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Everything posted by iani

  1. Type: Training Date: 11.12.2018 Players: @Guard @Darkl1ght Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/5FKqtsr
  2. @Angle @Patevis ~[DENIED]~(red): U stop hang with us and we don't accept rulebreakers.Try ro re-apply again after 2 weeks
  3. First Part Nickname: iani Account Name: iani582094 Gender: male Age: 14 Nationality: Bulgarian Primary Language: Bulgarian Secondry Language(s): English For how long have you been playing SAES? : 2 years How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 600 Which G/S/C have you been in? : ICE Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? : i left because its so boring there and i have nothing to do. Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : I was banned for multi account Second Part (this part was specially made to show us how far can you go and help the gang so think well before answering the situation, it may need some time but it's easy if you are what we are looking for dont include this note in your application) 1- It was the right time to start a bank robbery with the gang, the defense was regrouped and everyone was ready, the first door was cracked succesfuly but while cracking the second one a cop got in and arrested both official crackers of the gang how would you act to save the bank robbery and the panic inside the gang?: I will keep defend and when the crackers come back we will finish the robbery. 2- You made a mistake inside the gang and everyone was putting the pressure on you, although you were so annoyed how would you act in a proper way concidering that you will be able to fix things in future?: I will do my best to forgive me. 3- You were directly provoked by someone from outside the gang, the offense was too high that you got really annoyed, what would you do to solve that? i will report him if he DM or insulting me. 4- The gang came to an end after a long ride and the leader decided to close it because of the lake of activity he was facing how would you act to convince him from a part and how you will solve the activity problems from another part : I will plan entertaining activity. Third Part What is your motivation to join BBMC? : Im motivated to join BBMC because its full with good,loyal and active players and i have good friends in the gang. What can you bring to the gang? :I will bring positivity,will be good and active player and will help the gang with anything. Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : No one
  4. @martinJames ~[DENIED]~(red): Your application is bad and you didn't hang with us enought. If u are still interessed try to apply after 1 week
  5. #1 Personal Information. Name: Ilian Ingame Name: iani Age: 14 Nationality: Bulgarian Capability to talk english (1-10): 8-10 #2 In-Game information. How long do you play on SAESRPG?: 2 years What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:I have joined ICE but left because its so boring there and the cop life isn't for me. Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: No How many hours a week do you play?: Maybe 20 hours i don't know What are your strengths and weaknesses?: My strenght is the teamworking,driving and shooting and my weakness is the flying. #3 Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: Because its level 0 and i will try to help the gang. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: i will bring positivity,money and respect Answer the following as good as you can: #: What is Roleplay? Roleplay is playing like a real life. #: What is our Gang RP and Motto?: Bloodz RP role is they working with drug dealing and they are located in west coast.They never leave a brother behind. The gang motto is: Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast #: Who is BloodZ's leader? Makaveli #: What do you do if you get deathmatched?: i will do screenshot witf F12 and will report the guys who dmed me. #: What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: i will make SS and report him. Tell us something about yourself: My name is Ilian Georgiev. im 14 years old and im from Bulgaria.I love playing MTA at my free time and hang out with my friends.
  6. **Post activities,events, and roleplays here. EVENT FORMAT Type: Date: LWS/G6: Prize: Winner: Screenshots: ACTIVITY FORMAT Date: Members: Type of Activity: Screenshots: ROLEPLAY FORMAT Date: Main characters: Members: Story: Screenshots:
  7. GANG INFORMATION: Gang level: 0 Organization name: Russian-Cartels Founder: iani Gang color code: #281c1c Leader: iani Motto: Don't worry, don't cry. Drink vodka and fly! Gang Properties: 5 Base Location: Los Santos Enemy gangs: N/A Members in gang: 3 Gang Value: 4.000.000$ Gang creation date: 7.12.2018 Other links: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4452/russian-cartels-media-archive ROSTER: Chief [D] (lvl 5) : Deputy [D] (lvl 4): HeadQuarter [HQ] (lvl 3): Respected - [R] (lvl 2): Psycho [PS] (lvl 1): Member [M] (lvl 0): MEMBER LIST Chief [C] (lvl 5) : iani Deputy [D] (lvl 4): robotiks HeadQuarter [HQ] (lvl 3): N/A Respected - [R] (lvl 2): N/A Psycho [PS] (lvl 1): N/A Member [M] : N/A BACKSTORY: 2015 Once upon a time, a man named Jonathan. Along with his group of friends, Nicholas, Joe and Andrew were a robber like a bit. They stole Phones, Portmone and store stuff. Now when they are already big, they rob stores, houses and what In the group, Jonathan wrote the plans and the others made them. One day they set up a bank robbery plan in San Fiero, everything went well. After the robbery of the bank they went to live in Los Santos. There no one knew them as a nasty robber and you lived peacefully. 2016 In Los Santos everyone worked like normal people, Jonathan was a cook, Nicholas was a businessman, Joe and Andrew were the mayor's guard. But a SWAT team from San Fiero arrived a month later. They were all arrested besides Joe. They lingered long time in a bang with escape plans but always failed. 2017 That's when the moment came. Joe gathered all the people from the TugaTugs and devised a release plan. A quiet day in jail, two policemen guarded the front. While you spoke at one point in the head of one of them fired the bullet from Fabman's sniper. and all the prisoners were released. As they went out they saw that some of their men were gone. They came in and saw Andrew with a bullet stuck in his throat. Since then, in honor of their fallen comrade Andrew, they have made a clan with the name Russian Cartels and did not get scared of anything. They were ready to make up t the end of the police. APPLICATION FORMAT: Real name: Ingame nickname: Username: Age: Country: Launguage: Nationality: Gender: How long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: How long have you been playing MTA?: Why you want to join RC?: Why we should accept you?: What you will bring into the gang when you join?: Explain what is Deatmatch: Explain what is RolePlay: Explain what is avoid arrest and is it allowed: Explain what is gate avoid and is it allowed: Rate your driving skills (?/10): Rate your flying skills (?/10): Rate your shooting skills (?/10): Rate your English skills (?/10): Rate your teamworking skills (?/10): RECRUITMENT STATUS: OPEN ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime): you've showen us that you put a lot of effor in your application.You should to contact whith any HQ ingame for test ~[PENDING]~(orange): You could do better we give you 1 week to hang with us and show us more effor that you wanna join. If the 1 week passed away the HQ team will decide what we should do with you (be patience). ~[DENIED]~(red): Bad application you should put more effort in making a application not any of our members saw you hanging around with us you can apply again with the date we give you in your apply.
  8. Dear @Angle and @Patevis Your applications are good but you didn't show all of your skills.We decide to give you ~[Pending]~(orange) status. Hang around with SANC members and we will decide to accept or deny you.
  9. -Name and Account Name: Name: Ilian Georgiev ; Account name: iani -Age:14 -Where are you from?: Bulgaria -Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: 2 years -What are your biggest strength/weaknesses. my strength is driving and weakness is flying. -Why do you want to join us: i think i can show my skills in the group and want to have fun with other players. -What is your RP name?: George Johnson
  10. deleted
  11. Type: Event Event type: Chicken Nader Prize: 1.000.000 LWS: @Yoko_Kurama Winner: @MrSolrac Screenshots:https://imgur.com/gallery/k7KwiD2
  12. Type: Training Players. @Makabra @Rainy @Radio @XxNetroxX @polenta Date: 27.11.2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/Zhst9lZ
  13. Post trainings,events,rp and activities here EVENT: Event type: Date: Prize: LWS: Winner: Screenshots: ACTIVITY: Date: Players: Sreenshots: TRAININGS: Players: Date: Screenshots: ROLEPLAYS: Date: Players: Role: Screenshots:
  14. Post trainings,events,rp and activities here DELETED
  15. Group information: Group Name: San Andreas National Costguards Group Tag: SANC|name|rank Color code: #e5a200 Group creation date: 26.11.2018 Other links Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4360/sa-national-costguards-media-archive Discord server: https://discord.gg/BW7HcVV Backstory: April 12, 1980. Two brothers at age 12 went fishing with their father. They constantly watched coastguard boats and their dream was to be such. 29 August 1982, their father was killed while they were fishing. They said they would get revenge for it very soon, and that the killer would pay dearly. 25 February. The two brothers were already what they wanted to be like small. They were looking for the killer but there was no sign. One day a very interesting thing was given on television. It was again a victim in the same river where their father was murdered and told the killer's location. They boarded the boat and went to the place to find him and avenge the death of his father. A loud bullet was heard at one time.One of the brothers was shot in the head and died in the place. Avoided by the death of his brother, the other boy walked after the murderer. They hit a heavy hand fight. They were to death. Lastly, the other boy died, in honor of all their friends. colleagues formed a team named SANC. They were much stronger and fought to the end. But unfortunately they had no trace of the killer and could not find him. Ranks: Recruit->Cadet->Dispatcher->Sergeant->Lieutenant->Headquarter->Captain->Commander Member list: Commander: iani Captain: RadiO Lieutenant:Netro Sergeant: N/A Dispatcher: N/A Cadet: Rainy,Crankyyy Recruit: Polenta,Timbo,Luna,Guard Recruitment status: open : you've showen us that you put a lot of effor in your application.You should to contact whith any HQ ingame for test : You could do better we give you 1 week to hang with us and show us more effor that you wanna join. If the 1 week passed away the HQ team will decide what we should do with you (be patience). : Bad application you should put more effort in making a application not any of our members saw you hanging around with us you can apply again with the date we give you in your apply. Application format: First Part: Name: Ingame name: Country: Nationality Gender: Age: Second part: How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: How long have you been playing MTA?: Have you been banned before? say why: Why u want to join SANC?: Why we should accept you?: Explain what is Roleplay. Explain what is Deatmatch: Third part: Rate your sailing skills (0/10): Rate your shooting skills (0/10): Rate your flying skills (0/10): Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10): Rate your english skills (0/10):
  16. Section 1 - Personal Information Name: Ilian Account name: iani Age: 14 Country: Bulgaria Nationality: Bulgarian Gender: male Languages: Bulgarian and English Section 2 - In-game Information How long have you been playing MTA:SA?: 2 years How long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours): 2 years Current group(s): Im not in any group. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies? Im never joined any g/s/c If you left, or were kicked, please state the reason: Im never joined in any g/s/c Why do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?: I want to have fun and quality time with nice and good guys. If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: positivity,activity and loyality What will you bring to S.A. Elite SEALs?: I can show my best skills and loyality Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: i get banned 1 time for multi-account. Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules! **Explain rule 2.0:**Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest them. Explain rule 7.0: Listen carefully to members in the squad,listen to higher ranks,do not disrespect anyone. Explain rule 16.0/16.1: Always try to go on patrol with seal members and this does not apply if all seal members are offline. Section 3 - Ratings Rate your english skills (1-10): 8/10 Rate your role-play skills (1-10): 6,5/10 Rate your teamworking skills (1-10): 9/10 Rate your driving skills (1-10): 9/10 Rate your flying skills (1-10): 8/10 Rate your sailing skills (1-10): 6/10 Rate your shooting skills (1-10): 9/1- Rate your arresting skills (1-10): 9/10 Strengths: Im chasing the people until i arrest him. **Weaknesses: my weakness is the sailing and swimming
  17. Application format: Section 1 - Personal Information Name: Ilian Account name: iani Age: 14 Country:Bulgaria Nationality:Bulgarian Gender:male Languages:English/Bulgarian Section 2 - In-game Information How long have you been playing MTA:SA?: 2 years How long have you been playing SAES:RPG? (Year & Hours): 2 years Current group(s):none Previous squads/gangs/companies? I didn't join in any g/s/c If you left, or were kicked, please post reasons why: Never joined any g/s/c Why do you want to join S.A. Elite SEALs?:I want to have fun and quality time with nice and good guys. If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: positivity,loyality and activity What will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?:i dont consider myself for the best player, but i know i can show my positivity, and have fun times together, like a nice Squad(just like SEALs Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: Yes, 9 months ago i was banned for multi-account. -Explain the S.A. Elite SEALs rules, NOT the SAES:RPG server rules! Explain rule 2.0:Don't arrest someone for nothing give them warning and be good with them, give them warning first before you arrest them if they don't follow your warning you can arrest them Explain rule 7.0:Don't do nothing on your own show everyone respect and be part of it because without respect no squad will be good Explain rule 16.0/16.1:Always try to be teamwork guy, because teamwork makes squads powerful, and makes them better and stronger 16.1 if there is no one online that doesnt mean you should not follow your duty Section 3 - Ratings Rate your english skills (1-10):8/10 Rate your role-play skills (1-10):7/10 Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):9/10 Rate your driving skills (1-10):9/10 Rate your flying skills (1-10):8/10 Rate your sailing skills (1-10):6/10 Rate your shooting skills (1-10):9/10 Rate your arresting skills (1-10):9/10 Strengths: I do not give up and chase until I arrest. Weaknesses: sailing
  18. Section 1 - Personal Information Name: Ilian Account name: iani Age: 14 Country: Bulgaria Can you speak English to an understandable level?: Yes Section 2 - In-game Information How long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: Im playing in saes from 2 years. Previous gangs/squads/companies?: Im never join any g/s/c Have you ever been banned/kicked/adminjailed?: 1 time i was get banned from SAES for multi-accounting. Are you in any groups?: No If you join, what do you expect of S.A. Elite SEALs?: When i join i will help to other players and will help to be level 2. What will you bring to the S.A. Elite SEALs?: Money to level up. Ratings Rate your english skills (1-10):8/10 Rate your role-play skills (1-10):7,5/10 Rate your teamworking skills (1-10):9/10 Rate your driving skills (1-10):7/10 Rate your flying skills (1-10):8/10 Rate your sailing skills (1-10):6/10 Rate your shooting skills (1-10):7/10 Rate your arresting skills (1-10): 8/10
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