Story: while we were sitting in base doing daily stuff,cleaning the guns , and reparing our cars we got a call from the HQ team that our agent X11, has been kidnapped by Clandestine mob, and our mission is to take him out safe from C base and to arrest everyone who we find there , for this operation, we sepreated to 3groups : the first group will be in the FBi rancher and it will be the first group who engage and damge the gate to open the way for the two other unit to engage in , we got our arms ready and we took our cars to head to our wanted location as we came close to the C base , we took the engage postion the FBI ranger took the leading and went directly toward the gate to open the way for the rest of the team , in a fraction of second all SAFP were in their postion and aiming toward C gang memebers head, shadro took the megaphone and said : do not resist , you are surrounded don't try to be hero or we will take you down ! where's klay? one of C gang members pointed to the garage and yelled : don't shoot ,he is right there ,we do surrender ! ,one of our agent carefully walked to the garage and opened the door there where he found klay , after getting klay safe , the C members has been taken to the HQ there where our detectives will progress the investigation with them Screenshots: ::: :::