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Everything posted by I-Gun

  1. CC Activity number: #18 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: LV Race Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  2. CC Activity number: #17 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: MC top race Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  3. The Renegados, a streetwise gang known for their resourcefulness and efficiency, have recently taken on a significant job from "The Secret Circle," a mysterious and influential organization. The Secret Circle is planning a large event for their office workers and requires a substantial amount of liquor for the occasion. The Renegados have been tasked with sourcing and delivering the liquor directly to The Secret Circle's headquarters. The delivery is set to take place at night, under the cover of darkness to avoid drawing unwanted attention. The Renegados have carefully planned the route to The Secret Circle's skyscraper, considering various risks and contingencies. The operation involves multiple trucks loaded with crates of premium liquor, each truck driven by trusted members of the gang. Upon arrival at The Secret Circle's headquarters, the Renegados must navigate through tight security. They are met by a liaison who facilitates their entry into the underground loading dock. The unloading process is supervised closely, ensuring all crates are accounted for and intact. Despite meticulous planning, an unexpected mishap occurs when one of the crates is accidentally dropped and breaks open, causing a temporary crisis. However, the Renegados come prepared with extra supplies, swiftly resolving the issue and ensuring the delivery is completed successfully. After the delivery, the Renegados receive their payment, which includes a bonus for their quick thinking and professionalism. They return to their base, satisfied with the job well done and looking forward to the next challenge. This episode showcases the Renegados' ability to handle large-scale operations, their problem-solving skills, and their reliable reputation within the criminal underworld. @Curny @LeWoq @Zodiac @xRoyal @biaancac
  4. CC Activity number: #16 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Ilegal Street Race Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  5. CC Activity number: #15 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Destruction Derby Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  6. - Week #1 June - Turfs (We added old turfs activity format aswell) BRs & CRs Misc
  7. - Week #4 May - Turfs BRs & CRs Misc - Event #: 111 - Event Type: Break The Glasses 1v1 Race - Event Reward: $1.000.000 - Event Winner: Shikomaru
  8. CC Activity number: #14 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Ilegal Street Race Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  9. CC Activity number: #13 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Sultan Race to top of MC Price: $1.000.000 Screenshots:
  10. - Week #3 May - Turfs BRs Misc - Event #: 110 - Event Type: Dildo Fight - Event Reward: $1.000.000 - Event Winner: Avanger - Event #: 111 - Event Type: Carshow - Event Reward: $2.500.000 - Event Winner: novisory, XRoyal, Cooper
  11. CC Activity number: 12 Limpiando el banco! Participants: @I-Gun Duration: 30mins Screenshots:
  12. CC Activity number: 11 Participants: @I-Gun Duration: 1 Hour Screenshots:
  13. - 04/26/2024 ACTIVITIES - - Event #: 108 - Event Type: Arrest @Jeffmotel - Event Reward: $50.000.000 - Event Winner: N/A (Rewarded Freezy for arresting after event over)
  14. CC Activity number: 10 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Ilegal Street Race Price: 1.000.000 Screenshots:
  15. CC Activity number: 9 LWS,Admin: @I-Gun Event type: Sultan MC Race Price: 1.000.000 Screenshots:
  16. CC Activity number: 8 LV Ramoncito's Repair station Participants: @I-Gun @lazar_ Duration: 45 mins Screenshots:
  17. - 04/25/2024 ACTIVITIES - - Event #: 106 - Event Type: Survive to the hunter - Event Reward: $1.000.000 - Event Winner: Kwonj1ral - Event #: 107 - Event Type: All vs All (Hydra Fight) - Event Reward: $1.000.000 - Event Winner: Kwonj1ral
  18. CC Activity number: 7 Cleaning LVs Street Participants: @I-Gun @Niklaus Duration: 30mins Screenshots:
  19. CC Activity number: 6 SF Garage / Assisting racers Participants: @I-Gun @Stark Duration: 30mins Screenshots:
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