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Posts posted by PhantomS

  1. @Marko said in Clan Mix-up!:

    [s=]@Sanfara said in Clan Mix-up!:

    Actually reading this made my night, hope started to show up on this server, by posting this you managed to get 80 players tonight, I am very glad that my boy JE became a Gang Manager and also happy for the rest.
    Even tho those are small changes, We need to remember that the little details are the ones that matter the most to become better.[/s]

    You have a bright future, Sanfara... just cover up ur knees when they are red

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    Congratulations @JohnnyEnglish <3

    Actually reading this made my night, hope started to show up on this server, by posting this you managed to get 80 players tonight, I am very glad that my boy JE became a Gang Manager and also happy for the rest.
    Even tho those are small changes, We need to remember that the little details are the ones that matter the most to become better.

  2. Actually reading this made my night, hope started to show up on this server, by posting this you managed to get 80 players tonight, I am very glad that my boy JE became a Gang Manager and also happy for the rest.
    Even tho those are small changes, We need to remember that the little details are the ones that matter the most to become better.

  3. alt text
    Hello Readers,
    So I am quite new into Lua programming language and I have recently made a script which is an advanced Drugs Delivery script, I took the idea from GTA 4, doing the jobs for a drug addict called Little Jacob and put it live into MTA SA.

    Okey so we all know that the server is currently suffering from losing players and its already clear that the players count have dropped a lot lately, most of the SRs are empty and Bank Robberies only happen in a certain time, due to this, I suggest adding a script similar to the one I made for criminals so we can find things to do when there is actually nothing to do.

    First Scenario

    The current drug dealer delivery script is forgotten, and no one does those deliveries due to the low payment it got, the one I made is so simple, works almost the same as the Transporter Script, there is a ped spawned in 3 cities, Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas,
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    in front of the ped there is a circle, once you hit the circle a GUI panel shows up asking you if you want to take the job
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    once you click on accept a voodoo will spawn (it fits for the job) next to you, your skin will be changed to the current drug dealer skin in SAES and you are going to get loaded with a weapon just in case cops came, also you'd get 3 stars which are around 10 stars in SAES.
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    you are going to be asked to deliver the drugs in a place and once you hit the circle, a ped will be created and you just have to go and approach him so you can get paid.
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    Second Scenario

    After taking the job, the location will be shown on the radar, once you arrive you won't find no one and you are going to be asked to hide the drugs somewhere, in my case, I hided it under the dumpster.
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    After hiding, the job will be done, your car will get destroyed and you can restart the mission.
    The Script asks you to make 3 deliveries; 2 deals and one hidden package, once you are done with all of them, your car will be destroyed and you will gain more stars (around 30) in SAES and you will get paid 60k in total since both of the scenarios are mixed together in one job.
    Of course with the touch of the SAES developpers team, something good would be made.

    • Like 2
  4. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28724/donation-point-balance-sanfara/2?_=1660350707318

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Posted 13 May 2022, 00:22


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: N/A


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Burrito, Sabre, SGT, Comet.

    Location: HS base, HS base, LV warehouse prop, SF prop..

    Username: midoprock.

    Interior: mapped interior at my vinewood view LS prop.

    Also I'd like to request a wrap for the :burrito:

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    Username: midoprock
    Age: 16
    Country: Tunisia
    Languages spoken: English, Arabic and French

    From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8.5
    How long have you been playing on SAES: 5 years
    In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is a gang made by fellas who are having an experience with selling guns and dealing with buyers, One of the most powerful gangs in San Andreas if it is not the most powerful one, their base is in San Fierro, They do have a lot of roles played in SA for sever years such as killing, weapons traffcking around the city, also selling drugs and robbing.
    The gang started with a few group of fellas, professionels when it comes to deal with guns, now they are running big business in the whole city.
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving):
    ICE: left because I felt We were getting insulted too much and noticed that HQs themselves started to leave.
    SAFP: mess-understood happened which got me kicked, however after understanding the situation, they offered me another chance to join but I refused.
    Bloodz: helped them level 1 which was my intention since the beginning and they knew it.
    TRF: Literally one of the best squads I joined, sadly it died.
    Generation X: things were not enjoyable there so I left.
    Royal: Same as TRF, except that the VL started to act like a jerk and due to his lack of interest he closed for no reason.
    SWAT: Left after a punishment which was a move I really regret.
    SAFP: A lesbiano HQ acted dumb so I dumbed her... which got me kicked
    TST: Was a fun right, but Inactivity got us, closed.
    SWAT: Conflicts with HQ.
    M: was a good ride but we decided to shut it down.

    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I got banned once for multi-accounting.

    Name 3 Bankrob rules:
    You are not allowed to marker kill anyone, in case you have killed a player who was inside the blue marker, you are most likely going to get a punishment.
    The gang who started the bank robbery is able to kill you if you had beef with them or you are not defending well.
    Asking your friend to kill you once the Bank Robbery is done is forbidden.
    Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?:
    I should not kill defenders aka those who are protecting the bank robbery from a fail.
    I should not approach the cracking room because that would disturb the crackers and would make them lose their focus.
    I shouldn't let the police's enterence goes in an easy way.
    Name 3 Turf rules:
    Do not Spawn as a Medic to help your team.
    Do not spawn as a cop to arrest the other side / help your team.
    Do not spawn at your prop, hospital and base are the only places to spawn at.
    What is Roleplay?: Acting as if you are in real life, for example, waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth and eating breakfast.
    What is Deathmatching?: Killing someone with no reason, Damaging a car or a player, this rule is not allowed to do.
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Asks him why then telling him to stop doing it if he was joking, in case he continues, /report is the only solution.
    You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Keep cruising.

    Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Absolutely, I made connections and good friendships with corpse, gui, makaiser, probably every tunisian in the gang, bobo too.
    Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us):
    Hello there, My name is Mehdi, aged 16 years old as you can read above, I like to play online games and others with a good Story Line, I started playing MTA in 2016, and actually I started playing by mistake, my intention was downloading SA-MP if you ever heard about it, but I was a kid that time and didn't know the difference, I joined a Saudian server and kept playing there, moved to another server then to another then to another one, until I joined SAES, my english was bad that time, I didn't remember the rules, always spoke Tunisian in main chat and of course didn't know the difference between Main chat and Local Chat, it was what it was, I stopped playing in 2017, came back in the last couple of months of 2018, made few friends and continued playing until now.
    About my SAES playtime, I can't say much about my self but I am a nice guy in general, I am mature and a responsible fella even in real life.

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