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Posts posted by Funstein

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    @AlanWalker said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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    -Roleplay# 269-
    Topic : The Young Guy and The Drugs
    Participants : @Funstein @khalil @AlanWalker @Rover
    Story : At first it was a good day with my friends then i got a call that some one wants some of our drugs we talked at the phone and dealed together what we will do and where we will meet at first i wasn't on trust with him that was the first day , then the second day we was prepearing our drugs and our car filled with boxes of drugs and we moved with our cars one normal car and one big car filled with drugs then we arrived at place but before i see him , i was hidding in place that he cant find me in it then i saw that there it's clear without cops then i came out from my hidden place i came to him with my friend "Rover" when i saw it clear but when i saw him i said in my mind DAMN he is too young for drugs so i asked him how old are you he told me that he is 16 years old i told him 16 years old the drugs can affect a lot on you he told me that he don't even need to live that his dad died and his mom is a dancer in bar that he killed her for that and he told me just don't ask please and sell me the drugs i was really don't care about him because i don't even know him so i continued and i talked with him i asked him first if he got money he said to me yes and i let him saw the drugs and taste it then he liked it he will take two boxes i said to him cool and we putted the two boxes in his car trunk and he gave me the money when we was leaving there was a cop spying on us then i shouted by saying A POLICE COP TAKE CARE !! everyone drove his car and ran then the cop was trying to chase rover but the 16 years old guy came and crashed the police car and helped us since he crashed the cop i taked my sniper out and sniped the police cop and died then i liked that guy so we offered him if he wants to come with us to our base and in my mind that he can be one of us we drunk some bear and i offered him if he want to be one of us then he told me that he will think about it and call me and was a successful day and won a good friend.
    ScreenShots :


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