS i will always Act in the Fair way . I have spend plenty of playtime in this server and have learned many new things. I would even spend more time by helping the community in the Server. Server Memberships: SPA - State Prison Authority (EX) ICE - Immigration & Customs Enforcements FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation GXT - Global Express Trucking Donator Additional information: I'm In-game known as James. I was Born in Australia and living currently in Greece. My Language skills are English, German and Greek. I have started to play this Server with 23 Years old and today I'm 27, i have spend 4 years of my life in SAES and i still enjoy it. I'm a successful business man with many responsibility's on me. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: The time i started to play on SAES i have received until now 2 Adminjails. The first punishment was for accidently marker arrest and the second was for Opening the red gate in jail. Previous (legitimate) bans: In the beginning of my Server time i was banned for using 2 PC's in the same time. I was unbanned after 2 Days for providing valid proof.
  16. Happy Birthday
  18. happy birthday
  19. Happy happy
  20. Happy birthday
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