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Everything posted by Rythm

  1. LS 8/8 ::: ::: TR 8/8 ::: :::
  2. Patrol Number: #5 Date: 9/12/2020 Duration: 45 Minutes CC Members: @Benny Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L47N8TV
  3. Patrol Number: #4 Date: 9/12/2020 Duration: 35 Minutes CC Members: @Leonard Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mHGSMid
  4. Patrol Number: #3 Date: 8/12/2020 Duration: 35 Minutes CC Members: @Versace Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jeEQDJo
  5. Patrol Number: #2 Date: 8/12/2020 Duration: 40 Minutes CC Members: @K2rhym @Nishki @SniperLyfe Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cTH9QoN
  6. Patrol Number: #1 Date: 4/12/2020 Duration: 40 Minutes CC Members: @Lightning Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vLwRisr
  7. ^[Hello there, in this topic I will be posting all my activities, aka Patrol with Cuban Cars members, Mechanical Duty and as well as Roleplay that will do, Solo or with another Mechanico.] ^[Thank you and have an amazing day.]
  8. Address: 8 Elpueblo Street Account name: malek45 Last seen: 3rd November. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. This is a manual post. TXN ID: 0CX43527PK2752458 Donation Amount: 30.00 GBP. Requested Awards: I would like to have a donator in-game spawn (crown), 6m in-game cash and the following vehicles. Sultan (Wrap weed2). Cheetah (Warp iqprada_1) Shamal at LS AP (wrap versace)
  10. Event type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6 Helper: @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Element Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9uVjavd
  11. Los Santos 8/8
  12. Tierra Robada 8/8
  13. ^[ ] Event Type: Arrest CHAOS members Prize: 500K per arrest LWS : @Blue Winner: A couple of squad members https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA7ugyxmY2U
  14. Event number: 685 Event type: First one pickpocket Rythm. Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @Hero ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/TTxXx5S
  15. Las Venturas 8/8
  16. Rythm


    In-game name: Rythm. Account name: grinnjoy. Current gang: Black Bullets. Current groups: San Andreas Studios , World Farming Supply , Global Express Trucking. How long have you been playing in SAES?: 2 Years. How active are you in SAES?: I play daily. Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: I would like to join Chaos Society because I like the role of the group and I'm looking forward to be a part of this group.
  17. Event number: 672 Event type: Combat Shotgun /Shotgun LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @Petrow t ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/u5X6hRP
  18. Event number: 671 Event type: Sniper LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @Petrow ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/2CoZ21k
  19. Event number: 670 Event type: Hide and seek Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @venusx ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/UOsIqVL
  20. ::: ::: LS 8/8 ::: ::: ::: :::
  21. Event number: 667 Event type: First one to bring Orange Buritto Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @django ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/OxtlC6S
  22. Event number: 662. Event type: NRG Race Prize(s): 1.000.000$. LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @Elegant ScreenShots: ::: :::
  23. Event number: 637. Event type: Knock me off the NRG Prize(s): 1.000.000$. LWS Helper(s): @Element Winner(s): @joaco / @Benny ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/J2fmIn7
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