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Everything posted by Funstein

  1. https://discord.gg/zQPtQau Varrios Los Aztecas - Official Discord @Filex
  2. @Bang Welcome aboard ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) Funstein Varrios Los Aztecas - Team HQ
  3. @Norwing said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Welcome back boiz!! @Conan_ said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Good Luck and welcome back bruh <3 <3 @Lancee said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Good luck ! @Skerdi said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Good luck Thanks, Guys!
  4. ~[Varrios Los Aztecas - Official Discord]~(#3debc5,#3debc5) https://discord.gg/zQPtQau
  5. @Riley said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Good luck with it ! @Roarke said in Varrios Los Aztecas: niggaz in love Thanks guys!
  6. @radri said in Varrios Los Aztecas: @FastYounq Good luck and nice to see this gang again but i think u made wrong or? Level 4 / Respected (The people who have done so much for the organization inside, those people are getting an huge attention in the gang.) Mohamed [RECRUITMENT TEAM] tamsou7 is hq wow Please, we don't want your toxic accitud here. With sincerely, Funs Team HQ
  7. Activity Number #1 3 Members Online Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/iTtMup0
  8. Event Number #1 Event Name: Chicken Shooter Event Money: 1.000.000 Event Winning: [Brothers]Rambo Event Regulates: https://imgur.com/a/XczcI9d
  9. @JaKeL said in Varrios Los Aztecas: Good Luck guys Thanks mate.
  10. Happy Birthday
  11. Happy birthday
  12. Bill
  13. Ignore hhh
  14. Ignore others, James only talks shit because you donate to the server as you say if you donate is to collaborate with the server nothing more. :relaxed:
  15. @tong said in Current Official Squads Levels - 2018 / 2019: pls sir NSWC lvl 1 In yours Dreams! :flushed:
  16. Ingame name: HRMC-H|Funs_ Real name: Andrs Age: 14 Gender: Masculine Nationality: American Lenguages Spoken: English, Spanish and Portugues Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked): FBI: Help criminal, and bad attitude Explain what is our role in your own words: Selling, weapons professional selling bikes and human traffic What does MC stand for: MC stands for Mootorcycle Club What does an 1%er MC mean: Outlaw MC Who is the founder of HRMC: Franks. Why would you like to join HRMC: It is a good motoclub also brings me good memories that I would like to live again also is an active gang and has good members Why should we accept you: I will be a good member and I am a good cracker and I will help in any way I can to make HRMC progress and be the best MC. Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC: Nop Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below: ::: ::: With, Sincerely Andrs :)
  17. Noo, Mate! :( <3
  18. Obviously your life and your well being is more important than a game wished you the best success
  19. Hello to all the community, I come to propose a category for the forum to sell cars with the new command to publish their cars for sale with details type of engine and nitro. Something like that : Comment +1 or -1
  20. Pal
  21. About yourself. In-game nickname: O-H-Funstein_ In-game username: arkantos12 Your real name: Andrs Age: 14 Nationality: United States Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes @kipt Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: No What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I am a guy who likes to feel special among other players, but I feel that I have an immense ability to help new players, new and potential members to join the gang, help in other small situations, confusion and future problems, however I also have a great quality that is to maintain respect for all members and players also having a calm to effect and resolve things in due time. Also im good driver and im good shooting Additional information about yourself: My name is Andrs I born in United States but now living in Chile. ( Chile have family here). I'm 14 years olds and like video-games and like animals and im speak English Spanish and Portugues.. Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 2 months but inactive and now back. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): FBI Why have you left the above?: Kicked, reason: Helping a criminal escape the police and bad attitude. What server groups are you currently a part of?: N/A Previous server bans and reasons (include links): N/A With sincerely, Funstein_
  22. Nice promo! :p
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