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Posts posted by Sanfara

  1. alt text
    Roleplay Number: #23
    Title: kidnapping and killing 2 agents
    Participants: @SpeeD1Tn @wolferx @Dragon @BerYouCha
    Story: today, me and my home dicided to kidnap 2 agents of immigration and custom enforcement. So we followed them to the desert we aim on them and we put them into our van and we moved to another place to kill them with no mercy.


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    Name: Mehdi

    Username: midoprock

    Ingame Name: Sanfara

    Age: 14

    Nationality: Tunisia

    Capability to talk english (1-10): 8.5

    2**. In-Game information**
    How long do you play on SAESRPG?:
    From 2016
    What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:
    NCI: dead
    ICE: if was inactive and i got bored
    SAFP: left To help a gang

    Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes i do

    How many hours a week do you play?:
    Well actually im studying so i dont play too much but in holidays i play 7hours In the day
    What are your strengths and weaknesses?: im good at RP,killing cops using combat shotgun and doing drive by and my strengths are lag

    3. Gang and random questions.

    What made you want to join BloodZ?:
    To Be honest the first Time when i hanged with bloodz i feel like i need To join this strong gang also members are Nice and respectful and i see that bloodz can deal with all kind of RP which is somthing i like it
    **Can you bring anything specific to our gang?:**es cz im a good ice cold killa and a loyal player and i will help bloodz and protect it from the enemies also im a hard working Player .

    4. Answer the following as good as you can:

    What is Roleplay? Role Play is acting like in real life such as using animations and using /me

    What is our Gang RP and Motto?:
    'Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast.'' is the bloodz motto
    Bloodz most RP is selling drugs and gangs they made their own drugs and guns and also bloodz can deal with all types of rps such as kidnapping,killing....

    Who is BloodZ's leader? Bloodz>makavali

    What do you do if you get deathmatched?: capturing the player using f12 then /report him

    What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: telling him To stop and if he dont i report him.

    Tell us something about yourself: my name is Mehdi im 19 years old i like playing video games. Also im a good membre and loyal too.

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