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Everything posted by JiirakDaniel

  1. username: 892345 last seen: 1st December 2018 screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/TS7vUZL.png
  2. activity number: #17 Type : Jail Breack ScreenShots: ::: :::
  3. activity number: #16 Type : Store Robbery ScreenShots: ::: :::
  4. event number: #2 Event Name: all vs all box LWS/G6: @Stay Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): @Prophet Screens: ::: :::
  5. Activity number: #12 Type: jail breack ScreenShots:
  6. Activity number: #4 Type: Store Robery ScreenShots: ::: ::: )
  7. Real name: Aymen Jomaa In-game nickname: AymenjO68 Account name: AymenjO68 Age: 17 years old Nationality: tunisia 2.In-game Information. How long have you been playing SAES?: around 1 year ago ! What groups are you in: TF Your current G/S/C: TF 3.Additional Questions. Why do you want to join us?: i like Motocross and it's a so good to join a Motocross group What can you bring to our group?: my RP skills| little bit of driving bikes ! Have you read all F1 Rules?: yes ! 4.Self skills Rate your english skills on a scale 1-10: 7-10 Rate your RolePlay skills on a scale 1-10: 6-10 Rate your stunting skills on a scale 1-10: 5-10
  8. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) :my nickname is AymenjO68 my account name is AymenjO68 too, im 17 years old,i have many strenght (driving cars,roleplayingand little bit of shooting) but i have weakness,( fps problems,driving bikes...) i'm loyal to my friends, i help others as i can, i like criminal and trucker job... What is our role:the forgotten is an organization based on some strange beliefs their priority is to make people understand it, to keep their work in the dark, the forgotten use their unique requirements to get new followers Why shall we accept you: actually i will never say i'm a pro player but i'm so intrested to join THE FORGOTTEN Reasons to apply: i'm so intrested to join THE FORGOTTEN beacaus i love work in dark What agency you would like to join if you get in:the ghosts
  9. Personal Information Name: Aymen Jomaa Username: AymenjO68 In game Name: AymenjO68 Age: 17 Nationality: Tunisia Capability to talk English (1-10): 7/10 2. In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: around 1 year ago ! What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: N/A Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes How many hours a week do you play?: in holidays i spend around 60-70 hour weekly in SAES but in school days i spend around 25-30 hour What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Im good at driving car/roleplaying and little bit of shooting | Im bad at driving bikes / sometimes FPS problems ! 3. Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: i found it special and im really interested to join it Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: i can bring your gang with my loyalty, driving|RP skills 4. Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay?: the roleplay is acting in saes with other players like the real life ! What is our Gang RP and Motto?: the Bloodz, located in the west coast of Los Santos, this gang work as a team and never leave a homie behind. BloodZ are known as a ruthless gang which participates in different criminal activities such as drug dealing, smuggling, arms dealing, turfing With the motto <<Hit 'em hard and hit' em fast>> Who is BloodZ's leader?: BloodZ>Makaveli What do you do if you get deathmatched?: try to get SS to who shooting me and report him ! What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: tell the admin Tell us something about yourself: my name is Aymen Jomaa Im 17 years old i like gaming and specially SAES Im loyal to my friends and helpful to other player as i can , i like criminal activities and trucking, i hate police job, i have 270+ hours playing in this server i respect all players and admins ^_^
  10. Nickname : AymenjO68 Ingame username :AymenjO68 Nationality & Age : 17 years old from tunisia Previous Punishments :adminjailed when i'm begginer Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : N/A Explain us our role in your own words :black syndicate is one of largest organized crime syndicates in SAES they do operations in Las Venturas, San Fierro and Los Santos from drugs and arms trafficking to simple illegal transportation, All members of BLACK SYNDICATE do their jobs by they most important rule "We give our offer only once",Success is the only thing they look for , BLACK SYNDICATE members is one family and They respect themselves and They are loyal to their gang Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : i would like to join BLACK SYNDICATE cuz it is one of largest organized crime and Success is the only thing the BLACK SYNDICATE members looking for their gang , i can benefit BS with my loyality, RP skills, driving skills and littlebit of shooting THANKS !!! ^_^
  11. nickname: AymenjO68 Ingame username:AymenjO68 Nationality & Age: tunisia 17 Previous Punishments: 2 adminjail reason DM when i'm begginer previous organizations you've been in and reason why you left them: none! Explain us our role in your own words:You are the true meaning of all kinds of crime Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us: i see the Mystery in BS thats why i like it and i want to improve myself in BS THANKS!!!
  12. nickname: AymenjO68 Ingame username:AymenjO68 Nationality & Age: tunisia 17 Previous Punishments: 2 adminjail reason DM when i'm begginer previous organizations you've been in and reason why you left them: none! Explain us our role in your own words:You are the true meaning of all kinds of crime Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us: i see the Mystery in BS thats why i like it and i want to improve myself in BS THANKS!!!
  14. Ingame Name: AymenjO68 Username:AymenjO68 Rate your English skills / 10/5 Rate Your RP skills / 10/7 Rate your riding Skills (motorcycles/quadbike) / 10/6 The reason you are joining our group: I LOVE BIKES Why we Have to accept you: I WILL JUST BE A NORMAL MEMBER BUT I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN YOU ACCEPT ME ! Have you read server rules and group rules: YESI DID !
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