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Everything posted by Funstein

  1. Jaja happy birthday brazz
  2. Event Number: #9 Type of event: LMS Prize: 1m LWS Member(s): @Jim Winner(s): @cocko Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/py94xnd
  3. Roleplay type: Patroll Description of roleplay: Patrolling around LS & RC. Date (DD/MM/YY): 09/07/2019 Location: Los Santos -> Red Country Participants @Funstein Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/V8cklCQ
  4. Activity Number #1 Date 08-07-2019 Participants @Funstein @Toni @Phoenix @Harb Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/oxcggN3
  5. -General Information- In-game name: [VeC]Funstein Account name: arkantos12 Age: 14 Gender: Masculine Country of residency: Chile How well do you speak English?: Not its bad my english I think, on a scale of 1-10, I'd score at around 8. What all languages can you speak other than English?: Spanish and a bit of Portugues Tell us something about yourself : Hey I am Funstein, my real name is Andres, I am 14 years old and i am from Chile, I have been playing in saes since from this year. I am an optimistic person, who always seeks to give the best of himself and never give up, Besides, I like to learn from past mistakes and not make them again. And I am a guy who likes to feel special among other players, but I feel that I have an immense ability to help new players, However I also have a great quality that is to maintain respect for all members and players also having a calm to effect and resolve things in due time. -Specific Information- From how long are you playing SAES: 1 Year Since when are you playing GTA:SA: More of 2 years. Are you in any G/S/C If yes, Name it: Yes Vandalos De el Corona Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: Currently Groups: Cluckin' Bell , San Andreas Medics , Knighthounds Contractors , Global Trust - Previous: IAC & SaS both kicked for the same reason (pm me.) List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Weaknesses: one of my greatest weaknesses, is that I am an impatient person. Strengths: I'm a person who maintains respect for everyone. Why do you want to join BD?: I sincerely like the roleplay of Black Devils for that reason I would like to join. How can you help BD?: With my activity loyalty and some events and ideas. Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and BD's rules?: Yes Who are BD's founder(s)?: @Phoenix What is BD's Motto?: "If you've never driven one back off shut up & Give me room" With sincerely, Funstein
  6. Donna, its admin " Donna - donna inactive "
  7. Starting bind: 500k Disk near and near the bank GUI : Exterior : Ubication
  8. Good luck
  9. 1,6m and skinner nudes
  10. @Rayder Tienes, que enviar tu applicacion aca https://saesrpg.uk/topic/127/underground-empire/376
  11. Roleplay type: Patroll Description of roleplay: Patrolling around LS & LV. Date (DD/MM/YY): 28/06/2019 Location: Los Santos -> Las Venturas Participants @Funstein Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/azqYIBR
  12. @kipt free saha?
  13. Funstein

    Bye bye!

  14. Patrol #694 Personal Patrol #39 Participants: @Exile @Funstein @Una-Kadav Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 Minutes Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/3nPdJFz
  15. Roleplay type: Patroll Description of roleplay: Patrolling around LS Date (DD/MM/YY): 25/06/2019 Location: Los Santos Participants @Funstein Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/ytbYojF
  16. Roleplay type: Patroll Description of roleplay: Patrolling around LV Date (DD/MM/YY): 23/06/2019 Location: Las Venturas Participants @Funstein Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/tVyoV2a
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