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Posts posted by Anas_

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    Activity: Roleplay.


    Whetstone Police Department have been working on a case for a while now since Centrino moved their headquarters there, they think that there is some corruption in the workers, such as arms and drug smuggling and dealing, they finally got a warrant from a judge to search down the building, they have called S.W.A.T. and SAFP units, so they were all ready and started their drive from SWAT's headquarters in Las Venturas towards Centrino base, upon arriving they secured the area and went in, the place was clear from peoples, they searched around, there was nothing interesting, but then an armored vehicle of SWAT took down the gate of Centrino so they could search the other side of the building, and that's where they found all the stuff hidden, Captain Anas from SWAT found some bags of cocaine, and Captain Laminee from SAFP found weed and firearms in multiple crates.
    Then the Vice Commander, Element, found a bomb planted and activated, he called a Sergeant from SAFP, but he wasn't trained to defuse it, so Captain Anas showed up with his defusing kit, ordered to evacuate the place, and after few minutes of concentration and dealing with the bomb carefully, he was able to defuse it.

    The place was seized and locked down, and now they're after the corrupt workers and planning to take him down.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dsEvXon

    Special thanks to @DROT for the sexy pictures, and for @San-Andreas-Federal-Police for participating and helping in the roleplay.

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