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Everything posted by Pomie

  1. Happy Brithday Lincoln <3
  2. Good Luck !
  3. HBD :gift:
  4. Happy Brithday Filippo <3
  5. Happy Brithday @Harb <3
  6. Happy Brithday !
  7. Hbd Sparrow <3
  8. Happy Brithday @Magnus ! <3
  9. In-game Nick : Orten Nationality: Tunisia Age: 14 English proficiency: 7/10 Other Languages: English-Frensh And Arabic. -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I want to join OB because i want help players,getting many kills and like OB Role Current membership(s): -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well,my real name is Moemen I'm born and raised in Tunisia . I'm a really mature person, who shows both respect and honor in my work. I respect every person who have a higher rank than me ingame, and I'd do anything to serve them. I'm a well-skilled roleplayer, and at the same time a really loved person on the sever. I've got alot of compliments for my good roleplaying abilities, and at the same time for my clean and understandable langauge. I'm a person who writes alot, and I also like to. Also besides that, I'm a fast keyboard typer, which is good. I do not suffer from any mental diseases, which makes me unstable. I don't get easily mad, I have a long fuse, which is good in situations where you have to talk alot, and perhaps explain something complicated to a person with a low knownledge in English. I'm a male and I'm 14 years old. I'm a really mature person compared to my age. As said. Age doesn't define majority. It's all about the environment you grow up in, and the surrounding people you're being with. I'm a good social person, and I love to meet new people and make new friends.
  10. Good Luck!
  11. HBD Gal <3 <3 <3 !
  12. Starting Bid: 3.000.000 SS: https://imgur.com/a/wrOh8J4
  13. Starting bid: $1.5m ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/rN8N76o
  14. #Mistake!
  15. Address: Aparment Verona Account name: dingir Last seen: 1th September 2018 Screenshots: ``` https://imgur.com/a/IIPdUYd
  16. Construction #3: Las Ventures Images: https://imgur.com/a/vhq3zyu
  17. HBD <3
  18. Welcome Back!
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