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Everything posted by Voidka_27

  1. @MartinJames Really ? oh men Thanks
  2. @Bart12 Obrigado
  3. I recruit to my gang the AIC (Alice In Chains) Talk to me [AIC]Voidka_27 in the game for the recruit or Pick The AIC Discord! https://discord.gg/pmaquuq Portugus: Entrando no nosso Discord ns teremos uma sala onde voc deixara as informaes abaixo! Seu Nome(Saes): Voc Atira Bem No Jogo?: Voc Dirije Bem?: Voc Aceita Ajudar A Sua Gang?: Regras da Gang 1-Ajude todos os membros 2-Mantenha o Respeito por todos na Gang e aos Staffs Do Servidor 3-No faa coisas erradas no servidor que d problemas ao Lider da Gang ou aos Membros Da Gang 4-Qualquer Membro que Fazer Deathmatching com o pessoal de fora da Gang levar Ban da Gang Eventos A Gang vai preparar alguns eventos como: Corrida Deathmatching entre ns entre outros os Eventos valer Dinheiro no jogo Queremos q voc se divirta ao maximo em nossa Gang voc Bem Vindo! English: Entering our Discord we will have a room where you will leave the information below! Your Name (You): Do You Shoot Well In The Game ?: Do You Drive Well ?: Do You Agree To Help Your Gang ?: Gang Rules 1-Help all members 2-Keep Respect for Everyone in Gang and Server Staffs 3-Do not do wrong things on the server that causes problems to the Gang Leader or Gang Members. 4-Any Member who do Deathmatching with people outside the Gang will take Ban of gang Events Gang will prepare some events like: Running Deathmatching between us the Events will be worth Money in the game We want you to have the most fun you is welcome!
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