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SAES Community Staff
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Posts posted by Anas_

  1. Your ingame username: CyberGhost.
    Your ingame alias: Anas.
    Your year of birth: 2003.
    Your gender: Male.

    Nationality: Tunisian.
    Country of residence: Tunisia.

    How long you have been playing SAES: I started playing SAES in 2012, which makes it 10 years now.
    Qualities you can offer: I possess several qualities that I believe, are going to help me acquire such challenging position. For instance, dependability; the ability to consistently follow-through is an important trait that admins seek. Plus, communication skill; I have been playing in this server for more than ten years and with no doubt, it helped me enlarge my knowledge on communicating with people effectively, it is important to show my competence in this area verbally and through written communication. Furthermore, honesty; a player that admits mistakes and learns from them is definitely an asset to the community and I have always been trying to keep that up. I would also like to talk about other minor qualities I may bring to the community. First and foremost, as I mentioned above I am experienced enough to figure out how everything works on the server. I am also looking forward to help the fellow Tunisian peeps and the other foreign newcomers as well. I am able to help them efficiently, and explain the rules to them in case they need it, or just guide them with server commands and features so that they can enjoy their gameplay. There are only a few details in the server that I may have missed so I already know how the whole system works, how most things work and I am always up to date with the rules and can advise players on how to earn money, how to have fun, what to do, how to join a gang or a squad, how the forum works, how they make this and that, how they keep themselves out of trouble, what to do when they face something they don't like, and all that stuff.
    Pursuing this, my availability and so on my activity, I am an active player in SAES, I log in daily and play a fair amount of hours, helpful, as I have mentioned earlier that I would love to help players however I can, friendly, one of character traits as well, I always try to have fun with everyone and be gentle with them. I am sociable also, I make conversations with people, talk to them, listen to them and come up with good ideas to help them if they're ever in trouble. I am a hard-working person, I like to earn things by working for them and deserving them. Finally, I have my ways when it involves people, I am an understanding person, I try to find out the reasons why they did what they did then I can judge and come up with a decision.
    Your weaknesses: During some situations, I might get worked up and become angry, especially if it involves righteousness.
    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do (AnasM#0001)

    Reason for application: The only reason that pushed me the most to submit an application is that I am adequate for this position and for the tasks that come under it. As I mentioned above, I have been playing on the community since 2012 so I managed to familiarize myself with every single corner of its gameplay. Plus, such opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to deal with newbies that are of the same ethnicity as me since I learned how to communicate with them properly over the years. In addition to that, I see the role as a way of developing my career and also improving it. I also believe that the qualities I listed above are well-suited to this position and I feel I will succeed in the role.

    Server Memberships: Arms Assassins, Cuban Cars, San Andreas interceptors & ZIP Planning & Constructions.

    Additional information: My name is Anas. I am Tunisian and live in Sousse. I will be turning 19 years old in one month. I currently am one year away from getting my bachelor degree in Economics and Management. I enjoy doing various things, such as playing video games, hanging out with friends, and sports. I always try to learn new things and improve in them, such as FL Studio (composing beats) or writing songs, working a little with Photoshop, After Effects. In addition, I also know a little bit about Arduino and robots coding. I work part-time in a shop where I repair/sell phones and accessories.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Couple adminjails due to minor rulebreaks plus non english mutes.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: None.

    • Like 1
  2. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29336/donation-point-balance-anas

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 13 October 2020.


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Turismo

    Location: SWAT Base.

    Vehicle 2: Super GT

    Location: Los Santos, near the car dealership.

    Vehicle 3: Police LV

    Location: LV X.


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Glendale.

    Location: AA base.

    Username: CyberGhost

    Vehicle 2: Picador

    Location: LV X

    Username: CyberGhost

    Vehicle 3: Shamal

    Location: SF Airport

    Username: CyberGhost

    Vehicle 4: Jester.

    Location: LV X.

    Vehicle 5: Stratum.

    Location: Daily_News_&_Analysis Headquarters, San Fierro, owned by me.

    Username: CyberGhost.

  3. Username: CyberGhost
    Age: 18
    Country: Tunisia.
    Languages spoken: Arabic, French, English, Spanish.

    From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8.5/10
    How long have you been playing on SAES: I've been playing since 2012.
    In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins was created back in 2011 and located in San Fierro, they're known for selling the best quality of guns in the whole San Andreas.
    Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving):
    MI-6: This was my first clan in the server, I've spent a good while in it. I don't really remember why I left.
    MG: Gang was closed.
    ALT: Inactive.
    Outfit: I do not really remember.
    AA: Left due to a problem that can be explained privately.
    B~B: Left to open my own company.
    SATA: Closed it then went inactive.
    FOX: Left for SWAT.
    SWAT: Spent 3 years in SWAT, then I decided to try crim side once again.

    Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None.

    Name 3 Bankrob rules:

    • Do not solo-BR.

    • Maximum of 2 bankrobberies per day.

    • Do not marker kill.

    Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Do not start a PBR, defend outside or kill defenders.
    Name 3 Turf rules:

    • Do not spawn in your property.

    • Do not spawn as a cop/medic to help your gang.

    • Do not use unclimable roofs.

    What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting like real life, same thoughts, same actions.
    What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is killing someone for no reason.
    Someone DMs you. What do you do?: If they're new, I'd try to talk to them myself and let them know that it's against the rules, if not, I would take screenshots and report them.
    You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Nothing, just keep driving as long they're not interested on taking me down.

    Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes.
    Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I am Anas, 18 years old, I live in Tunisia, Sousse, I study Economics and Management in High School, I've been playing in SAES for a long while, but I do enjoy playing other games as well, such as CS:GO or GTA V, etc.. I like to go out with friends and have fun as well.

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