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Everything posted by Funstein

  1. Patrol #548 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 10 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/fxnbpUJ
  2. ::: Thanks! :::
  3. Happy Birthday ma boy!!
  4. @Nemesis said in Do you want Tamsouh / Sadio / Ayken / Mohamed to leave SAES ?: Oh shit oh fuck gay boi is at his period again Im out, peace! You've obviously run out of arguments! To defend your ass, you can't justify the shit you talk about her sister. That why u out, No?
  5. @Nemesis said in Do you want Tamsouh / Sadio / Ayken / Mohamed to leave SAES ?: Change your attitude, if you cant then dont moan around Simple as that How do you want him to change his attitude if you're the one who always annoys him and talks shits about his sister? You and your friends are hypocrites. I don't know how you are a Member of SAES.
  6. @SideSwipe said in Selling nice house in BC Near SR!: @Funstein stop fucking tag me Cry
  7. @SideSwipe said in Do you want Tamsouh / Sadio / Ayken / Mohamed to leave SAES ?: Tamsou is Mohamed ._. wow Ohh wow yes..
  8. @SideSwipe said in Selling nice house in BC Near SR!: 6m 7m
  9. @SideSwipe said in Selling nice house in BC Near SR!: 4m 5m
  10. @Shiryu said in Selling nice house in BC Near SR!: Sorry Side, pm me when you on. Im right now too. 3m
  11. Mmmm, Good luck!
  12. Nickname : CripZ>Funstein - [SAM]Funstein<P*> Username : arkantos12 Since when do you play SAES:RPG : 6-8 Month Im not sure, maybe more. Current gang/squad/company : CripZ Current Groups : San Andreas Medics, InvestArms Corporation, San Andreas State Parks Who are the Founders of SaS : @GanJa and @Karma Which division are you applying for : Actors divisions! Why did you choose this division : Because, when I was a kid I wants to be a actor! :D Who is the leader of the Actors Division : @Karma Who is the leader of The Producers Division : @GanJa Why do you want to join San Andreas Studios : Because, its a good group have a good role and its active! :D Why should we accept you : I will be loyal active, and i will keep the hard work! Anything you want to add : No, if you wants know something about me pm me. With, Sincerely Funstein
  13. Patrol #542 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/ReEmNZj
  14. @RAMPAGE Listo man, gl :)
  15. @Patrol said in Show us yourself V3: follow me on insta if you want fkin scrubs Pasa el username guapo hh
  16. Patrol #529 Personal Patrol #6 Participants: @Hoodie Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/J0creDq
  17. Patrol #526 Personal Patrol #5 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/Pu7ftkJ
  18. Patrol #525 Personal Patrol #4 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 15 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/Mo8A7w4
  19. Patrol #524 Personal Patrol #3 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/SgcAv09
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