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Everything posted by Rocoso

  1. Roleplay #1 Participants: @clashgamer @Rocoso @Cristian Description: The unit was patrolling around the neighborhoods of Los Santos, from one moment to the next on the radio you hear the dispatcher asking for units to respond to a traffic accident on a bridge too close to our location, my partner took the radio and responded that we were on our way, when we arrived at the site we were told that it was a police officer who had lost control of the vehicle and had hit the barriers of the bridge, Thanks to the barriers the car did not jump and fell in the neighborhood under the bridge if not the results would have been fatal, immediately I get down to look at the situation my partner prepares the stretcher to get him on the ambulance, I quickly realize that the subject had shot out of the vehicle because it had not put the synturond and security, the first thing I did was to make sure that his neck or spine were not damaged, The subject was still conscious so I was able to ask him what condition he was in visually, he had a completely fractured tibia and fibula, he said that he did not feel his leg and had a lot of pain in his chest and difficulty breathing, the first thing that came to my mind was a broken rib and so this broken rib had perforated his lung, This was a very complex situation so my partner helped me to stabilize the officer in that same place to get him on the table without hurting him, we put a neck brace so that if he had fractures in his neck would not cause a loss of mobility of his body, we entered the table and quickly went to the nearest hospital, we managed to control and stabilize it in the ambulance so we moved until the surgery room for the surgeons to take care of it Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/e2bpauY
  2. Section A: Personal Information: Nickname: Rocoso Account name: Understaked015 Age: 18 Country of residence Colombia Primary Language: Spanish Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: I play on saes approximately 3 years or more Current S/G/C and rank: San Andreas Federal Police [HQ] San Andreas Interceptors [State Trooper] Global Express Trucking SA. [Trucker] Pro Cops [Qualified Police Officer] K9 Segurity [Canine Unit] Other RP groups you're in: San Andreas Interceptors K9 Segurity Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): SAPA [Closed] Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: N/A ^[] Section B: General Questionnaire: Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) Basically SAM is in charge of the health and welfare of the citizens of San Andreas. They take care of the health in every aspect thanks to their hospitals throughout the cities of San Andreas and their different divisions which can respond to any medical emergency. What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most Who founded SAM? Joe [Daryl] Who is the current leader and vice leader? JohnnyEnglish and Griffin For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: Approximately 1 year ago I play as a paramedic for fun and I love to play one Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Do not use the spawn to help and benefit either a criminal or a policeman in different situations, BR/SR/TURF Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: Do not disrespect someone, curse out someone or otherwise antagonize someone in main chat spawned as SAM/using SAM tags. Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yeah, I'm a pretty active person who likes to play long hours ^[] Section C : Aptitudes: 1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would take them in a good way, because if a superior is criticizing me it is because he saw a mistake in me and wants to help me to be better and improve my abilities 2. Why exactly are you applying today? As I mentioned before I played as a paramedic over a year ago, I applied quite a while ago on a SAM occasion but was denied, almost always when I have my free time I play as a paramedic since many of my safp friends are members of SAM and so I decided to apply today to spend time with them and play the role as SAM, as it has great variety and a lot of fun gameplay and an important role in saes 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? I feel that I have a lot of skills when it comes to roleplaying, I drive quite well in land and air vehicles. One of my problems is that I don't speak English perfectly but I can understand it perfectly. 4. Why should we accept you to our team? Because I feel that I can bring many good things to you, I am a person who never disrespects and I am always a guy with good manners when talking and dealing with my colleagues and other people, I like to teach what I know and learn a lot.
  3. *ACTIVITY #109 Description: Patrol around SA Participants: @KiroSa @Gladius @Rocoso Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. ROLEPLAY #21 Participants: @KiroSa @Ceviche @Veneno-x @Gladius Description: we were patrolling normally when the dispatcher reported a suspect in the store near the san anadreas federal police base, we immediately went and asked for reinforcements from our tactical units, upon arriving at the site we realized that it was an armed subject who was stealing all the money from that store, he had a civilian on the floor who was very sustained, the criminal said that if we did something wrong and did not let him go freely he would kill the civilian, we were waiting for our tactical units to arrive, but the tactical units were busy as an attack was taking place and they had to dismantle a bomb placed in the bank of the saints, the officer in charge gave strong and clear orders for the canine unit to go in first and then the officers, The officer released the canine unit which immediately went in and bit the suspect, leaving him on the floor. After this, the two officers took the ciminal and transferred him to the police department with the civilian, the criminal was put in prison and the officers took the civilian to the office to give a statement of what happened. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. *TRAINING #12 Description: Training our new K-9, Fox Participants: @Rocoso @Laminee @Pika Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. *ACTIVITY #*107 Description: Patrol around SA Participants: @ZoRo @Rocoso Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. 05/08/2020 Type of the Activity : [Convoy] Protecting and safeguarding the safety of members of government SAFP members: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Clash @LandShark @Rocoso @scooter @Remp05 Otters Agent.Sam @shah SS
  8. 04/08/2020 Type of the Activity : Activity Check SS
  9. Involved SAI members: Myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 03/08/2020, from 17:30 to 19:20. Activity type: Patrol and speed trap. Activity Details: I've been patrolling San Andreas counties and responding to calls for help from other units and civilians Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. 03/08/2020 Type of the Activity : Patrolling Members online : @Seals @jonas13362 @Rocoso SS
  11. ROLEPLAY 17# Description: I was in the garage of the Los Santos Police Department checking my patrol car and preparing to bring my K9 unit, after this I went to get my K9 unit and placed it in the back of the patrol car and got in, after reporting my status 10-8 with CONTROL, I was assigned a 10-88 at the gas station at Los Santos Airports, After this I responded in code 2, when I arrived at the site I realized that there was a Burrito van parked at the side of the road, I quickly activated my megaphone and gave the order to turn off the engine of the vehicle and leave slowly with the years where I can see them, after this I spoke with the subject and asked for his identification, from the moment we got off the k9 unit she looked a little uneasy and was making some movements pointing to the back of the vehicle, so I told the suspect to open the vehicle quickly the k9 unit came in and started barking very loudly, there were some white packages which the suspect said was powdered milk for a local supermarket, After asking him for the papers and he refused, we did a test for allusinogenic substances which tested positive for cocaine. An anti-drug unit of the Los Santos Police Department arrived on the scene to take charge of the vehicle, I took the suspect in handcuffs and transported him to the apartment to leave him in the custody of a judge. Participants: @Pika @Veneno-x Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/YP2pG31
  12. being a dad is a complicated job.
  13. Involved SAI members: BobLee_Swagger @rocoso Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Other involved people: @LandShark @Seals Date, time and duration of activity: 31/07/2020 1 hour 35 minuts Activity type: LS-LV Drugs Control UID Check Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/PDOS1ew
  14. 28/07/2020 Type of the Activity : Patrolling/Responding JB Members online : @VayraN @pekekent @SidVicious @Rocoso SS ::: :::
  15. Qualified Police Officer XD
  16. 19/07/2020 Type of the Activity : Patrolling Members online : @Lescano @SAFP-Stone @Formula SS ::: :::
  17. ~[Always fighting from the mountains with courage and honor]~(green) Buen viaje mis comandantes de frente y camaradas #RealParacos @Stay @Venom @Douglass @Zodiac ~He makes a gesture of greeting to the commanders, breaks line and leaves slowly
  18. 17/07/2020 Type of the Activity : TRAINING Members online : @kellerman @Alexiz2 @Rocoso @Lescano SS ::: :::
  19. 17/07/2020 Type of the Activity : Responding JB Members online : @Jemmyx46 @Lyiones @FacuK @Rocoso SS ::: :::
  20. @Predator said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive: Type Of Activity: RolePlay with @San-Andreas-Federal-Police. Story: Mr Stone a SAFP Official requested an immidiate ALT service though ALT's website, ALT's Engineers forwarded the mission to me, and i got assigned of transporting Lamps from Las Venturas Airport to SAFP headquarters,i've immidiately drove my roadtrain, arrived to Las Venturas airport loaded one lamp on the trailer, attached the trailer and drove to SAFP base where i loaded the five lamps, the mission was properly executed and both parties we're satisfied, not mentioning the astonishment of SAFP team because of ALT's smooth structure and rapid response. Date: 23/06/2020 Participants: @SAFP-Stone @Rocoso & @Matheus . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/I8RrTLo
  21. ROLEPLAY 16# Description: Roleplaying with SAI RoadBlock. Participants: @hope @Rocoso @Spanish @Jemmyx46 @FTH Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Involved SAI members: BobLee_Swagger @rocoso Jemain_West @Jemmyx46 Denis_Denver @FTH Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None. Other involved people: @hope @spanish Date, time and duration of activity: 15/07/2020 30 minuts Activity type: LS-LV Drugs control RB Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/7tjLm4W
  23. 13/07/2020 Type of the Activity : Responding BR Members online : @Rocoso @Terry @Kristiina SS ::: :::
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