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Everything posted by Sanya

  1. Name: Sanyok Username: lolipops636 Team Betting on: SWAT Ammount: 2M
  2. Ingame name: Sanyok Ingame username: lolipops636 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Organization Zero (There was little activity) Define Underground Empire: the underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1866, by 3 men John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis. Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. Some gang members are part of the society they known as businessmen. What binds you with Underground Empire: i have a lot of friends on this gang and i recognized that UE is a gang with mafia style and it's one of the oldest and most Mature gangs with powerful members and i have decided to be on this gang What do you know about organized crime: In addition to that segment of the population made up of individual criminals acting independently or in small groups, there exists a socalled underworld of criminal organizations engaged in offenses such as organized vice (drugs, prostitution, gambling), cargo theft, fraud, robbery, kidnapping.
  3. Activity 22.4.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 22.5.2019 #139 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 22.5.2019 #140 ::: ::: Activity 23.5.2019 ::: ::: Turfing 23.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 23.5.2019 #141 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 23.5.2019 #142 ::: :::
  4. Activity 16.5.2019 ::: ::: Activity 17.5.2019 ::: ::: Activity 18.5.2019 ::: ::: Activity 19.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 16.5.2019 #137 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 19.5.2019 #138 ::: :::
  5. Activity 10.5.2019 ::: ::: Activity 12.5.2019 ::: ::: Activity 14.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 9.5.2019 #135 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 12.5.2019 #136 ::: :::
  6. Activity 7.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 7.5.2019 #134 ::: :::
  7. Activity 5.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 5.5.2019 #132 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 5.5.2019 #133 ::: :::
  8. Title: State of art NRG-500 engine Participants: Sanya,Spray,Energizer Word around Los Santos, Organization Zero has gotten a new, state of art NRG-500 engine, after the research and development program that's still ongoing as we speak. It did not take too long for the news to spread out all around San Andreas and, Energizer, a member of the outfit, travelled all the way from Tierra Robada to Flint County to see the most recent outcome of the project with is eyes and most likely buy it for his personal usage, at his own NRG. After the usual negotiations regarding the price, both Sanya and Energizer came into an agreement, in which it was stated that Energizer shall not let anyone else examine the modifications and the extra parts that the engine contains. After all requirements for the transaction to happen were met, payment was done and Energizer started driving his long way back to Tierra Robada, while Sanya and Spray were waving goodbye to him. Screenshots (https://imgur.com/a/csAqWcB )
  9. ^[] ^[Event type: Hide and Seek #105] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @A7md ] ^[Event winner: @SideSwipe ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/12y2FFO ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Free for All Boxing #106] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Star ] ^[Event winner: @Marsello ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/EuM1ZBs ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Last Man Standing #107] ^[Prize: 2.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Star ] ^[Event winner: @Lincoln ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/UcxrH79 ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Find the right door #108] ^[Prize: 2.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Star ] ^[Event winner: @KFC ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/TjNalpY ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Hide and Seek #109] ^[Prize: 2.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Star ] ^[Event winner: @CicerO ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/t6KCQrY ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Chicken Shooter #110] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Gengar ] ^[Event winner: @Marsello ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/aWFfT5I ] ^[=============================================================] ^[Event type: Reach the Roses #111] ^[Prize: 10.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6: @Nemesis ] ^[Event winner: @Goldmine ] ^[Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/8joIz5b ]
  10. Late Night Activity 4.5.2019 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 4.5.2019 #130 ::: ::: Bank Robbery 4.5.2019 #131 ::: ::: Motherland Turfing 4.5.2019 ::: :::
  11. There is one car + Car Spawn Starting bid: 400k Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Oq78OLK
  12. Address: Drugs Storage Account name: trayasdick Last seen: 24th Januray 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kpCKFB8
  13. Username: lolipops636 Real Name: Alexander In-game Nick : Sanya Nationality: Russian Country of residence: Russia Age: 17 English proficiency: 7/10 Other Languages: None -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I'd like to join because I spend some considerable ammount of my in-game time at jailbreaking but I also like OB's Role in General. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: People have told me that as a player I provide those that play along my side with positivity.I wouldn't like to elaborate on matters like skill and maturity, I prefer proving them with my actions in-game. How long you been playing in SAES?: Since 2012 urrent group membership(s): Organization Zero -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: My name is Alexander,but my friends call me Sanya. I'm 17 years old and I live in Moscow, the capital of Russia. I love drinking vodka and beer and playing MTA in my free-time.Currently I believe that I'm enjoying SAES at the maximum, since I found a gang that has turned more into like a family for me. I'm having too much fun playing the game in general and I'd like to step forward and gather more experience in the server by joining some groups.Fugitive recommended me to apply for Outbreak because he thinks my skillset is enough to fullfill the requirements that Outbreak has,so, here I am hoping that we will fight alongside in the future for everyone's Freedom.
  14. Address: 5 89th Street Account name: aksenov1234 Last seen: 22 December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lqzZEFP
  15. Address: Fort Carson Porn Shop Account name: cipcii Last seen: 17 january 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YuNonWd
  16. Address: 6 Brown Street Account name: wtfmen Last seen: 4 january 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XDQHZJV
  17. Address: 27 Seamen Road Account name: killer89 Last seen: 6 january 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/V3B7Bcc
  18. Starting Bid: $600.000 ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/HJSu43Y
  19. Address: Indoor Palms, Plants And Flower Shop Account name: achik123 Last seen: 26 December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8yXhfQT
  20. The initial amount 3.000.000 Until the end of the aucktion 5 days https://imgur.com/a/GnLXbRf
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