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Everything posted by Spentou

  1. Happy birthday jew!!
  2. hi aymancool1
  3. Its like you gonna ruin the taste of an LWS.
  4. @Weiss Denied,Blyat.
  5. @Mohd say something
  6. @xxtimboBG Denied, verry weak application and avoid tagging HQs in your apply.
  7. Shut up lebanese,and good luck mens.
  8. @Meliodas Denied,Your application is full of mistakes fix it and reapply after 2weeks from now. And yeah its UE not EU :)
  9. @filex Don't ever post in this topic even a reply to what i said now.
  10. @ELCHAPO Denidito amigo don't Appyito to the next yearito okito?
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1gPL8YiytQ entouma 3osbat el asad?
  12. it was a guy called Fabian, in 2011 sometimes he changes his name to Hunter303 never met him again after the first day i joined
  13. @Bencxehun Weak application,Also UE isn't a 2nd choice GL with ThC. @Gelbert Accepted, Great effort shown from your side.
  14. the real meaning of cringe.
  15. @Expert y7ok feya :/
  16. @nicus he called you a jew
  17. @Hannibal DENIED,you've joined many squads/gangs in a short period which doesn't make you look cool at all, the fact you're immature with a bad attitude ingame can be noticed aswell.
  18. @Jay why don't you login with a random name just like couves?
  19. Ingame name: Khara kharkhouri khara Ingame username: mr.5ara Previous organizations and leaving causes: no Define Underground Empire: shit gang full of dmers What binds you with Underground Empire: nice black shamal and attractive lebanese leader What do you know about organized crime: classy rus bastards shooting everyone and asking for nudes
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