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Everything posted by Makel.

  1. -Section 1- In-game Nick :makel. Nationality:Latvian Age:17 English proficiency:8/10 Other Languages:Latvian and a bit Russian -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?:because i'm jbing lot of time in day and want to help this new JB group grow up. Current membership(s):Tuga Thugs -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words:Hey my real name is Aivo,i'm from Small country who's name is Latvia.i'm 17yo studying boy.I started playing SAES in 2017 My first gang was ICE in ICE i was long time,i think 7-8 month then i started Crime life cuz cop life is boring,then i joined The Outfit,but i left O cuz they are/was inactive and now i'm part of TT and i think here i will have good carrier. i have a lot of experience in game i'm active and loyal my SAES carrier is not big but now it time to start it.
  2. username: clous99 last seen:6th. October SS: https://imgur.com/a/qVG3eQZ
  3. sorry i'm noob in forum. delete please.
  4. Event type:Chicken shooter Event price: $2.000.000 Event winner:[Cluck]Tapi<L> Event screens: https://imgur.com/a/hZxpZf3
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