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Everything posted by McJoni

  1. Roleplay Number: #196 Roleplay Title: Negotiating drug and arm prices Story: In order to keep business flowing properly and to maximize profits from time to time we have to negotiate new prices for the substances in which we supply, today ten members of Underground Empire sat around a table and discussed this very matter, our two main products in which are distributed are drugs and weapons - the prices of these two assets vary between different states and countries due to risk and general demand of the product. Cartel Da Sinaloa imports drugs from Cuba into Bone County airport which is then distributed throughout San Andreas for a 150% profit. The outcome of this negotiation was to narrow our market to 5 items: Cocaine | $17,000 / Kilo Methamphetamine | $25,000 / Kilo AK-47 | $700 / Rifle M4 | $950 / Rifle Colt 45 | $1,000 / Pistol Screens: ::: :::
  2. Roleplay Number: #195 Story: Cocaine part 3 with (cem). We've been ever expanding in business due to the recent gain in connections from political figures to figures whom can provide us with cocaine and methamphetamine within our profit margin, in order to keep this business in which we own flowing correctly small business negotiations need to happen every once in a while, normally we choose a secluded, noisy area in order to prevent any wires or bugs from recording the context of our meetings, we met at Palekaiko's strip club at 10pm and discussed our business with the leader of our Cuban cocaine head supplier over a few drinks, after discussing both parties profit margins and methods of importation of the cocaine and methamphetamine we both departed, the night was successful. Screens: ::: :::
  3. Roleplay Number: #194 Title :Shootout at Henry's restaurant Story: The evening started off well at Henry's - business was flowing nicely, 2 members of Cartel Da Sinaloa walked in with pistols hidden beneath their suits, they sat down and waited for the waiter to give them the signal, this waiter was no ordinary waiter, he was a connection within our criminal empire linking us to Enternia - they supply a large percentage of illegal substances and liquor to us. After a short conversation regarding business we chose to postpone the deal for a week. An Cartel Da Sinaloa member received a phone call, a muffled voice said "He's here" and followed with the mans description, the member passed this message onto his associate proceeding to lead out of the office and into the main restaurant area where he sat, made a short remark towards the man in which was about to be whacked' - one member pulled out his AK-47 and the other a Desert Eagle firing multiple shots at this man. We've been trying to track this man down for months now - he is the second largest supplier of cocaine within San Andreas, and he needed to taken out to reduce opposition in order for us to generate a larger profit, after the assassination the 2 members fled through the crowd of distraught waiters and customers into a 4 door Stafford and got away. Screens: ::: :::
  4. Roleplay Number: #193 Title: Loan sharking Story: Organizations loaning money to other has been around for centuries and has thrived due to the vast majority of people getting into financial trouble and depending on others however this is simply the legal side of it - Loan sharking has been around for a similar amount of time, normally this way of business is conducted in poorer neighborhoods as poor people are seen as untrustworthy to banks, these people come to us in order to take out large loans with even larger interest rates with worse effects if they choose not to pay on time. Our loans are normally conducted within Caligula's casino, that way high rollers who are down on their luck make the bad decision of taking a loan from us and also it being in the center of Las Venturas leaves struggling businesses to come to us, at 7 pm we met with the owner of a casino within Los Santos and many in Vice City, his gambling sinaloa had failed - he got in trouble with the wrong people. After a 6 hour flight from Vice City he stepped out of a private jet with two associates, we proceeded to journey to Los Santos to view one of his many casinos in order to settle the loan, we concluded with settling a loan of $35,000,000 with the interest rate of 5% within the year, this was the biggest loan we had ever given. Screens: ::: :::
  5. **Collecting Money** Roleplay Number: #192 Story: Our main source of income is loan sharking and gathering protection money, mainly we practice these businesses within poorer neighborhoods as they cannot get loans and protection for them selves as they are unreliable, and for protection - they simply live in areas with a high rate of crime which gives up the opportunity to make money. This morning a high ranking member of Cartel Da Sinaloa flew from Vice City in order to sort out an outstanding loan miss payment, a whiskey distillery owner took a a loan of $250,000 in order to restore the place and get his business running again, however things went from bad to worse - they ran out of business and now it has collapsed, he owes $250,000 with interest to us. A group of associates gathered and proceeded to enter the construction site. After 5 minutes of intimidating the man by vigorously beating him, he admitted that the loan could not be paid, at this point we'd had enough - we loaded any barrels of whiskey that there was excluding the one barrel in which was poured out and lit - in seven days the distillery owner will give us the money we're owed through insurance - everything worked out perfect. Screens: ::: :::
  6. Roleplay Number :188 Participants @Wassim Story :Since the recent occupation of Caligula's Palace Casino business has been going well as the house has always won, today this changed - a high ranking member of a rival organized crime family has been fraudulently leeching off our casino, at first we thought he was simply lucky however after closely viewing CCTV footage off a blackjack game it became apparent that he was using an illegal trick, our first decision was to eliminate him, then gain back what ever amount of money that he has stolen from us. We knew of his name, residence and his desire to steal from us, at 2 pm i got a call saying that he was spotted around the south east area in Las Venturas, i sent one of our associates to check the area out. After 10 minutes of searching the area for this man there was nothing, then suddenly once our associate was pulling up to a traffic light, he saw a glimpse of this man going into a nightclub, he followed. Our associate approached the target within the nightclub, he pulls out his Uzi and fires 20 shots at the man who was attempting to bring us down, hopefully this message will spread throughout San Andreas that were a force to not be reckoned with. Screens: ::: :::
  7. **Roleplay Number:**187 Participants: @Bobrov @Wassim @Razak **Story:**We are always expanding within the world of crime through our connections and our determination for power and wealth, consistently creating crime rackets in all areas of San Andreas - we have recently gotten into the cocaine business specifically the cocaine is produced on an island a few thousand miles south of Los Santos, this operation will hopefully produce 40 kilos of cocaine a week resulting in an income of $800,000 a week from this alone, to oversee the operation a trusted associate was sent to the island today, whilst he was there he conversated with men whom were managing the production and exportation of the product. As this was our first week of conducting this area of the crime world, a large package of cocaine was loaded into the trunk of a Washington and sold to one of our trusted middlemen within the drug industry in order for us to test the product, it was a success - the future of this operation looks bright for us, through low security against drug transportation and corrupt government officials this will make us powerful. Screens: ::: :::
  8. **Roleplay Number:**186 Participants:@Rock2 @Razak @Wisker1 Story:After spending the entirety of the day racketeering, we decided to meet with a guy at Jizzy's strip club at 3 pm in order to conduct a deal consisting of 2 kilograms of methamphetamine for $45,000, the methamphetamine was from a stash which was hidden by one of our previous contacts, that guy - the stash was hidden within the sands around Quebrados, as we were close contacts with this cartel we knew exactly where this stash was hidden. after this short deal we proceeded to discuss future business - we discussed a wide range of future criminal activities from the drug trade to prostitution and racketeering business to be specific, after a longer conversation both parties shook hands and left. Screens:: ::: :::
  9. Roleplay Number::185 Patticipants:@Hetler @flappy Story:Starts at Los Santos, with the Clandestin Mob team waiting a phone call from Cartel Da Sinaloa , after a while standing in the right side of the highway, Hetler called meto head to Los Santos CDS Base. then we start driving to there. After driving and crossing few highways, we meet with A gang soldiers in their base, then we start speaking about the contract and such We had a long discussion with the guys of that organization about the dealing, finally we moved our vehicles and stuffs to a safe area to avoid cops Then we meet with the rest of the members to make sure which ammount of weapons and drugs were going to be transfered to each others After accepting the requirements and the prices we decided to show out our things and same CDS to us, we had our stuffs in the trunk of the flatbed Dartel Da Sinaloa Drugs We take a look on those drugs and we start thinking that was a nice ammount for us and will help a lot our organization so we decided to accept the contract, The gang Soldiers loved our quality of weapons &Drugs and finally decided to get the contract success. Screens:: ::: :::
  10. Roleplay Number: #184 Participant: @cocko Story: Today is the day. We have dealed with Underground Empire. One of my fellows called me and said that they need drugs. Not a problem for us. We planned the meeting place and met at Cartel Da Sinaloa Base. We had to be sure that no one is following us. On the road, there were no cops and civilians so it was easy to meet at our Base. We have organized the deal. Ten kilograms of cocaine and ten million dollars, clear deal, clear money. We have met at CDS Mansion and I put the drugs to his car. I got the money, he got the coca. We finished the deal. Another deal for Black's, another win for Black's. ScreenShots: ::: :::
  11. as now,It's fine when the cops kill the criminals and the crims will be jailed for few secs likee one do /sur ,It fine with that script,i guess we don't need to change it.
  12. GoodLuck bruh
  13. 1. Personal Information ingame Name::McJoni|MZ Age: 19 Nationality: Algeria English proficiency: 7/10 Roleplay skills: 7/10 **Tell us about you'r self (Minium 50 words):**My real name is Jihad,im 19 years old,Im living in Algeria I joined saes community since 2011, I'm a friendly guy who likes to play in a teamwork. 2. Questionare Tell us in a paragraph explaining our role:Money laundering is usually used in the CDS system using several methods of washing in San Andreas. They are gambling and black salaries. Furthermore, we are known to provide jobs for the elderly, veterans, the poor and homeless, as well as cover some of their illegal jobs, such as drug sales, arms trafficking and theft. That's why CDS likes citizens too. **Why would you want to join us?:**I'd Like to join CDS because it's an Active gang and Loyal one,also i noticed good activity from your side,and already that I am impressed by the skills within CDS. Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies ?(Reason): TST:Left,Tired from Police side. OC:Due to some problems. MMC&RDMC:Dead. Previous punishments/bans and reason: None 3. Additional Information Do you know any CDS Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Not really. but i got one @Razak . **What is your strengths:**im good in rp which means communication and making things realistic, also good shooter and defenders for turfs,Driving,(cars,boats,planes),Teamworking. What is your weaknesses: weakness are temporary i cant mention things that cant be permanent because i can make something good out of this weakness Any something else to add?: None
  14. @Funstein said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @McJoni said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: This is the irl picture of @Spider Oh,so nice <3 <3 Thats real? xd Yea,dude,Why u shocked?
  15. This is the irl picture of @Spider Oh,so nice <3 <3
  16. @FireSnow said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Officer.Analogue Real Name: kaka02 Age: 16 Country: Algeria Languages: English,Arabic,Frensh Gender: Male Nationality: Algerian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?:im get banned cuz im dm one when im new player Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?: CripZ:im change IC From CripZ to ThC withour order Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?: I have been playing for 4 years. How long have you been playing on SAES?: I have been playing in SAES: RPG for 3 years. How many hours do you play in a day? I am active 9 or 10 hours a day. How many times do you visit the forums in a day?: I check the forum 9-10 times a day. Previous gangs/squads?: ICE,CripZ,ThC,xWolf,NSA,CDS,CDC,TST Are you in any groups?: TS Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:No Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Driving,Shooting,Role-Playing-Parashoting. Weaknesses: Lag,Swimming. Describe Deathmatch: DM mean is Killing Someone without Reasons. Describe RolePlay:RP mean Acting like Real Life. Describe TeamWork: In my opinion describing teamwork is pretty easy, work together with your team mates and watch their back and look after them. Add a picture of your stats by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]: ::: ::: Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?: I would take SS of person who avoided from getting arrest then,i will directly report the player to his top brasses if he is not part of any organizations i would report him to game admin so they will give his punishment about it. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?:Well,offering people without roleplay isn't good for me so i offer him roleplay for better conditions then if he accept to roleplay with me i can offer him bribe after roleplay done. Someone DMs you: i take the SS and report it. An admin asks you something: I will tell him the answer of his question. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you?: I will go next to he because I have to go to her side. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?: @McJoni Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who @McJoni Where is our private forums?: Territorial Support Group>The Strike Team Private Forums Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Leader: John ViceLeader:N.FUN Why do you want to join TST?: I want to join TST because I'm starting to like being a cop. And I want to join because one of the best squads is TST. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: I have been playing in SAES for 3 years, until this time I played as a full criminal. So I know very well the weaknesses of criminals. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): My Name is AbduAllah,I am 16 years old, I Live in Algeria. As a sport, I am interested in football .I like being a cop and I believe I will improve myself over time. Additional information: I always played criminal until this time, but I realized it was fun to be a cop. So I will develop myself as a cop. Dear Applicant. First thing:-I didnt told u to make application. -2nd Thing is that You're Blacklisted. ~[DENIED]~(red),Don't Re-apply again. Regards, Major of the Striker Team.
  17. @Sniper said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name:Officer.Seddik username:Seddik05210 Real Name:Seddik Age:17 Country:Algeria Languages:English,Arabic,French Gender:Male Nationality:Algerian. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why?/ Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?/ Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA?:Since 3 Years. How long have you been playing on SAES?:i have been playing on the server since 2 years ago or more i don't really remember, and i went inactive for like 4 months after i decided to back to the game i found that i forget my email and password, so this is a new account for me. How many hours do you play in a day?:4 Hours. How many times do you visit the forums in a day?:Three Times. Previous gangs/squads?:Yes, i was a major of TST and i got kicked ( Because i used TST spawn for a criminal groupe,but I learned a lot and I respect everything and I will not do anything against the law) Are you in any groups?:Nope. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:Nope. Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths:Parachuting,Teamworking,Shooting. Weaknesses:Planning. Describe Deathmatch: Describe RolePlay:roleplay is acting the role that you are in, as a police offier you should act like a mature one and like a one who can figure out the situations that going on and solve it..etc Describe TeamWork:Teamwork is groupe work,All unite to achieve the goal that the group wants. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?Well,i will take Screenshot and report him. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?I will sell him. Someone DMs you:Take SS and report to admins. An admin asks you something:I will reply. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you?I will reply,listen to him and follow these orders. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?Yes,Aspect. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who?John,Aspect. Where is our private forums?:http://saesrpg.uk/topic/70/tst-the-strike-team Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?:Leader is John and Vice leader is N.Fun Why do you want to join TST?:Well, i have spent like years in the Cop side i learned alot in that side, so as far as i want to do is improving more my skills in roleplays and general skills such as shooting,driving..etc Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?:Im loyal,Active,Helpful and freindly. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words):Well,Im Seddik I am 17y old almost 18 am living in north africa - Algerian i have passed my bac exam this year. Additional information:/ -There's some questions haven't been answeared yet. You have 24 Hours to edit it.
  18. -Participants in The RP:@Beckham -RP Scenario:It was a nice morning, I was at home watching television and reading my newspaper like every day, while I also decided to take my car to my famous mechanic Beckham in SA so he inspected my car before I went to the race that evening, when I got there I opened the door and I told him why he came here. In fact, he welcomed me very much. Then he took the car to the garage and started inspecting it. He did not take too much time because he was a highly experienced mechanic, and then he told me that he found the brakes not working well and that the car needed to be cleaned. .. he repaired everything in 30 minutes, thanked him for his efforts and then I would pay him money did not accept it and said It was a gift from him to me ... I took my car and left for home to take a break before going to the race. -Screens: ::: :::
  19. HBD Frr <3 <3 NchLh ytawal allah fi omrk l 100 sena nchalah
  20. McJoni

    Bye bye!

    Bye :'( :'(
  21. Happy Birthday mate <3
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