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Everything posted by McJoni

  1. **> Ingame name:**203|McJoni **> Username:**boubi > Country of Residence and Nationality: Algeria.Algerienne **> Spoken Languages:**English and Arabic And **> Age:**20 years old **> Date of the beginning of your SAES career:**2011 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: ~[~[CripZ:]~~Left ~[OC]~(purple,purple,purple,purple,purple,purple):Left FBI:Left ~[TST:]~(blue,blue,blue,blue,blue,blue)Left ~[O:]~(gray,gray,gray,gray,gray,gray,gray,gray)Left ~[FBI:]~(black,black,black,black,black,black)Left ~[CDS:]~(sienna,sienna,sienna,sienna,sienna)Dead MG when there is muchfightings going on between members. HS is also dead, and I left from BBMC d do not help us. > I know all the rules of the game an I ld I know English and I d ** I came out of CripZ Because it's Inactive, andeft from OC: Because i want to play Cop, I Left FBI: Because quarreled with its members, ICE: Because it's Inactive And i want to play a Criminal, CDS: Dead, O: Because With its members TST: Because it's Inactive. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 > words: Hi my name is Jihad I'm 20 Years old, I'm from Algeria, I like play Football And Swiming, And Video games (MTA). I would like to go to SRS to raise money and kill the police and know about myself by killing the police by going to all places. I would also like to go to BRS to raise money and help gangsters in robbing banks, killing police and helping weak gangsters in robbing banks. And I love to go to Turf to help the gangs and know myself to kill e steal places and kill gangs that are not with us ano not violate any law in the game and I wanted to join you in order to help you in tasks and anything else.
  2. Address: Busniss Building Being Renovated Account name: razak20 Last seen: 22nd September 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Address:27 Main/street Shop Account name:tedfrost Last seen:3rd september 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. TST ACTIVITY Date: 05.10.2019 Type Of Activity : Raid ScreenShots: ::: :::
  5. Event Format Event type : The Massacre Prize : 1.000.000 Winner(s) : @Kim Location : Bone County Screens : ::: :::
  6. TST ACTIVITY Date: 04/10/2019 Type Of Activity :Raid ScreenShots: ::: :::
  7. TST Activity Check ~[Date:]~03/10/2019 ~[Patrol:]~(red,cyan,cyan,cyan,blue,blue,red,red,cyan,lime,red,yellow,yellow,blue,blue,blue,blue) SS: ::: :::
  8. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: McJoni Real Name: jihad Age: 19 Country: Algeria Languages :I do speak English,Arabic,Frensh. Gender: male Nationality: Algerien. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? Yes I was banned from server because MultiAccount. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? OC:A friend needs help within the squad so i change my side to Police side. CripZ:Fight with the Leader. FBI:Due to some problems. ICE:Such of Noobs. RDMC/MMC/Vendetta:Died. TST:Also,Im coming back. Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? Since 2011. How long have you been playing on SAES? Since 2012... How many hours do you play in a day? 300Hours How many times do you visit the forums in a day? 6-7Time per day. Previous gangs/squads?: OC,FBI,RDMC,TST.The_Outfit.CripZ~,ICE. Are you in any groups?: DDMC,Age Of Judjments. Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: no Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Shooting,Arresting,Driving,Flying,Teamworking... Weaknesses: I got some problems with lagging ingame but ill fix it. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers:https://imgur.com/AhgP5Gs Describe Deathmatch: Killing someone without reason Describe RolePlay: Acting Like in real life. Describe TeamWork:Herlping your team whenever they want . Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? Well,simply i will took an ScreenShot and do the /report and send it to the Admin and the The Admins will do the rest. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? I will not accept,Because TST Aren't Offering bribes. Someone DMs you: Ill open the tab first thing and see their hours because some players are new on the server and they doesn't know the rule so ill show him all what he need ,next,If he did it another time ill report him. An admin asks you something: I will Answear him with all the information about his questions. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? Ill say "roger" and go to him so fast. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? @Rocker Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? Bidrift,NRG,N.FUN,Rocker. Where is our private forums?: saesrp.uk,Squads private forums area. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: Leader: John Vice Leader: [TST]Nfun[VL] PC Why do you want to join TST?: Because i was an member there and i like TST's team and i have much friends there +i have all the experiance about the police's and their roleplayes Also I found that TST great one. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?:They have a nice Team and Active and Loyal squad. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): Im Jihad from Algeria im 19 years old i like playing Online games with my friends Like PUBG,and CS:GO also im friendlyship one i like playing SAES:RPG ...etc Additional information:Thnx.
  9. The evening activity added! ::: :::
  10. DDT Yeah!!
  11. Starting Bid:35mills
  12. Roleplay (6) added! Title of the roleplay: Buisness For money Date: 24-08-2019 Participants: @The-Best1 @PaBLo @Axestos Roleplay story: explained below Screenshots: below in the spoiler ::: Today,No work,No money,just chilling with my team,we was thinking (me and axestos) to kidnnap someone and get some cash from him,so we walked at our base,into the same time a Nice Ferrari car stopped behind us, Our name already are The Silence of Death,we kill others while no one know,so this guy gets our phone and he call us and we told him that we'll meet at our base,so he comes and he offered us a job ofcourse with cash. We told him to explain us what is this Job ,and he told us that he got a brother are busted without a reason by a cop because he dislike him. He told us about the cop and we got shocked,we tell him that what we can do?he said i need you TO KILL HIM and get the cash that what you want.So we accept the job Ofcourse,when we was about to start we tooks 300K from him first to be more confianced. We go to our base,to take the weapons and our privat car to kiddnap the cop. We start driving our Boxvile we got the GPS as Pablo gives us the location of the cop,we located him on the GPS and we find him. When we find him,we find that his car was broken idk what happend,so we got to him,we didnt let him see us because he's cop he can call others to help him. After when we arrived to him we aimed the weapons directly on his head,he fear and he tried to call other cops,so we saw that he had a phone and we broke his phone and we gets him to our base . Finally,we arrived to our base with the cop and we puts him in a nice place that no one can see us,in Whesthone,no one lives there,just gangs,we call the man,named as Pablo that we takes the Policeman directly aimed the weapons on his head and the cop start saying shits (please no please...) we killed him directly. Finally,the man thanks us for the hard work,and he gives us our money,wish is 2million because he's so rish one,and we back to our home with a lot of money and drugs. :::
  13. Starting Bid50mills. On your eyes u see that it's a simple buisness,i asked with SAHA agent named as Crash and he said that when someone want to built it,he can remove the big built and do whatever he want Screens: ::: ![alt text] :::
  14. Activity added! Date: 22-8-19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Event (5) added! Type of event: LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Sira Helper(s): @Corn Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. @Freezy said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: @SilenceOfDeath best of luck @Jerome-Valeska said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good Luck :) @ElPadrino said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good luck old pals wich u the best in the upcoming future <3 <3 Thnx guys.
  17. Kalb
  18. @reket said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: welcome back, best of luck! Thanks bruh.
  19. TOTAL MEMBERS: 4 Members Screens:
  20. Oh,I Miss my days within S~D When it was Lvl 1 :'( :'(
  21. GoodLuck Brothers <3
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