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Everything posted by Czesney

  1. Name & nickname: Saif, SubMeOff Nationality: tunisian English proficiency (State your level, f.e: B1): C1.5 Punishment history (Detailed): 3 bans, countless adminjails & mutes Reason of your application to The Royals (Minimum two lines): Cute squad, UK better than US, damn all US corruptive squads, serve the majesty even though its just a code name, most proper thing there is overall. Summarize the role of The Royals with your own sentences (Minimum two lines): Basically the Royals reached a certain level of intelligence & being undercover that they could easily stop any potential terrorist attack or suppressing any outlaw event before any damage could be done, with their advanced means & methods which consist of too many domains. What unit would you like to join? Either Undercover or Intelligence Unit (State your reason of preference): Intelligence Unit cuz simply I'm too smart I don't even need to be undercover. Oath: I, Sub The Great, swear that this application has been written by myself and I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1. I (nick), promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty.
  2. Cops stop moaning like some whores, didn't you notice that police cars are relatively faster than the average vehicles? I remember myself getting caught easily even though I had a hotring racer with a v8 & awd, and there are some stupid new added rules such as you shouldn't hide in ur base while being chased, or changing the park arrest rule into 'ram arrest' and allowing that, it's not our fault just cuz the cops are too bad and no matter how much they try to make shit easier for them, the copside will forever remain uncool and cops will always keep crying, well how about you git good first.
  3. @Paulie said in SoA VS GJMC - Meme War: @Cornelius @Czesney This is all a meme war though.. We're all memeing each other here and especially as 3rd parties, you really shouldn't take this seriously. I aint takin it seriously fam, Im just turning the table against SoA
  4. Is it just me or SoA keep accusing GJMC of only using cars' memes while they themselves can't find anything else other than the DFT to make memes about, that's just rich... #SuckOnAss
  5. @Markus said in SoA VS GJMC - Meme War: Not a member of either clubs but I like memes you used my logo without my permission, i'm gonna copy strike you
  6. Name: SubMeOff Username: f7oula Age: I'll turn 19 in 2 weeks Languages Spoken: Arabic, English Preferred division(Coding/Mapping/Designing): Mapping Past experience with preferred division: I used to design but I've retired, I started mapping in 2016 but I've mastered it, I can label myself as one of the best when it comes to exterior mapping, but for the decoration I can't say the same, that's why they mostly hired me to map special group's bases because they're mainly big and it's not about decoration. Examples of your work(Open a spoiler): ::: https://imgur.com/a/mcbSByz https://imgur.com/a/xDVzOLs https://imgur.com/a/MgrmWdp (I have plenty more stuff but my internet is being a bitch and I can barely upload) :::
  7. @bazuka36 stfu kid
  8. This issue can be solved just by replacing the current GMs, and allowing a group similar to ddt and mz to exist, dont @ me or rape. (and ofc that group get to blacklist AA, TT, LE etc...)
  9. Address: Las Colinas 13 Account name: each Last seen: 9th of February 2020 Screenshots: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  10. Address: author_of_1_man_1_jar Account name: einars1999 Last seen: 11/01/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uDQGRUS
  11. Address: Rodeo, Los Santos Account name: each Last seen: He's banned... Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/PzeF8cS.jpg
  12. : SubMeOff : : Scimitar irl: : s / g / c: : 4 : : : ureslf: , : https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjpqWJSxn7bJZL8p_an3f8UhqikP1VFFJUSaRPUNvy50fuE7l23g&s
  13. @Franks Keep your pathetic slovenian comments outta this pls.
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