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Everything posted by tomaz96

  1. Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Picador Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: tomaz96 franklinclint thomasmarloy Where you want it placed: 10 Elpueblo street On a sidewalk Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Freeway 3x Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: tomaz96 franklinclint thomasmarloy Where you want it placed: 10 Elpueblo street Sidewalk
  2. Date and time: 18/01/21 Type of activity: Repairing Cars Cars repaired: 14 ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  3. Date and time: 17/01/21 Type of activity: Repairing Cars Cars repaired: 25 ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  4. I also buy savestrings if I like your vehicle... vehicle INFO: smallracer (base:bandito) sidebike2 (base: blista compact) ::: :::
  5. Date and time: 15/01/21 Type of activity: Repairing Cars Cars repaired: 29 ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  6. Date and time: 15/01/21 Type of activity: Repairing Cars Cars repaired: 23 ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  7. Participants: TMH*|Tomaz, HRMC|Franklin|Vice, HRMC|MrThomas|RC RP Scenario: I received a call about a crash near TMH HQ and was told to bring a Towtruck. When I arrived I helped Franklin bandage him up and take him to the hospital.After that I went straight to MrThomas to help him out with his car. I couldn't get his car started so I decided to tow it back to the shop where I could find parts and repair it easy. I found the problem and replaced the radiator hose. MrThomas was soon on the way back home. Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Only 1 of each vehicle listed below is available... vehicle INFO: -TRUCKMA2 (BASE: DFT-30) -FREE23 (BASE: FREEWAY) -FF23 (BASE: BUFFALO) ::: :::
  9. I love to create new vehicles since I love modding I decided to make a topic about it. Here I will post pictures of my creations. Picture contains a code. That code is vehicle id. if you are interested in buying any vehicle please send me pm or find me in game and have your vehicle id ready. I also buy savestrings if I like your vehicle... vehicle INFO: TMACH1T (base: SULTAN) -TSM3 (base: quadbike) -QMOTO2 (base: quadbike) ::: :::
  10. missed stake ;D
  11. Finally M3 i hope it looks better than e60:)
  12. This is an automated post TXN ID: 97E40599AS3785441 Donation: 20.00 GBP Requested rewards: -maverick ( location airport in LS no specific location surprise me)(felixizm,sannwiiner) -freeway(location next to freeways at Ten Green Bottles Bar in LS (felixizm,vex95,lamba,sannwiiner) -AND MONEY Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
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